Monday, January 25, 2021

Report: King Charles

 The inevitable passing on of the Queen means short term defiance that pleases Charles is advisable. An early confidante position is obtainable.

Dislikes Cameron as I do, doesn't like contempt for the Crown, dislikes Blair, moves waste, denies ability, trades Jesus to trash (negative), travels more, takes time to explain, modes, denies involvement so fall guy positions can be lucrative or outsourced to a leader, tempts complaint but likes anonymity.

Charles is of Special interest like all Shroud Clones because of Biblical statement one like Jesus with a Sythe. 

  • Sell other people's secrets for money, alter to necessary favour
  • Endulge every non political whim, cause them to enjoy life by progressive gain.
  • Find his favourite personality type
Try to get a 21 with the Queen & Phillip in the hope you won't need to pay.