The Archangel Michael

Monday, January 13, 2025


The Man attending with cara is a threat to future Irish cooperation on the Properties,  exile.

Sunday, January 12, 2025


WWII pre Hiroshima & Nagasaki Bomb propaganda. The Man is tearing skin from the area Veronika was flayed, Right Arm means overt Paramilitary. He is like the Manager of Home Bargains where Veronika's Avian Kin are under scrutiny for original Apocalypse responsibility.

KCC Land grab

An effort to process & kill on my Land is in progress. Walter the Softy (lookalike) Water L (Hell) is the latest by Council pests obsessing with my Property & daily activities.

They've been ordered to fix damaged land, cease trading & hand over the keys to locked areas. We have a no torture at time of Death policy in this Authority. You are denied access for unsanctioned killings.

The newest means of utilising the World Authority for petty matters involves dictating the movements of undesirables to the Three unified Crowns resulting in defensive execution, reported to end in transplantation.


Studying Alfred Hitchcock's 39 Steps, 3 steps for 9, meaning trouble for the Hill, it has been discovered the Second Coming was a mark for Robbery in Europe. Scripture about War preceeding Jesus Second Birth was used by the Palace to destroy the Legendary Crown like Herod.

God hinting at abuse systems

God called Jade "Tall" recently, actually short, meaning too high for Her Class. Cara has been called Fat often, meaning accumulating assets, actually very thin physically.

Jade fade

World Government has been unconcerned about loss of hope for reconciliation with God concerning Her proper place. They are stupid Animals devouring without hearing & beckon the Stars down upon us. Damn Senior Figures, you can't talk to them without afflicting them.

Obama Admistration Antichrist

 God says destroy the Black Bastard & his group.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Rachel Reeves banned from the Hill

Rachel is undergoing Neuro Surgery in a Chinese Lab. They think She is able to use this Facility to back up Policies.

A "Seraphim" Avian Migration Lab

Trump estranged from God

An attempt by Trump to connect to God lead only to silence. Trump is among those Robbers who treat Jade like a whore. Here there are small possessions & monogamy. It was too much trouble to have Water & Today it is too much trouble to shop for food. Sweetners stack high in London putting off similar levels of contention, before they look for things to Rob on the Hill, Cunts.

Cara's Surface Area

Cara appears to be reducing the impact of Gamma Rays by making Herself thin. I was there at Christmas for a very hurried visit, like most people, "Security" had put Metal Seats out Front exposed to the Belgium Nuke. Metal wounds more than other Designs. Thin People need more Biscuits. Destroy negative Security.

Friday, January 10, 2025

LA "Wildfires"

Joe appears to have detonated another Nuclear Weapon. Rachel Reeves got straight on a Plane to the other side of the World leading some to believe NASA refused. She isn't actually suspected of that, we only want to see if the Economy floats.

Howe Heir

A little blonde fag, glasses is prancing around Home Bargsins. Believed to be the Son or love of Hogan Howe. Target the Earpiece control at Home Bargains to Death.

A Fat Woman there is a Crucifixion Family Tree Suspect having Senior implant with Curly next Door that are able to control the Veronika Avian. The line of Command is sought for questioning about Her "Cherry Bomb" suicide situation of the days of the foundation of Apocalypse & in progress.

Another fucking Idiot

Trump has a Lifetime ban from the presence of God on the Hill following threat to International Nuclear flash point Jade.

PNC Lamping

The Police Computer having ICBM control is also Lamping. The recent evidence identifies WWI & II responsibility. Bombing raids were used by both sides for blackouts to put off the most serious policy coercion, mainly killing Human Brains desired retained.

Koppa: Hogan Howe, suspect Nigel Farage.

The most repeated complaint modern is Lamping People Cancerous so they can't claim their Pensions.

International Court Order

KCC are ordered to pay compensation for damage to property inc. Reputation between Taddington Roundabout & Lord Lees Roundabout. Take the Women from this list to Damn Queen's Global control:

"Dawn Barry" & finance thief at the Property Betts.

101 uses for Christ: Reducrion effort

I did not come to serve the Police like Batman for no payment plus abuses. I am not a processing option for people you want to kill. There's always excuse to put pressure on that button, isn't there you Chinese Mongrel. William was depicted Mongrol of 2000 AD referencing Mongolia China in the Alien Movie. Chinese Mafia.

God isn't stupid China, you will not win either. You are also responsible by commission & transplant intervention.

God's Curse

All who had Veronika have the Pox. Those who were engineered having the curse already are target along with the Agents & Chief.

Abominations, a Global torment

People dislike the Word that is Abominations here have reached worse than historic, because of the Crucifixions & burnings. The terror is of God who is insulted, not Men.

Blood Sports

Reports that William had his face smeared with Blood were about the point blank Shotgun execution of a Poacher.

Deranged: I asked for a Man size Paper Bag to be wet down to see if he could hit his way out.

Rachel Reeves

The Chancellor is banned from the Hill following raid threats & promotion on the front pages. Reeves was summoned for Criminal antagonism & preferring greedy taxation to economy. There have been more than three times the demands for new money as alteration to Conservative spending announcements

Song of Solomon

The Scripture is called Song of Songs a hint, written by King of Kings Jesus after the massacre. He complains about love turned to heart ache & Death. It was all about Veronika his recent loss.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Case Study: Home Bargains

They've got a display up with ME 9QS to tell me the Q, that is Females formerly Queens are available for Volts (Published 9QF meaning raiding band). If they don't throw the Queers overboard instead of fronting them with back up they are in denial of their degrading position. They are actually still attempting Female Supremacy instead of consuming assets & integrating. Suicide tactics.