Monday, September 20, 2021

Jesus a Myth

Jesus was the "Word" of God from the Father, ordering creation of DNA structures for Life & showed unusual signs born into a Man. Rome exadurated & made themselves foremost in the Church of Christ. They Jack people & charge for it so that Jesus died. We limit dealings with Rome these days. They still teach Jesus a sacrifice like the lame or stupid traditionally.

The death of Vortigern showed detestation for natural relations & parenthood. The Bishops were & are wanton in private, perfect in public, Egyptian. Christianity is fake & the Church a lie.

Christ is foremost Prophet today & God says do not kill as is the tradition for Prophets or you will suffer the Nuclear War. It's always about God being silenced when Prophets are killed including Jesus & Vortigern.

Topography: Nose means intruding, Moon Holocaust poisoning. Let God speak without killing.