The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Paranormal Warning ignored

A Shadow portraying a Lamped Innovation Centre operative on the Garage of 321 Maidstone Rd referred to 1 2 3 at Nationwide Bank Chatham where fake looking statements are being issued for Jobcentreplus. We did not take a photo & they are parking to prevent the image seen from the Road.

Like this

Diseased Infrastructure

The first symptom of critical malfunction is Homosexuality. Who are in control of their Body do not indulge the Animal implants. Deletion of Homosexual Implants can prevent Global War.


Arson is derived from Arse-on. Night raiders drugged then burned.

Critical imbalance

Mi9 needs bringing up to grade to balance mi6. The Sexual defeat based Agency is blamed for inevitable Apocalypse for assaults on the Holy Family & connected Communities as well as a rise in Paedophilia & under Age STDs.

Meet the new Boss, same as the old Boss

New Government, no difference? People Employed by former Government continue as they were. 

Ripping out Management Chains

The enormous inertia & stubborn former policies require the Management Chain replaced Top to Bottom. The key points alteration enables the replacement or lecturing of problematic Staff. A bit like pulling the Chain in the Toilet if it came off in your hand.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Charles too powerful

God said Charles is a fucking idiot. He has devastating effect on critical & important matters by influence at the Police & Whitehall who sell anything, He is behind forbidding & robberies here God said. Remove his influence. 

We're backing the Duke of York since Willy is a dim-wit with the hag in tow & Harry is a joke. Criticisms need to be followed by suggestion or they are only moaning.

New Fabrics for PPE

Cute Mary modelling Rubberised Swimwear. Some shine, others don't. Pressure has mounted for some time in the Female Community for Nurses to influence like the Model Industry, A Report came through here that PPE plastic was a deliberate assault on the group for Departmental failure.

River Pests Report

The current Kent Police Chief is planning to follow Ian Learmonth into public disgrace this Spring. Use your own Property you freak.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Police Chief charged

He has taken out critical systems blocking KFC power sockets until I had food & water to blast from nearby. Weather related power failure, consistent idiocy. Probably no internet or phone capability until tomorrow .

Robbery in progress

The Government have demanded valuable wooden items including the other Alter Table with menaces. It is the Second time the DWP threatened to withdraw what us already below legal wage for menial work.The first was under the Conservatives.  Accomplishments include intercession with the Russian President & Nuclear Defence advances, including Three reported outbreak prevention. They are demanding Holy Art again.

Apocalyptic stupidity: Crucifixion images stolen from the Second Coming

Saturday, February 8, 2025

IBM dangerous

IBM have been sabotaging & destroying my Equipment, often preventing critical Global Security announcements.

Female decline "side stepping"

Gaga's Abracadabra was inspired in part by Nurses Uniforms back at the drawing board. A Fashion Label has been consulted. The move was a popular idea that was meant to help Women who lost the support of the Queen. Women found grace when they were sexually empowered. Cara did a Catwalk & Cute Mary's portfolio helped put on a PPE layer.

A downside Hetero Men presenting Fashion shows was balanced by more fashion shows at the Board. The Two gatherings of influential Women are their greatest achievements.

Friday, February 7, 2025


Three Trillion plus has been reported missing at IBM, who own Google."Nerd money" Twerps have mocked Vegas & Drugs Cartels as dim-witted. 

Home Office Conservative

Equipment requested of the Labour Party has been broken here returning me to the Conservative Modem. My PC was also taken out & shelves rigged for a less capable device than under the Conservatives & Democrats. The DWP & Doctors Surgery have returned to Conservative & Democrat aggression. Telephone denied.

This is a critical position not a sales option.

Battle of the Sexes News

Old Fat High Salaried Women opposing Male Dominance were not acceptable to the Young Queen, they plan to be greater now She's gone. Efforts to accept attractive Women are destabilised. A collaboration with Apocalypse enthusiasts has targeted my small income after I was capable of defusing a Nuclear Outbreak with small resource.

Non Human Neuro parts are targeted for deletion, called a ticking Bomb.

Unconscious Mind

Compulsive action & speech are natural & are of the Brain Hemisphere that is processing thoughts out of hearing. Nuisance thoughts are of an Animal implant or Deceased Human Relative, who have not grown in agreement to function with the Host nicely.


There is little difference between conscious thought & the Spirit, we are led by God a collective of individuals to a purpose. Most matters believed to be of the Spirit are of other Brains. Instinct is hardwired & causes unnatural Animal perversion where they are present.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Wales Suicidal

The Wales Crown Hierarchy are Suicidal & usually mad. The source of Red Dragon Apocalypse would appear to be Church.


Who are the Customers at ALDI & what is their communication to the Lunatics working there? What pressures?

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Processing Paranormal Images at Dungeon Area

Analysis found Ian Learmouth decapitated, having an 8 shaped Neck. He has been charged in Secret with making the Cellar for horrific extended murders including Liz Scott.

The Houses opposite have a General invasion collective Policy.

Shaft of the Abyss

Learmonth was discovered to mean L Ear Month, referring to the Month of May when murders are carried out in "Hell". There is a plan to spike his His Left Human Hemisphere. Keep it alive.

Allington Castle

Failed diplomatic Missions to Washington have brought them to Maidstone. Discretely examine the Property for "Apocalypse Watch" relevance.

Murders are in May

 The Crucifixion & more recent murders are discovered to be in May.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025