The Archangel Michael

Friday, March 8, 2024

Internet Muppet

Somebody's hidden the last bit of Apocalypse Watch YouTube. Check the Clock on that & Threads.

David Hilltop

Why should it surprise when the ICBM attack warning from here was ignored? I told you he was the Romanised alternative overcomer of the Resident Holy Family having Jesus Mary & Joseph, the beginning of Apocalypse woe modern.

Avoidable Slip

I heard Kier Starmer say "This horrendous Crime" & Adolf say "This Adversary of all Humanity" "This" is something said by the Spirit meaning the Person Speaking is the responsible. Alternatives include "That, the or those".

Beth Cutler News

Steph had a Beth Oid. Man gathering recognisable. Steph like Beth Harpooned Men ordered to serve of Wales mainly, to stabilise Herself in Exile. I got into Hot Water tossing a Packet of Sausages into Steph's Lap, taken as a Signal by the Welsh Northampton Crowd.

Queen of Hearts was an Ode to the Welsh Crown, but the Lyrics aren't familiar to me. The corrupted Office handles both Poles potentially. They say there are Two "Hearts" I say there aren't any.


God says they are always without serious virtue. A leading Sikh having Pasha of Egypt Oids asked me if I wanted a Lift to Moriah. Exterminate Apocalypse Imbeciles.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Temple News

We were suffering progress restriction before the unnecessary Financial restrictions. I'm trying to get the Smoke outside, everything is stained Sepia. I've had some luck with Papier mache style Ash Clay with Fabric, & Straw with Clay Brick. Stone from Homebase.


A Poll-Hit-ician is like an Optician. One helps you see what's there the other what isn't. Polls are put off because Money wanders to Pockets if they are disrespected. In the same position as 2000 yrs ago on the English Quarter with Senior Poll responsibility I can say Politics is International Suicide, the Vote is still met with extreme hostility.

Jesus Born the Year Dot

Crucified in AD 37 age 37, born Year Zero called 1 AD.

Moriah Security

Weight Training is compulsory for Residents inc. Female God decreed Today.

The removed Queen Bee has been executed by anti Femanist plain Clothed Police. The Angel handled Visitor messages in the Lower Garden. Veronika bought Flowers for Kate at the Queen's Log that the Bee frequented.

Veronika Today (Beth+Mum)

She is identified as possibly Eve's Heir, subject to Biblical Samual who preferred Men. Samual is in a direct Polar position to me. We are looking into the City Way Rot on a Tree near here, corrupted by the City. Water excess causes Rot, Cyan an embarrassing defeat. We are also interested in the reduced Stature for Veronika that then connected to Jesus having good Family Stature, producing Barnabus. What injured Her position? Report: Diana's Left Leg, Spiritual Leg work.

Samual Pooh Clue Upper Left & Dong Scroll. Zadok Clue on Cloak.

Actor Swap: Space 1999 called Samual & Veronika the same person, prob. Enos called Eros, One Left the other Right.

Russel Brand Intruder located

Samual Right again & Veronika Left. Character with Samual looks like the local Perv nuisance.

Minority Report

Pre-Crime ICBM attack on the UK via a Eurostar bombing of Belgium by breaking Finances necessary to prevent entry upon the Roof of this Structure. Detailed Warning ignored & persistent Financial losses based upon seizing the value of a near future endowment to neutralise. Nuclear Man Slaughter by diminished responsibility without repenting.

Additional control of Endowment by Intruders coinciding 2025 is further obsession denying Catastrophic matters on a wide Scale.

Locating a Bollock Brain

Most People can easily identify a Bollock Brain at Home. Pressure between Thumb & Finger reveals lack of sensation midst an Avianoid Intruder.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


We are opposing Brain Surgery Right Hemisphere & Bollock meant to coincide with an endowment, on grounds we do an exemplary job with a low budget. Piracy with Global disturbance.

Suspect: "Superman" Bollock Reeve lookalike George VI. Spending other People's Money on Flash is all they ever achieved.

Billie Jean

The Song is about Cara's future position upon the Round Table. The Vid has the standard Age of Second Coming & Date in Seconds & features illegal Battlefield "Dance" instruction: centre of Squares.

Crucifixion Tree stripped

An Enemy of us all stole Bark & stripped a Large area making Jesus appear Naked. Still asking for Apocalypse.

All Roads lead to Rome

They actually lead to Surgery, shock Species by combining caused Earth systems failure. The World grew big & slow & nothing shocked if it made or failed the grade to DNA deselection or Extinction.

Royal Welsh Northampton

I see their anything goes Policies have manifest all over England having the Queen's Power Cell. Germanics & Windsor connections amplify.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Russians in Medway

Get these badly briefed Losers out of here & send some I can cooperate with.

Fat Mouth

People that do it on their own Doorstep need their Rose nubbing in it. Why are Eunice's Family at the Bottom of Windsor Ave, Scotch approval? Because they don't have English either.

Sunday, March 3, 2024


Robbing Sikhs have their Eye on the Biblical Cherubim on the Mount. It was the best upon the Hill of it's size after the Coppice & has to remain, possibly in use again when I've passed on.

Worst case of Poncing

Emma Watson looks like She's got Married to Her brother in Her Social Media. Second worst case are Manly Women riding a Wave of Model category Girl on Girl Porn popularity called "Lesbian" MI6 have a disgusting Sex category using strange appearances for punishments.