The Archangel Michael

Friday, February 7, 2025

Unconscious Mind

Compulsive action & speech are natural & are of the Brain Hemisphere that is processing thoughts out of hearing. Nuisance thoughts are of an Animal implant or Deceased Human Relative, who have not grown in agreement to function with the Host nicely.


There is little difference between conscious thought & the Spirit, we are led by God a collective of individuals to a purpose. Most matters believed to be of the Spirit are of other Brains. Instinct is hardwired & causes unnatural Animal perversion where they are present.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Wales Suicidal

The Wales Crown Hierarchy are Suicidal & usually mad. The source of Red Dragon Apocalypse would appear to be Church.


Who are the Customers at ALDI & what is their communication to the Lunatics working there? What pressures?

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Processing Paranormal Images at Dungeon Area

Analysis found Ian Learmouth decapitated, having an 8 shaped Neck. He has been charged in Secret with making the Cellar for horrific extended murders including Liz Scott.

The Houses opposite have a General invasion collective Policy.

Shaft of the Abyss

Learmonth was discovered to mean L Ear Month, referring to the Month of May when murders are carried out in "Hell". There is a plan to spike his His Left Human Hemisphere. Keep it alive.

Allington Castle

Failed diplomatic Missions to Washington have brought them to Maidstone. Discretely examine the Property for "Apocalypse Watch" relevance.

Murders are in May

 The Crucifixion & more recent murders are discovered to be in May.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


 Break off attacks on this position.

Nuclear outbreak Report

A Silver Birch at Asda has shown my separation of Jade's Cranial Human Brain, disabling an ICBM. The effort needed the donation of a prized Axe. How do British intelligence justify budgets, often used to hinder this position?

A pair recognisable as Myself & Jade on the IV 13 Tree are there, upturned spread Legs & Skull top in my Left Hand. Warhead on a Rocket formed by the Two before splitting. 


The Nuclear outbreak was blocked at this position using pathetic resources for the job. The Red Dragon biblical Kingdom could be discribed as diverse because it is led at Wales but has Females operating on all Quarters under the transplanted Queen. The Kingdom breaks the Earth in pieces according to the Scripture.

Resources are at this time threatened further! A current income threat at DWP. Kill them.


Photo prevention at the scene: Apocalypse irresponsible Authority (take, break, consume, associate, impersonate, delay, prevent) I took some on your behalf. Destroy Apocalypse irresponsibility.

Diana recognisable & sweet

While Prince Charles was raiding my humble lodge & tampering with Jade Princess Diana's transplant was getting fucked by half the Council flocking at Homebase, like Ants on a sticky Sweet. He should spend more time building his own Fences than climbing other peoples.

Likeness of Juliet7

The Store is managed by an ordinarly Uniformed policeman who nicked my wooden brush believing Id buy a similar one with Homebase written on it for Moriah. He has BC Avian, blamed for Prophet rejection based Apocalypse with others.


People like the Pre-Raphaelite Temple Floor. It represents Bird Shit because the Roof was fucked up.

Nurse's Uniforms ripped off

That strumpet Kate has opposed the Versace Uniforms. Why do Wales usually oppose? Looking for Bunce. She attacked me recently about unrelated matters when it was proven William couldn't beat his way out of a Man sized wet Paper Bag. We all prefer the Duke of York.

Sexual abandon

The former owner of the Hill was Avian so that the Hill points SE indicating a place for sexual liaison. Animal dominated people still arrive, most are forced. The Human Authority Resident is ordinarily alone because of Animal interest outside.

Sunday, February 2, 2025


Neuro Systems of Sarah Hammond & Gulvin at Kent need deletion to avoid Human Extinction.


God Said the over budgeting of mi6 has made them arrogant, comparing themselves to home systems by comparable budgets not neccesity as if the investment in nuclear risk indicates seniority. Mi6 are an inexplicable assault on this critical position.

Four Quarters Arrogant

The Crown positions are Avian & refuse to acknowledge Christ who is neccesary for Human representation by which extinction can be put away. The Avian consume without proper thought to sustain the Species & Speak right through me to my Avian, put me off or ignore me at Crown connecting at Princess level.

Princess Diana working at Homebase

An Avian possession called Juliet7 has One of Veronika's set who was within Princess Diana used to support the Jesus DNA fraud. 


The M above a V that make a Red Heart are code for Envy causing a poisoned Red condition. Locate & destroy who send ponces to me. There is an Apocalypse to prevent putting off abuses of myself & the Twelve. 

There is a counter op that agrees "loans" in the correct circumstances.

Posts delayed


We are interested in Oll on the back of Stormtroppers, people calling themselves Miller (Mi11) & umbrella Corp. Internet subverts!!!

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Upturned Cross

The marks made by the Chainsaw reveal a part antidote to Male presences on the Hill, a lesser curse for Seating outside.

Cabinet Vetoed

I was refused a position accepted by the Cabinet this morning because it involved internet access & was vetoed. There is a retarded internet blocker that is so stupid they have been called a mechanism.

Lord of Hosts

Lead of Humans suffering Animal implants

Who's head is on the Bank Notes. Charles is using Jesus DNA but it is my image. What does the Bible say about Caesar's Head on a Coin?

The Peoples complain of incompetence. Why are Conservative Leaders ordinarily Ethnic minorities these days? Why is White Music put away?

God said save all hierarchal Human Brains during my ten Lifetimes. It will help prevent extinction by bird brained control.