The "White Saddle" having a Japanese appearance indicates a Puppet & Vehicle Seat illustrated as Trump's speech & Face. It reveals Japanese vengeance for Horishima in Washington.
Jap Crap: Spiritual debt recovery Agent
The "White Saddle" having a Japanese appearance indicates a Puppet & Vehicle Seat illustrated as Trump's speech & Face. It reveals Japanese vengeance for Horishima in Washington.
Jap Crap: Spiritual debt recovery Agent
Germanics in the UK especially Medway are responsible for thefts & idiotic examples of competition for the Zone in my absence.
Paul Black IntruderStarmer & Robert Worcester: The Nazi disruption following the Queen's departure is based on the show. Both are Trump access, Red Party & US Agent.
The concept of the Two was an effort to accommodate the Invading Spirit group from Africa. Black are Satan & White Holy. The conduct of both is Engineered so that the groups operate Polarity in balance, however it hasn't prevented greed based destruction. Good & Evil aren't found in nature, only docility & aggression the basis of Good & Evil. God is passive & vast, the Invader is sudden in a concentration.
A number of Mushroom shaped Clouds were visible this morning. This One was above Gillingham Football Stadium.
This Image taken at the time was discovered to reveal knife entry to the Building, severe risks on Moriah, stay Home.
God above, who is connected to Communities in agenda usually needs to cooperate with Invaders that have positioned themselves to responsibility, representing & handling Taxation. They usually take half then attempt Democratic Government with the remainder. They blame Community Leaders for Policy refusing responsibility often.
Howe: How do I .....
Payment to the Invader Police system removes Community vote results. Organised Crime is sold to the US especially & resistance is put down by Uniformed Police with a Public Order charge often rigged for an Arrest.
Worst Case of Cooperation known
An attempt to blame Jesus for Apocalypse responsibility. The Invader swims about in Cash dictating Targets & buying Weapons then accuses the Warning Messenger with sticks on a Platform of Rubble. The "Thrones" would collapse sat upon & Cara wouldn't be in the same Room, let alone on a lower Platform in Dusty place.
Models usually waiting for a call are likely to be offered higher Salary Clerical work. We decided to fulfil expectations with some Photographery for their CV. We want to rework Recuitment Law to include appearance Standards. Interviewing some Fag Ash Lil is often a waste of everyone's Time.
I have become aware of signals relating to the Four Kingdoms. The Wales Quarter in Lord Lees Grove has a Broken Gate & a Fly Tip & the Irish had access to Nob on the Street Corner. The Scot Quarter at Home has my Throne dismantled & the Alter Table is identified as Cara's Irish Throne. The raised Platform beside is the scare, the position of the English Crown Throne a little higher. Marital rights were sold by Family to connect Kin with a contract binding that accessed Marital legality. I invited Cara to do a Nude on Hers.
The Image shows Trump assaulting a reluctant Lamb leading other Characters. His Vehicle is related to Theresa May, a continuing Night threat.
The Earth does not belong to us. Neither does Southern Electric & Southern Water, aquired by Scotland.
Is bothered by Headlines frequently, despite not scoring a televised Goal for years. He says the News is always on about some other incident, usually political. He said he thought that Kebab was my ex & it went into the toilet with the vomit before I was sober. He was reported to have closed One Eye to drive Home, overcoming double vision.
I can't make out what the Gaza News is on about either, there has been no very serious conflict in the area.
The Queen's Captains are dug in at Local Councils. They are anti Male & against the new Monarchy. The new upholds traditional Female roles & respects ordinary Female virtues in mostly Male work places.
Lardy LadiesWe three kings of orient are
Bearing gifts we traverse afar
Field and fountain
Moor and mountain
Following yonder star
O star of wonder, star of night
Star with royal beauty bright
Westward leading, still proceeding
Guide us to thy perfect light
The Three King's were Adam & Eve now in Cara & Beth & a Shy Third. Egypt compare force to the Passive broad progression of God & have not restored unable to prevent Nuclear Stockpiling. They are like a Coup or Police swoop on a position within a vast community appalled. They are a Spirit Community like a mini God at Large in flesh.
I knew Paul Man & Child. The Man was a Leader, who popularised himself by mockery & borrowing from popular Comedy. He became angry with anyone having assets & suffered astonishing self promotional Memory fabrication from the day before.
The Hair of the Face can be identified as the Seven Hills on which the Whore of Babylon sat, Nob is called a Hill having Two River Banks. God is saying something about Intruder origins, a staging Post of Rome that holds authority Today on that Compass Point & within range of a Large Nuke by Eurostar.