Thursday, February 25, 2021


 Put 100 into production please. People love it, looks like a futuristic Police vehicle. This HRE Federal defence option will not be far from the Russian borders. Blue & Red Strobes reduce likelihood of Military assault.


The Scripture of Revelation is up to the end of life when the Sea is dried up & beyond. Apollyon are non Fatal torment causing desire for death according to Revelation, likely capture, over 5 Months. They are not especially linked to Nuclear Holocaust, future Holy conflict.

Unpopular Prophesy

When Russia has encampments around, on border & increasing Uniformed invasion there's no point moaning about non Nuclear defence in one's own land. Moving devices to "win" delays the U.S. We want to keep those parts of the Bible which are good, we get support for Biblical defence. I said ask again in 1000 yrs.