The Archangel Michael

Friday, September 27, 2024

Beating of resurrected Mary

My mother in her 80s is robbed, beaten & raped by the Agents next door. She has been stabbed & is often seen in Town with both sides of her face cut & bruised told to tell people she fell over. God says the privstely Catholic Bishops at Charles Coronation have been abusing for resisting trafficking. Bath & Wells & Durham. God says persecuting anyone near seniority that looks like John Major, himself included is productive.

Sanctimonious Shite


For the propose of the Chatham Cemetery Tree formed with Cole & Wife I am Partnered to Jade, having Her Avian. Cole's Wife is Dead & resurrected like us all, even Lucifer, Avians persist. It means Cara's role is altered at Ireland. We are trying to separate Her from Her Police controlled Kin who keep ramming their Dick down Her throat & in Her Ass, making Her quirk. She has the Luka intruder of the Song "my name is Luka", Luke & A: advancement.

The Cole English Crown framework is being used in coordination with Starmer & Wife in London for Press briefs. Nuisance Police here spend more than half their budget pestering me & connections inc. Cara & other Royals, so that I have never actually been visited by Mrs. Cole who lived here. I wouldn't trust Kent Police to make Beans on Toast.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Tidings of comfort & Joy

The Song about me saving from Satan's power is a cooperative design between God & the invader Government, God representing the Natives, who are born of his local Spirits. Ken's Avian is a marauding thief so that it's necessary to change to moderation or there is nothing worth nicking anymore. The Conservatives are Satanic & Labour as the name suggests recovery.


God says keep out Israel.


God was defied by Israel & is advising support for Lebanon. The Israeli PM is a fool who conscripts male & female teens & sends them to carnage.

Security Alert

Gov. entry Tools can be used under the Door or through the Letter Box against Bolts. We've taken to using L shaped brackets to screw the Door closed.

ICBM warning

There are still regular break ins via the Roof here ignoring the ICBM attack warning. There were Two "Comma" Butterfly in the Garden Today. There refer to ease of access because of severe Lamp burns or M restricting.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Cara the Locust killed last Night

The Death followed warning about the Driveway incursion. The signals Agent worked for God & the killing was unsanctioned. The Welsh Quarter Signaller is still operating. God says the killing is Blood in your Country.

Report: The Robbie Crozier Avian that also killed Jesus is combined with the Police Chief.


A permanent operation at Number 10 regardless of Party Governing is breaking in still on Moriah with Gov. engineered Tools. Invaders were discovered in the Lower Garden shortly before dark & were not withdrawn with complaint. Whitehall have been blamed.

Yale: Key points

Yale have been heavy hinting Hogwarts material. The Diagram from Yale shows the Quarters in Kent & London & Avian movement on a figure Eight of Spies. The Diagram is not avoiding Hypotenuse according to the heading, a Cross & Z Forwardslash. A Parallagram shifts Left & Right. The X Axis should look as the Sign Infinity, the Eight on it's side making Quarter connections.
Avian surgical "migration" on Four Quarters. The X Axis Wales origin of "Eva" ever or infinity.

Hypotenuse & Backslash Ho (Whore) O & H meaning without hatred, proceed, a "Clock" booked event. There is a Wales to England Hypotenuse in progress Today Top Left to Bottom Right, Senior Figure interaction, Pyramidic connection. The event is part explained in Superman II where Lois & Superman battle themselves Ursula & Zod, multi Brained Host in an authoriry timeshare. In the Irish & Scotch Hypotenuse is a Ho & a Commanding Officer having 2 status, meaning accord. 

Conclusion: Welsh & Irish Crowns are a pair of Ho.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Reasons for Ukraine & Georgia invasions

God says the intruding Tunnel used by CID under the Drive here called Boris Burrow resulted in the border invasions of Georgia & Ukraine, & further use will massacre among NATO interests.

Nokia Composer

The Numbers on the Keypad enabled people to witness Secret numerical codes used in Songs. Patterns could be made on the Keypad that assisted Composers.

The Two below have ICBM Ear holes & English Crown having Crucified positions of Ireland Left & Wales Right on the newer in Trident form, meaning the Scotch had a Shit. Trident means try a dent The first was made robust for my trek in Eastern Europe. Something to do with Weapons checks.

6210 & 6360

Monday, September 23, 2024

Up the Arse Corner

A Man was beaten here at about Midnight last Night. An internal conflict broke out following blame for an expected ICBM attack on the UK. The Man was coded "Rodrigo" for Sports News Reports Today.
Johnson fronted the "bumming" of Adrian Harper (lookalike), the I Reported

Harper is called Brady because of CID child Murders often painful. Harper is a short & Pot-Bellied Pig who could be led out by his Earlobe by a larger Woman. Like "Apostle" Peter the turn Coat, a nasty little Man.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Cara Captivity

Cara is being kept next to a Military installation for the expected Holocaust, Elliots Way, near BAE Systems. The move has been described as "cuntish" by the Regional Government. I said She needs to move at least as far as Bluebell Hill Village ideally Burham or Aylesford. Rochester Airport area is also a danger to the Main Road out of Town.


Investigation into the Lamp Report across the Street revealed all Lidl & ALDI suffer Lamping on the side nearest the Street. Fresh Foods on the opposite side have been untainted. A Fish argument is in progress, Frozen Fish is being written off not moved contrary to secret regulation.

Jesus & Veronika

I was surprised when I discovered the truth of Proverbs, Jesus to his Son about Veronika. This one is exactly like Beth's visit to me in the 90s living at 69 The Spires: 
It is better to dwell in the corner of the housetop,Than with a contentious woman in a wide house

Deleted files

Thousands of files inc, Photos of my stay here the last five years have been deleted by Kent Police. They have also blocked download of uploaded images that could be retrieved. God says the Officer in charge will be disemboweled.

The Graves here have been unearthed without accessable record & most items stolen. Now we have Records of the Second Christ deleted. Please make removable drive records of images uploaded to this site.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Meter Readers

The Biblical term Reed for Penis & a meet identified the House raiding Agency, who are supported by CID Lamp based surveillance avoiding neighbours & visitors.

Incompetent Persons

CPS as well as Critical Police Systems & Crown Prosecution Service means Competent Persons Scheme. I bought products marked "Quality" more than once & they were shite. "Pals" also get assistance. I investigated a "Pals" shelter beneath a Northampton Sales floor in the Town Centre, worthless, & the Council Shelter has a sign describing Tunnel entrances facing the main Road, indicating the Police intend to kill the MPs, they also dress as Military Police to control the Armed Forces. CPS & PNC Computer ICBM control make the Police as guilty today as the Roman intruder invasion. Same People, Animal implants that is.

The Red Left & Right at the Top mean destroy both Human Hemispheres. Ordinarily inevitable.

Below is a standard deciphered excerpt. They work part like broken English with Symbols. It says kill the upper (up ↯ kill) & train new, stabbing out Hemispheres.

Post partially blocked

Friday, September 20, 2024


There is more than One signal indicating the outbreak of World War in the next couple of Weeks. Danger has declined on a few previous occasions.

Make sure you have a grab bag including multivitamins, I use Sissors to chop Grass small enough to swallow. Park on the open Road with nothing nearby. Expected 5 am.

Freinds gather to me in the Leybourne Lakes area.

Update: One indicator has been stood down next morning.


It's possible to reclaim some of Tax since more than half is stolen. Store chains are Gov. Subsidised often upheld by Tax & not making a Profit, pinching or failing to use a Till properly are hazardous means. I opened a Shop not knowing it is disallowed until I came under fire from CID, a Government Criminal Department & had to close at a loss.

Al Fayed & Politcal allegations

When I was sent to London in 2018 on Elizabeth's business May blocked the Toilets to prevent me grooming each morning & Al Fayed donated good Food. May blocked so many Toilets I call Her Shit & Piss.