The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Signals here about War

West the usual route is blocked with a Firearm with intention to catch me by the Antenna SE an ICBM Target. There seems to be an effort to Destroy the Oid Networks by holding authority at Targets, probably God although I expect Seniors to arrange otherwise. I want the Barracks to secure the West so I can declassify Military Intelligence. I enquired what's my Secret Rank? They said Major General. I said did you? Thank you.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Torture Chamber


Police have not entered the Chamber believing they know everything already. Charles has been caught Hands on & also coercing & removing valuables. The Cross reference makes him most likely the source of all serious Crime at the Hill.


The "Mug" image is a vague Horse's Head, Family Members representing the House Communities: Scotland.


Someone has been drawing Crucifixion references on Halsey with Prison designs. Suspicious songs by Quatro require independent investigation in England, the Devil in me was made by both Artists & appears to mean Delevingne me. Delevingne has intruders who were Crucified XII Tatoo, Halsey has 511 in the same place, 5 appearing a Swastika at distance. Swastikas are Crosses dented, German rebellion about a European Levy.

The Chamber is in my Property & will be destroyed by me God says.
Report: The Pre Raphelite resembles a Flat area having a Concrete Slab & is clearly an inspiration or inspired by the Murder attempt. 

Building caught Fire

The repair where Perverts climbed on the Fireplace breaking in was ineffective & the building caught Fire late this evening. I could've been asleep & killed.

Murder inquiry blocked

Killings in the Cellar of the Drivway are a threat to myself & other kin. Internet denial here is normal however often damning for Nuclear Confict inquiries & now this.

Suspect: 258 Magpie Hall Rd


Hogan Howe has been drawing on Cara again, Left arm Tatoos. She has had Secret inclusion with scribbings because we are Partnered by them. Cara has been unaware of Her Oidy inclusion called Gabriel. Left Arm indicates Harm done by Spiritual means, hand is a Helper & Shoulder Shh-Older meaning take care.

Funny Man: Called Paul Hogan

Hog AN makes a double upward, built upward & North upward indicating downwards: Stop the Pigs Tag.

Riding a Hog

Pigs were more difficult to Sodomise than the Donkey or Ass so People like Buddah for example were esteemed for holding them down & finishing the act of attempting to impregnate them.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Jock Airraid Shelter misuse

Anti God Jock Invaders use the Shelter on my Inheritance for Child Abuse. Study: Devil Gate Drive. Forensics required.

The Drive Album

Evidence in the Lyrics confirms Murders have been carried out in the Shelter "Free the Butterfly" was an Oid plea to retrieve an Intruder. Back to the Drive "if you could do it we did it." The entrance is at the Scottish held Road opposite, a Bus Stop to London nearby links them to the Palace, where the Prince of Wales handled Organised Crime.

Bus Timetable in Lord Lees Grove, Buses to London only.

Birds Stupid

Birds think more quickly than people because their Brains are Small. The evidence of it is missing their Head movement because our Eye can't keep up. When a Familiar Spirit speaks it appears they are more Intelligent & they prefer a person to think so. They are actually thoroughly Stupid. Numbers of them handle discrete information at speed or assist Military compulsive movement.


We've been interested in Saxon Coronations seated on White Horse Stone, the White Horse of Kent Horsa (Hitler Intruder), David's Horse on the ID Bark & Cara's Intruder in the 39 Steps. The Interpretation:

"Horses are representative of intensity, drive, and desire for personal freedom. These dreams may indicate an underlying motivation that you have that will drive you towards success."

Further to that the Horse Mugs the Rider concealing Family pressure. God said take the Helmets off Sexual oppression of Cara for bagging Global domination known Terminal.

Horse Report

The Belgian Bomb Local Council Knight on Horse is the same Horse ridden by H-ID & using Cara in 39 Steps.

Horse Facts

Hors (like Whores), Ass, Hor-SE (South East indicating Sex) is like Bor & the People Screwed them.The Bor struggled so a B which usually means a Bee Sting category problem.

Ancients in Chatham Cemetery

Flints have been left on Graves as was the tradition during Jesus Time. The Flinted Pottery filled with Silica Crystals & images can be seen on them.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Outside Siege

Charles is pressure thieving Artefacts because the Div thinks he can look better a Messiah having Moriah Artefacts. Yeah, & a Paki can make himself acceptable with Money.

I've been sent off to isolated places & had my Phone blocked. Then they sent me to lay in a Grave hollow. Now they promote the last of Christ because the Avian Bollock that was at the Cross is being replaced, Hail the Bird, & all Birds who suffered including the Pheasat I killed & ate on my travels. I'm the Resurrected Son & everything else is wishful Bollocks. A Man living on the Hill is always World Leader if you don't want Nuking. The popularity of Jesus shouldn't alter that.

Clock Anomoly

I saw a Grave Today with Signals about me Transplanting from Parents 2026 not 2025 as on the Clocks. We need to consider the just when they say peace & safety verse. It would be a mod between 1926 & 1935 One Second ahead.

Sex Symbol

Cara is broken by Sexual demands & could say anything. England do not recognise the Crown authority as a thinking Person, a Symbol. We are seeking Culprits.

Church Hierarchy

Who are often able to see the hidden Images are Disciples & not Students ordinary.


Study Kid Creole (ol' Kray & a Kid) Annie I'm not your Daddy. Surrounding Intruders with their Kin causes their Host to concede control. Annie was Annie Batchelor.

The type are known as Lost, occasional seizing of control is called Possesion often semi permanent. Madness results from internal conflict between the Host & an addition & is a punishment of inept behaviour by an Intruder.

Space Zombie

Holly a Media Geek aquaintence indicated that proximity of Kin, usually Neighbours causes full Possession. The kind you might Shoot with Weapons & Ammo found lying around in a Derelict Duilding in worst case Senario.

Ireland Arrogant

Irish in England are above themselves. Have a Word with the Fat Blonde Woman in Sainsburys Chatham. 

Life Hazard

The Night Break in has left flames between the walls lowering a child that Climbed on the Chmney inside.

Coincidental Burns under Anesthetic & firetrap fortifications by persistent break ins. Looks like they've been careless seeking Manslaughter Charges.

EMF app


Use an EMF Meter at the City Way Green. EMF is an Omnipresence Tool. Heart shape on the Bong Tree: 

Light Anomaly: Site of Crucifixion

The "FAME" Image is recognisable on a Dead Girl floating in the Lake, Water indicates volunrtary personal reduction. It means the Famous have a ransom to put off Blood Maniacs.
Full Image The Tree is very Old but Descended of the Judas One.

Right Hemisphere relevant. Multi Colours Right Hand mean manifested association, Left would be hidden Spiritual Associates.

W means Life (West)

Mug: This is what I & Cara as well as other Crowns & Family of complain about, speaking the business of another.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Another Bong Tree

I couldn't Adam & Eve it Man, there's a great big Bong on the main rd. Judas Tree ref. is a Stump at the City Way Veronika Tree Site. The Three are arrayed as at Moriah.   


Find the "Fame" Light anomaly on a Pre Raphelite having Cara's Intruder.


An Artifact known as Odysseus has been stolen from the Temple building. The frocked & Jeweked Lamb was at the Mary Grave position of the Cemetary Map. It was unearthed where Suspects gathered valuables under a slab refered to near the Horace Tree in Chatham Cemetary. "Petit" meant Pet Hit allow us to remove the Artefact. It was the inspiration for "The Odessa File" objects at Moriah having Graphic explanations.