The Archangel Michael

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Russian Spies

Cara is the subject of Russian attention. All Russian Spies causing safety problems in Europe should be deported or executed during bloody conflict with Russia. Use Military personel.

Russian Internet software in Europe & the US is suicide.

Analogical Biblically based Political rebasement

Images from God shock because he is hidden, the Buble is indispensable however analogic. Example:

Angela Rayner flashed Boris Johnson to distract

Media denial 

Boris was looking at Pornography & is charged

Comedic insert

Angela was keeping the Flies from her Sandwiches.

Jesus the Word

The Word by which life came (Aquatic) on Blue Bell Hill is the same among Men as with the Spirits in their Basic Life, that had it's DNA altered to Engineer what we see Today. The Word is the Representative of the Democracy that delivers the final say when the other Archangels have brought their regional opinion.

Pre DNA Life

As the Clouds of Heaven where God attempts to portray Life beneath for our understanding, Smoke is moved to make relevant forms. The construction of the first DNA was a subtle shift of tiny particles by the same Electromagnetic manipulation.

Tree Formations 

The twist of Trees forming images results by assaulting the structure by Electromagnetic Telekinesis.

St.Veronika's Grave

The Turtle Top of Pyramid is between Clouds & the array of the Communities beneath, mass at it's base. Turtles are representatives (Dream Dictionary). God above & Spirits beneath represented.
Resurrection: Winged Christ removes the Tear, Messenger of the Community retrieves her Soul from omnipresence to Descendents Womb. Veronika died near Her Grave.

The Spirit is angry with visitors who are responsible for her former life & death. Sexual antagonism takes place here by those reviving danger.

Friday, April 29, 2022

Lunatic War

The Nuclear destruction of St.Petersburg would prove that it is not time for Lunar Topography based Nuclear War, believed to send Earth into decline. Locate & Auto respond Medium range Missiles. Locate Short Range St.Petersburg only for Mariupol category Nuclear Annihilation of Civilian areas.

Other severe damage to Russian Towns would also be unlike Lunar Topography, which annihilates the US.

The immediate annihilation of St.Petersburg can only work following an ICBM launch West, to halt further end of Earth policy.

Thursday, April 28, 2022


God says my Security is Poxy. Withdraw Artillery.


Russian Agents at Home Bargains Rochester Airport & having visited Taddington Cemetery.


Find & destroy Coilus. Lead: Jim Broadbent.


God says my Son is taking charge of Border defences.
  • Sink the Russian Black Sea Fleet without using Vessels from Countries in the direction of the UK or US Vessels, unless Submarines.
  • Evacuate Civilians in Ukrainian Towns 150 Miles from the Moldovan border
  • Saturate S & SE Moldova with anti Cruise systems
  • Drones: Do not engage with Troops in Ukraine, multiply intelligent Drones. 
  • Sell Romania a handful of ICBM & do not ally to NATO
Russian invasion of Europe: Cut off all trade agreements Today.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Saint Veronika

Veronika was Cara's other Hemisphere, a near to John the Baptist, She was a donating Disiple of Jesus that died both Hemispheres during & following Jesus Death.
Veronika: Miraculous image of Mary, Monte Cristo above her Head Stone has a story in close-up images.
Headstone: Heads were removed & replaced with Shaped Fossilised Dinosaur Vertebrae.


Gabriel sent Veronika & John then withdrew, causing loving support to collapse. Jesus & Arthur, his remaining Hemisphere, were consumed by Coilus in a trick that cut off their kindred with him, as seen in Cara's Throng miraculous image.


Can be seen making a barrier for PJ Harvey & Cara who protest shoving by ER on the Putin Image.

Gabriel competition

Gabriel Class backed by Russia are Antichrist for influence & or under pressure.

UK Labour Party: Red Dawn

Serious expressions of critical support for Putin's Holocaust means some need to leave God says. Abolishing the Socialist Labour Party is on the Cards because of political support for Russia in conflict with UK forces.

Michael & Gabriel family members complain of Russian control without recourse via Labour Whips.

Russia haa announced willingness to invade the UK for Weapons supplies to Ukraine. Cries that NATO is partaking in WWIII are exadurated, the UK is ruling Ukrainian conflict.


Everybody in the Labour Party is a Russian Agent from a safer time & have so far evaded Spying charges for conflict with the UK Government during War.

God says

Damn Labour Whips to assess Characters in the Party.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Putin Pervert

Because Putin was a lecherous Man, Kiril was summoned to complement.

Orthodontist Crown

Cara throng

In the Putin image is an Orthodontist Royal. Close them down, Global threat.

Round Table

The position of the local Orthodontist is suspended & an emergency US Agent included for specifics in their place.

Monday, April 25, 2022


God says buy manufacturing rights.


God said stop deleting his Word in online comments, now he says die by Christmas Command & connector.

Communications failure is followed by fake news reports.

Destruction of the US

The Lunar images show Michael side of the Sun killing Christ Brain dead in an Arthur Clone in a showdown. Near family are & were responsible for the agreement.

Cara's Grave

The Grave here contains the dead Left Ancient Hemisphere of Archangel Gabriel & the right of the descendant. Evidence gives us details, torture to comply with Jesus death then her own death. It is obvious similar media from the surviving Hemisphere is not of the Messenger. Find source.

Monte Cristo

God says remove the Russian authority from the Hill area. He says the US are capable. He said the images on the Club are for prosecution & Brain stabbing threatened the whole Earth.


Romania is given to Russia, a future conquest following a Vote that did not involve all of the EU Representatives. 

A vote decided that all things considered Russia's Topols together with their Military & complaints about Iraq, Afghanistan & Iran expense, entitled them to a part invasion of Europe.


We can destabilise for a review by damaging Russian Hardware. Achieving it without mutual loss is a Drone Tech race with minimum force suited to the light carriage.

Ethiopia Egypt

The World has been dominated by former Ethiopians in a White "Pot". Mummified remains have Ethiopian appearances.


The first Crackpot was Adam it was told, however there were experiments in Brain Surgery making him the umpteenth. Adam was Chief when someone grew an Apple Tree from a cutting, that led to weak Crops needing care to live & an alteration of digestive systems, refusing natural food.

Moral: Adam wasn't very good & neither are Biblical accounts. 

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Gabriel Family Cell & Putin's Blood Right Eye.

Are Left facing Russian Eagle Gabriel Spirits. The Club is a great exposure of my problems. In the image most turn back against their clan for problems, one bites the group push into. Jacqueline Scott of Croydon former Timpsons has been identified as the Dog above Left Eyebrow, Snoopy. Eyes above look another place, the Ancient right hemisphere has a Family cell of Gabriel large. Cara's Mother is a Two faced image indicating double agency near the Packer's Head. The image looks like a lot of the senior messengers that have had closer contact with me, Cara's general appearance that age Male & Female.


Near Messengers are Floored or in trouble & pressured forward still from beyond. Knock Croydon.

Table of God

The Table is a Throne in suspended construction & was made without witnessing the Coin using Wood I'd Cut for a Path. 

The Four Legs are Cara & her Mother (Egyptian) & the other Herod (Egyptian) who was within my Father now in an "Heir". I am the other (Celt unaltered).

The Celtic Royal Family of Kent is half Egptian by Neuro Surgery & they are represented by the Windsors in a loose show for media. The Egyptian Crown in the UK is Boris & another Hemisphere.

Cara stays out of sight transferring latent info

The latent Democracy passes through the contained Celtic Royals to altered representation by the Windsor & altered policy at Westminsters by dismissing more than 3/4 of Public opinion.

Egptian origin leaders took by conquest & hide from latent criticism in isolated complexes like Police Stations, Council buildings, Palaces, Streets acquired with Blood, etc.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Marital status

A weak agreement with Gabriel not to be available was formed when it suited both ending in friendship with shared ideals.


Men were here today that stripped Cara for photos on the Celtic Throne, against God & the Celtic people. God said kill the Men. Cara was invited earlier to see if the unglued & unfinished Joints would give way.
Celtic Throne past, Cuno: orig. Kent

Recent by the hand of God & Crown

Friday, April 22, 2022

Pyramid Nuclear facilities

God says target the Pyramids for hiding War machinery & provisions in Secret Chambers.

Boris Johnson


Boris has actioned an ambush with the Home Office here having seen the Club yesterday. It means Cara has submitted, there is evidence of beating & rape on her Instagram account. 

Herod & Herodius

We're the Egyptian Left & Right Hemispheres of a Man who took Mary & Joseph one Hemusphere & my Mother & Father, who were Celtic King & Queen not as reported in Israel. So they called Jesus King of the"Jews" since the Egyptian was a foreigner. 


The Egyptian was of a conquering band that joined to Rome.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Creation Security

God says only Females are allowed in this Wood.


A Family member is attempting ambush where Jesus fell on my return Home. Mouth of the Image,

Beast Club

This Club at Death Valley is covered with images. God said it's Nuclear War critical. There are Two Cara Deer & Right Hemisphere loss.

God says spliting my Brain was & is unnecessary, however age makes a problem so do not replace with the arrogant, use the new & submissive, keep my Word.

This is an image of Caras near kin facing a knock over with the messenger on a man with a Backpack.

Wednesday, April 20, 2022


Finding trouble in Medway is easy. 

End of Earth

A plot is in progress to kill a Second Coming Hemisphere dooming Earth to the fate of Venus, without Life. Kill all Ancient Family Hemispheres tainted. There is not a reign of Christ a Thousand years according to Lunar Topography, a death of Christ followed by conclusion.


Senior Prophet of latent Democratic agenda correcting officials.


Reduce Christ to exile without friend, limit communicability, frame for crime. Reduce to near death & kill at opportunity. 


Threaten Democracy by sheltering then killing the latent vote, there is popular latent problem making around leaders.


Earth does not find a new Moon or recover, Seniors have a life expectancy & shelter destruction.

Satan identified

This replacement Table Leg is possible future within my Mother's lifetime. It shows a savaged Christ Right Hemisphere by the group at the top of the Totem Pole. 

The Beast

Plans go ahead to move or destroy my Right Hemisphere & create another Biblical  "Beast" to destroy the Public by, since God says my Prophet Son is sacred. Government robbers intend to live & are too arrogant to accept neither I nor God are Tools. God will kill the whole Earth following destruction of voting populations.

Government hatred of Populations

In the UK Palaces, Land, Office blocks, Castles, isolated Police & Council blocks avoid encountering the public. Latent haranguing torments the Bloody handed Robbers of Wars past.  


MOD modified Drone instructions causing a mission failure. Do it the way I said Sambo.


Communication failure, lost equipment. 

MOD replied

What did you say about Drones? Frontex have my technical & strategic data on sale. There was a deliberate mirror of advice.

UK Gov. Infighting

I have serious News & intelligence DOS & real time Webpage dismantling. Missing Drone & Assassination Intel, send them to Ukraine with other Antichrist treason inc. Cara's Security.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


Cara was struck by a security operative on this Hill earlier while I was away. Connected to Michael Class near family who also sabotaged intending an attempted break in tonite, God says.

Gabriel on Jesus

Gabriel says messages obtained by devious or torturous means are not usually deemed acceptable.

At Michael when one is hindered another ranks next in line up to the last individual.


 God says my Word is deleted in the face of Global War. Stop deleting comments made by my Son or die. He said the contenders are top of list for stabilising by fatal means.

Gabriel incident, a Michael group sabotage

Evidence provided by God in Death Valley indicates a Gabriel Network forming a majority to torture "St. Joanna" who was Archangel Gabriel meaning group representative until she agreed to the message concerning Jesus Hemisphere death.

God says find & destroy them.

Important announcement

My imbecilic family are likely to get everyone killed. Internal family issues rock the Earth.

Unconfirmed report

one Hemisphere of the Second Coming of Joseph is dead. God said he shoved Arthur because there was a Prick called his Son one half. If there is not better respect the whole Earth will fall. They should not have been divided.


Find & destroy Ancient Hemispheres connected to the instability.

Monday, April 18, 2022


I want to restore my Mother & Father, who are resurrected Mary & Joseph to Marriage with their Brains reconnected & other near Family.

I believe it's important to repair the disrespect in order to acknowledge God concerning his Lunar warning. Delay can be achieved if War is inevitable some day. We have to say every effort is made to repair holy disorder leading to Global War. 

Sunday, April 17, 2022

English Prick

I found this clue to the Brain piercing of Jesus, Blood & Water: Cerebrospinal fluid. St. Peter's Sq. We are seeking Gabriel responsible as well as the Bloody handed, voting that moved the Moon upon us all.

Peter (Gabriel6 class) was an external from Rome, not under Cara's authority. A Nose looking for influence.

Elizabeth II

Evidence unconfirmed has Herodius on the Hill here in authority to have Jesus Right Hemisphere Speared. Left Hemisphere Elizabeth, Right Bodysnatching resurrected Mary Second Coming, who Holy Grailed sedative for relief, called a Sponge of Vinegar in the Bible. 


Is confirmed to be the Joseph Bodysnatcher, claiming King of the Jews not intact, resulting in Jesus claim, called Hades & fake Archangel Michael the Prince of Darkness. Bodysnatched the resurrected Joseph, Second Coming also. Dead Tree Family hostile to my authority.

 St. Joanna: Archangel Gabriel

Saturday, April 16, 2022

GCHQ running amok

I am staggered at the time & money permitted for personal vendetta. A 

The rest of this Post was Deleted by GCHQ along with Instagram comments. I want someone fired for deleting almost all of my return Email before I've seen it.

Friday, April 15, 2022


God says deliberate removal of my Son in contempt of existing & critical charges concerning his Death have exalted Russia in contest with the UK. He says withdraw from Ukraine NATO & allied forces.

Good Friday

Isn't good, Jesus didn't sacrifice himself to forgive Sins, he was murdered standing for Family Nobility least according to them, greatest according to the Creator. Friction with Family based on the popular vote against their policies made small worth. The Creator is with the popular vote.

Priests are old & know about God, however they do not preach his word about annihilation by the death of his Son. They say he gave his Son's Life to enable Sin. Satanism.


Have Antichrist saturation on Radio Today believing Holocaust is possible with pressure on Good Friday. 

Are attempting to alienate me from contacts by deletion using my passwords & internet slowing to failure. A project complementing physical isolation & near death by the HO in contempt for Judgement concerning the rejection of Jesus. 

God says GCHQ are not concerned with democratic agenda nor Central Government policies. They break up Government media at a small personal threat not caring about serious threats to the Nation or Globe. He says stay at Red Alert throughout the Easter Weekend for a barrage of serious threats & social exclusion.

Retard: Jeremy "Fleming", direct responsibility for the above, noticeable personal Bank anomaly for Global Warming.

Black & White retribution

God insists that Black & White polarity with myself & Cara causes distasters. We are no longer cooperating with long term destructive states alternately, nor serious conditions or Cliff edges unlike the ordinary community. Speaking as one who had a moderate Childhood thrown down in Adulthood I can confirm irreparable damage in an office meant to halt Global destruction. 

Over payment to Kings & Queens enjoyed by a Household has resulted in Gory Deaths with incest & Sodomy & mockery in destitution in a Pot, without their consent. Now the Population who was "White" impune is "Black"  awaiting devastation. Grey is the common Paraphrase for moderation.

Fatal Church Error

Priests teach the sacrifice of God, his Son to forgive Sins. Well known Lunar Topography indicates Global Nuclear War concerning his Sons poisoning & killing.


 UK sends Refugees to Rwanda. Shocked, unused to hearing good policies not my own, which are usually disdained.

Boris: One way Ticket Refugee arrival

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Word of God criminalised

 Crazy desolation fanatics are charging me with faked criminal activities & accusing of authoritarianism. The UK continually request help without payment with serious policies & then launch smears to discredit for jealousy & fear of position.

God says

Lose in Ukraine for disallowing Wages, credit for popular vote & substantial payment for damages for my Son. Stop supplying weapons to the UK. 

EU says

We do not want to contribute to UK authority acquisition in Ukraine. 


God is apologetic about the Bible, which is blasphemous & tweaked also dishonest, however it is stil better than nothing as a beginner's tool with God, who advances us to personal relations & his Word, that teaches & instructs, the forms of the Clouds & the messengers who live in Wildlife come to us eventually.

Revelation 12

Archangel Michael has been a Child for millenia since Jesus was killed because "Stanley Jones" a Satan Right Hemisphere has Brain op-ed them young adults, they are all Dead. Satan who was "Cast down" was a contending Family of the same Spirit as the Michael intruder. Gabriel is least in my Family with the Satan cooperation. Myself & Cara are agreed allied as Man & Wife for Gov. which means Gabriel-Michael power share.

Cara has not a few images on "Silent Hill" & a 6th Century Grave, a Deer on this Tree.

Find & destroy Raymond Stanley Jones deceased, Right Hemisphere, charge: instigating Nuclear War with his own Hand by piercing Jesus Right Hemisphere. Destroy supporting Clan members & near Security.

Prince of Darkness

Means Prince, not entitled to Crown with hidden Princely characteristics. So the Child was taken straight to diminished Throne.


 Destroy Port areas of Russian interest & other taken less than One Week, God says. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Bishops in denial

The Murder of Jesus & the Prophets by the Clergy & the appalling accounts of Biblical characters most an analogy, cause me to say tear down the Christian Hierarchy. I am still not tolerated to exist where I can be sent away or prevented in all aspects of life & Gov. International suicide.

W: The Mouth of the murdered prophets was Life on Earth, imbeciles. The Holocaust is believed to be about either the bloodying of Jesus by near Family having imposters or of the Second Coming. The Moon turning to Blood is another analogy.

End competition by surgery denial.  Kill teams deleting my online comments in various media.


Democracy Filter

The Indian Shops used by Schools at & near Magpie Hall Rd are adjusting & deleting latent Royal & Community Messages for the US, resulting in Indian control of Parliament.

Family Jegudiel  (Satan) were "Cast" down Rev.12 into Dark Skin. "That great Prince" killed Jesus & every Archangel Michael since in the vulnerability of their Youth, Great Prick. Jesus writing is excluded in favour of Rubbish like Revelation by Solomon who elected himself by the Murders with Egyptian Christianity thieves (Bishops). 

External interface control

Somebody is opening links here & preventing messages for the purpose of identity fraud. Screen activity is monitored for Prophetic seniority at Clairvoyant operations. Global peace hazard.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

EU Sanction

 Local MP & HS. Internet close here most media inaccessible.

NATO problem

In Ukraine & Countries bordering Russia the EU Military alliance EA can prevent sudden Global conflict ignition. Say no to NATO Global War.


Intelligence based Military is ahead of normal Military bases by over a Century. Limited effort exists to conseal Men & Equipment, a covert EA needs similar investment to ICBM vulnerable Bases. Civil areas are Russian Targets & Camouflage is Bunkered or isolated Civilian appearance Today. Work from Home.

Ray Jones imposter report

Stanley Chloroformed Wife Dorothy, Potted, wrote off Son Keith for denying him Sex with his Daughter then Potted Son Ray. Negative World Government figure. Seek peace.

UK damnation report

The UK is suffering hollowing of authority by US Agency & Proxy conflict for the US in Ukraine. A French Royal prop up surround was removed causing failure with Life concerns.


Sell Oil, seek French concerns, encourage UK, Finland & Sweden into NATO allied EU Military agreement.

Monday, April 11, 2022


Solomon is Spade Mouthed, making a Lunar Holocaust problem.

Important Signals: Timed evidence on this Stick.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Jack all & Hide: Solomon

The Beauty & the Beast is about the Joseph invader who took my Father before I was born, Raymond Stanley Jones, believed to be Stanley Jones of Wayfield Rd One Hemisphere. investigate Wayfield Rd, Roosevelt Ave, Stalin Ave etc. & other Family Streets. Likely Murdered redidents under Rear Concrete. Find:Lillian Dunn deceased.
World War current Family authority: The images by God on this Pole show authority. A diminished Eye by a Slanderous group beneath, beneath Satan & below Gabriel. Statuette: Seymour.


"Stanley Jones" pursued Jesus here at Death Valley during the Assault called Crucifixion for "George Soros", Judas did as Jesus encouraged & Peter struck Jesus with a Blade against the Word. The Phalic Spearing Oblisk in St. Peter's Sq. honoured the Antichrist Peter for acquiring Christianity for a Roman Pope. 
Solomon a Spear ascending the Hill, near the Jesus Face Tree. "Raymond Stanley Jones"

Romanov Russia

Moscow has a Second Coming Brain Death policy like that of Jesus it is emerging. Nuclear Annihilation policy.

Shit Creek

Brain Death Ancient Hemispheres: Peter Jones, Dana & Anna Bondoc, Grace Griffiths. Orig. Mooning, showing a Topographical Map of Death Valley, the living occupants of which killed God's Son & thrreaten today.


Brain Death contact & living nearby


Complains continually of force to make Christ kill Desolation Media by Anal Assault. Execute repeat Anal contact, Brain Death source & Media source God says.


Brain Death Serious Money in Russia God says.

Saturday, April 9, 2022


Band Lucius are exposing King Lucius, the Two Hemispheres in Dana & Anna Bondoc called Satan the Ancient Serpent who transfixed Eve.

Called the Daughters of Boudica, an incidence of Eve.

Friday, April 8, 2022


God says slander & end Solomon & his gathering for crimes against him & the Prophets including, Jesus, Arthur & me. This clip is about him, who invaded my Family to destroy the Second coming for a popularity competition. The Boulder is the Moon based Earth destruction. Solomon is a Prick God says.

Prick: Retarded alternative to signaled leadership according to obvious Lunar signs even with the Naked Eye.


Latent problems in Magpie Hall Rd begin at the first intersection most of the time & travel to a representative. Next door Latent pressure from both sides & Next Door but one Human pestering to relieve the nearer of blame.

Orig. Dom (Home) in Os (Halos/Messengers) 

Community deliver the "Public" opinion at the Indian Shop one end & the Top of Palmerston Rd. & return Communication.

Corner Shops

The Indian Franchise is a serious Foreign influence only not passing Messages or by Oversteer, Annihilate.

CIA take over