Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Dodgey Tarrot

Playing cards were used for divination. Tarrot Cards are intended to influence with pictures & the Trump set, the last laying out Earth desolation intentions a recent addition. Golden Dawn have an end of Earth policy.

7 of Hearts (cups): 50s Fashion Rider Waite con.

Execute: People & Homes called Dawn & family.

Ben Kohn is connected to Cara & Rhianna who work with me messaging. He has a Cloned likeness next to the Arthur Grave Head which is responsible for his Death by a pointed Tongue. 


Kohn has a Seymour Right Hemisphere in the Moriah Grave, which is of Tatianna Romanov & Pamela Coleman Smith Tarrot Artist. Kohn is Secondary target for multiple connections to Holocaust. Connected to Ben Page, who also connects to Playboy Females.
Playboy/Seymour & Holocaust "Meteor" in a Seymour signal. Eye points Death then rises, means deliberate Holocaust tension near to disaster. They have a surround hiding.

Seymour? with "Adam" (Satan), called Diana Lucifer's Sister