The Archangel Michael

Friday, January 31, 2025


The old Bag used to send every troubled Female my way. Now She's gone, if you ignore Muddleton, I'm well enough connected to recieve Office. They like the Heart thing & are responding to exchanges in return for substantially denial recovery for Men. They especially like Women's things like Pregnancy & Clothing concessions.

Dungeon Report

The Vent Pipe is found to be faked, only about 14" long Dirt beneath. Signs have appeared mentioning March that appear to be enquiring if it's ok to go ahead with traditional gory murders if they might worsen an Apocalypse.

Well to Hell Cover Story, Wikipedia. Adrian Harper runs it for Boris, who Cyphers with a "Boris Burrow". Funny Man.

Lost Future

We need to go back to the Future because of a fashion anomaly. The Present is not how we portrayed it. We are looking into Nurse Uniforms that are like XXL, not related to the former & not consulting Nurses.

Mi11: CNC

The Military Security operating in the Area are called i11 because it looks like ill, Radiation irresponsibility. The nuisance scarred my face with their ID indicating responsibility on a poster next to their Horsted Bomb. Terminate & remove Elliot's Military Factory.

Cara has been enslaved to SO11 at Horsted along with Her Irish ontourage living nearby because of Her Crown Security clearances & a Relative of Ben Elliot. They all have Senior IRA friends.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Labour Gov. Crappy

I've got Kemi using Labour Gov. Staff @ DWP to issue income threats unless I approve Conservative Cara to Washington from Moriah. You are all a bunch of Lunatics, God issues statements here, not me. Ill informed & ridiculous.

Cara has been Brain damaged since Neuro Surgery in 2015 & refuses to recognise me. The Labour & Republican Gov. should've repaired damage done to me by the Blues, not injured also. 

Stupid Orangutan

I feel like i"ve been bombarded with Coconuts since God said remove the Bush Business. They paid Boris & Kin to Lamp me sore, count me out if you can't compensate or pay me for the former jobs.

I don't know how Pilate can exist after that Biblical Desolation Scripture with modern additions. That's him making a Flood every time a new Leader or Monarch sits, him & the Two Cops. 


 God threatened Nuclear outbreak Yesterday.

Discovering World Leaders

They all have Avian connected to Boris that own Factories. Avian move from one to another.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Heaven's Door

I almost completed Today. I vaguely recognise the Lyrics, Jesus is called Jack. Knocking on Heaven's Door. Don't knock God said because there is an International Security problem.

Keep Door: A Porch, raised Step, narrow & low needing a duck & sideways entry. 

Delegation Turbulance Mansplained

May & the Princess of Wales containing the Queen want Cara to be central figure on the English Quarter Three Lions/Trident & on Moriah because I'm Male. 

Cara fails Qualification for being Irish not English, having a German representation on the Lions, not known as the Son of God Resident on Moriah, supported by an aggressive challenge to that Authority. I refused Her representation of me in Washington & agreed to Emma who is the same status, but a freind not a Collegue, along with others. Emma was rejected & now God says Jana & the German Girls were arranged long ago for bad circumstances.

The Titles were all dismissed because of coup led by Poice. If Cara or anyone else wants to visit Donald there are plenty of flights & their own authority. Female insistence I hand my representation of God & England to a near & competing Female is a testimony that Women shouldn't manage anything.

The Queen was such a bad Manager an enormous debt to Men is left after 70 yrs of negligence.

Inner Space Probe disaster

I dreamed I awoke with Cara lying next to me because of a Team's Bed share in the Room. She had Her Clunge bunged with some kind of block. I woke & God said She has a Queer Lover by design to work Her Ass for punishment.

Scratch & Sniff

Cara is on the Avian Government communications Network involving raiding bands most nights & lazy mornings in Bed. I don't know what the options are exactly, I try to stay aloof. 

Lowest paid Civil Servant

I get less than the Legal requirement for work & have to speak to Senior Government at Home & Abroad as well as indulge agreeable Government content here. The Female collective under the Hag have targeted my income.

It's obvious we need better management at the DWP. Start by making a proper representation of Sexes. They are all Female & Homosexuals employed under the Queen, working old Administration. Most are guilty of political threats to starve Children on the benefits system.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Middleton out

Tell Kate Middleton to stop breaking in here at Night with the fuk band. They form a Human hostile hierarchy communicating with Avianoid implants at proximity. The exclusion of Human Management & Partner choice for purity of Animal Government is Apocalypse. Pervert.

Apocalypse Case File: The Necromancer

Find the sources of this Roof cutting in Judge Dredd. Creep looks like Gulvin. The Scenario went ahead with an ICBM Cloud Report against.

Democrat nuisance

A Man called Gouy Hamilton Fisher has been identified as an Obama Avianoid Host. Search & Destroy Democrat & Conservative Leadership.

Police Chief

The Chief Constable has become known as the Flyd in the U.S. He is creating a new Security problem here & blocking a Labour Government Post this morning using Cara's Conservative surround, a handful of People called "the Joker" presumably he is the Joke.

The Government requested Communication was blocked by an ordinary standard of Rape & touching of supportive Labour Peerage & their Children, that they refused to prevent for a Direct Government order. Habitual former Government Policies are normally continued until individuals are seriously injured or removed like a stupid Animal that can't be spoken to.

Old Hag

Elizabeth's Pearls & sour Puss declare potumous problems with the Brain transplanted Left Hemisphere. There was denial that Brain trandplantation could work with micro precision. She has been exposed as the Emperor to May's Darth Vadar, Star Wars Story lines are very inaccurate.

Females have been found abandoning Red Peerage positions to support Female causes with Blue under the Hag & the Female collective.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Moriah Authority called small

Disrespect for Diplomats, raids & occupation by forces are very stupid. Where did all of those Nuclear Weapons come from? God moves vast resources upon you who grab & rape at an opportunity. The Authority you dismiss Annihilates you like a Fool. The critical thing is the Whitehouse would recieve Messengers on our terms, but you are a collection of Dickheads preventing. Kill opposition to peace.

Three Lions

An argument against the English of the Three, others Germany & France in the English Quarter subdivision is impudent. Cara's German group supported by Jade's French opposes my rise with Cara's opportunity. They are refusing One is up when the other is down & shitting because I'm in charge here. The Titles enable operability with my consent. The inevitably doomed resistance on the English Quarter platform is called "Three" ironically.

All Traffick

Police Seniors & Irish in Washington are Couping up the Hill with the Two, who are like Women scorned making it worse. Cara is ex-sponged & Jade is irrelevant & negative at the outset.


God said the Two have been subject to the Female collective under Elizabeth still at Large & Baronesses at Lords especially.

God angry

God said Animal behaviour in Washinton forbidding Senior Staff is also in Kent & London, where they are unable to meet without having Sex with each other. He said a Human Mission from the Lord of Hosts having a World Religious position should not be subjected to Porn or other Sex acts if they have Women with them for that purpose.

Human relations are expected to be as witnessed in open Media & in Public Places. Animal intruder implants have presumed secrecy continually exposed here, without 

Internet blocking: God says kill them.