The Archangel Michael

Friday, June 21, 2024

Internet Block

 God says kill responsible or Die horrific Deaths in senior management.

"Cara" the Locust

We have a new non Surgically damaged Angel here, who is waiting for stronger Wings.

Suing the Conservative Government

I got 25 yrs destitution, now Labour are in force I want the paid up mortgage equivalent others my Age have, if the Years can't be returned also. A Second chance at Global Peace, a Second Coming, clearly a bunch of Muppets. We demand retribution & compensation before everyone has to die.

Hell a Swindle

L actually more like 4 O'clock spun in a negative direction, the Riverbed, was a means of avoiding Apocalypse accusations by continued use of Death Valley, same culprits crashing Adam & Eve Implants attached to Christ implants under David's authority (Lucifer, a Conservative).

Up the Arse Corner

Oranges & Lemons 

Some of the Lucifer Avian were with St. Clement, Seraphim said to have 6 Avian & Two Human Hemispheres. Lemons mean Upward & Oranges Danger. Avian rules dictate Class acceptability, raising Class has caused Blood charges by the Rich who guard, calls Old Bailey, Apocalypse responsible.
Clement: Icons offer clues, E Fingers facing Central Cross of Three. 

War in Heaven

Following Total Recall of Animal & Human Implants on Moriah & further attempts at different arrays with the Adam & Eve belonging to David's Kin, Arthur's Family for example, Animal stooges & stool Pigeons only remained, with a Hermetic. The Birds & Rats.


During my stay Bird Feeders were put out & abundance of Bread so that Spys were overcome by Flocks new & infestation. Then everything was cut off leaving Food scarce & Council Support had a hard time recovering the implants among flocks of Birds & Dozens of Rats. The Rats cut off first they called in support to tip out Feeders & defecate Rat food. The Natural Born served God of the land, spiritually damning in Numbers.

Government Whips

Lamping & Break ins are the Whip's responsibility who are the Ward Councillor & Chief Whip undisclosed.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Forestation Report

Tree cutting & replacement is not maintaining Forest Life in general. Trees should be cut ftom new Plantations. Apocalypse serious Polices.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Arthurian Garden

Wound Wort: we're processing Man & Bird Images at this moment. WW=X, the Cross. The Variety is at the entrance to Death Valley. There is a complex story having multiple images some Crucifixion identifiable. Not clarified for Human interpretation, maybe an unfinished work.

Lower Garden addition: Fuchsia  (Shh about the Future because of the Crucifixion) King of Four Columns. Oh yeah, stop pissingvin the Water feature. Well nuisance again, how are or were people made Well? Howe under investigation.

Identifying Beast Host options

66=7, Door Numbers 76 & 67 in Medway are under scrutiny for Six Hundred & Sixty Six Hosts making up a dispersed Gang of Two way Messengers.


Veronika is in Honky Tonk Women, Roses are stab wounds, the Romans made One Family member assault another. David Guetta is David get A.

Fifth Column

If 51% on Four Quarters overruled 49% the other could reduce the outcome by the Total figure of representation together, unlikely. An Electricity Symbol looks like a 5 Symbol the Top Squared to indicate Corners & the lower the Arc. God is represented by the Lightening or Voltage, who is in agreement with Majority not respecting Four Administrators. The Lightening is contaminated by the Corners so that a true Majority is not upheld by design. Major the rank given to Crown Representatives refers to Majority verdict.


H is a counter operation to prevent A on all Four Quarters in Medway. A is building on achievement.


Yesterday She came near to deliver a Message with Her Partner, both chased by a Crow. God says be wary of the Cyan, because they exceed all in a moment & overcome.

Eve is identified as Heave, Megalith transporter.

Eye of Horus Left, Ra Right, Bird walking with protection of supporters upper line & '9' foot (feat) Moriah.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Three Lions

We are using Three Lions of our own design because representatives of the authority in London have made them better known than the Three Crowns origional. A Blue version exists if David's Kingdom doesn't, Cara's estranged Family.

Arthur: England, Germany, France,representatives of the Two others who once invaded. Competitive with Authority, collaborative with Policies.

H: Lucifer & Co are Conservative & Birds. All of the Humans are Dead of their origins, Eye Spearing unaware of the hidden Oids.

Arthurian Garden

Sweet Clover White & Yellow, Herb.

Cleopatra Blue

The woad is of Chalk & Bluebells inspired by the Local Butterfly: Black Eyed Blue.


Hercules Legendary Journeys turned out to Star a Young Arnold, having the form of a Power Lifter, larger Shoulders.

I recognise the Girl, a Receptionist at Bryant St. Surgery when I was small & others in the Film, likenesses that look like Succubus Avian Messenger go betweens.


Police stole an Image this morning to pass around for kudos. We do not need personal delays as well as senior policy because some pig wants respect for media. Sit on imformation if you delay or else.

Why are Police all Pale Skinned? Can't go out in Public because of Spiritual assaults. They also Blue Light Traffick Lights to escape & avoid Town Centres.


Legends & Fables serve as little more than memory joggers for who once heard or saw. They speak about the same incidents changing names & Senarios & work slander or praise for the evil in.


There is never one reason for language or any serious agenda. We've spoken a bit about Medusa or M seducer the Gorgon or Gore gone. The Engineers are however the Fifth & not the Wales Quarter, who want rotary Quarter connections not Cross until sudden unexpected force is desired

Demonised: Mirrors are usually used for slander, Medusa is Beautiful.

Monday, June 17, 2024


Israel's 88fm is putting out Moriah relevant media. I've been unable to hear how good because of saturation web locking here, by the unrepentant Empire.

Morian Coups

They are all Avian siblings & offspring of Boris Johnson's Pharoah. Clive who's statue is at the War rooms is an Apocalypse responsible along with the David & Rebecca Avians. Unrepenting.
Avian control: God says Birds are all stupid & quick & Prey Birds kill