The Archangel Michael

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Catholic Jealousy killed Jesus

The Brain of Jesus continued until after the Bibles were written suffering persecution & Bloody Death until finally he died. Catholics Today still offend the representative & representatives of God the Spirit, causing People to avoid or Peck at them.
George Duke of Clarence with subtle Cheek Scar of "Paul". Probable Jock Pretender in London, actual Administration in Kent minus it's money & peace. The Palace are an obvious Vatican Outpost launching overt Antichrist attacks on their behalf.

Friday, February 16, 2024

The Scalextric of the Hypotenuse

A Cross situation existed by Diagonal Communications between Quarters as seen on the Alter, not as the supports travel on a Rectangle. The Wales to Jockland Duck sent the X triangular, a trick. What is the scale of that trick? Direct communication excluded the John Quarter.

X is as you understand it, like an ex-freind, also the True form of the Cross Feet apart.

CLASSIFIED: The Temple Mount has a Hypotenuse visible upon broken Concrete Ground levellers. I measured Two: 8:18:10 & 10:34:12

Hype Pot & use

The Christ op was stolen for submission to Rome. Paul taught ruin & arguments exist that mirroring Paul dominates, annoying Rome or instructing Romans with a Mirror. The Pope speaks Mirrors, an Evil Mouth. I say it is not possible for a Christian to speak Mirrors.

Thursday, February 15, 2024


Medway Council like a fuss when I pass by. If you can't get a new sign don't waste my time.

Font as Alien intro

Belgium Nuke

Threat Detected: HRH Elizabeth

Threats to Brussels for dominant policy in the EU included the Eurostar & starvation of local Hierarchy at Jobcentre Chatham inc. danger to Children. WWII shocked Europe for the same purpose.

Germs: orig. Germans

The Race are the Roman raid on Briton causing Biblical Apocalypse, infestation of parasitic Spiritual Government. All Four Quarters are taken in Kent so that the US appear responsible for EU problems by Irish majority. Need thorough extermination of Oids & relocation.

Russian Poverty

The English World Quarter is diminished by Germanic Parasites causing Government problems sourced in Kent & the EU.

Escalating & unreasonable

An intention to Destroy at some stage is evident.


Large Numbers of Senior Russian & Chinese Agents cram into the EU to reduce Germanic control, effect vaporising seniority & an ICBM Backlash.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


Old Testament was what they used to say. The New Testament was refined with messages from God at Moriah with "William Tindale" Same Story.

Cot Death

Children are smothered by House breakers under the wider Police inc. Gang members, who control in communities with Bully options. Police keep Phone Records & Photos of Anaesthetised Couples in Bed. Use Door Bolts.

Little Jock & Big Jock

The Johnson Brothers of Chatham, Little age 54, Big older appear to be carrying Boris & Jo Johnson Avianoid.

World Communication from this area does not mean obedience in London.
Judge Fear: Boris, Image taken in London opposite a Park & Jewish Community. COVID massacre suspect.

Sky Fall

DWP knew I could not access a scanner for PDF & do not have photo ID & that the Bank had stopped sending statements.  Payment blocking prevents Roof repair.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Pest Contact

You sit after me not before. I have no desire for association. You rushed a Critical Security Email in the Toilet with your Imbecilic flood of Customers. Security footage KFC.

Police threat supposed to prevent water collection 

Belgium Bomb

 An Alien Control Panel connected to the Self Destruct Panel by likenesses here has an Image of the Roof UK Gov. were warned not to cut.

Idiot CID removed replacement Plastic from the Store & the Cabinet refused to stop ripping off my income for critical repairs, having failed to prevent. Suspected Avianoid domination. Clock 57:54

Avian: control operator is Biblical Peter, various constituent Oids. World leading Paranormal Photography is ignored: Roof Cut, Materials removed from Shops, Finance targeted through the DWP, constant break in with Punching & Slashing. Police & Home Office directly responsible.


Avianoid & Humanoid knowing times & locations believe they can reduce competition for authority & finance.

Monday, February 12, 2024

Patriarch kirill

The Patriarch is working with me to find solutions to Dim-Wits wanting aggressive control in what is obviously a Church investment: Aylesford area.

Will Smith: Avian in the Shadows.

Questions are raised about Birds hidden in the Movie. A Dark upward Dick suggests engineered jealousy about Kate sneaking here, another "Milly" facial scarring. "Will Smith" indicates Crafting for William, having French competitor William the Conquerer's implant. Clock: 1:02:01

Investigate: Railway St. Dentist ownership 80s, negative surgery on my upper Lip using Knockout Gas, Childhood. Apocalypse related negativity. Avian implant Suspects.

Jonesy the Cat in the following scene suggests an Avian Oid with Kate that has been here. 

Bolt Movie

Evil Dr. calico is Ben Elliot, Johnson, Major, May Family representative.

Moriah Signal

A Hibernating Queen Bee stumbled about yesterday & had to be put somewhere safe. White Flowers for Kate's Left Hemisphere in the Lower Garden. Ordinarily Mirrored operation confuses.

Belgium Nuke

The Global War prompt is desired for a Brussels Crowd but is possibly defused by relocation to Hanover Germany, source of Kent Nazi disruption.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Dull witted Government contenders

Progress with talks about Medway post Apocalypse are futile. They all want to deny Local Democracy, the cause of Apocalypse old. God operates a Democratic Government above & beneath. Robbers contend enslaving for wealth & importance.

With God all Spirits are equal, responsible to the collective. We have to expect Desolations until the Robbers are Dead. The Local problem was set off by God for lack of control in Europe, Africa etc. & prospects West in our future.

Arguably nobody operating locally could control their actions in those days.

Family Screensaver

Try this to put the usual sticky Fingered & abusive House Raiders off. Only Bolt fittings forbid. WARNING! Night access is usually undetected however legitimises serious options by claims they could have done anything.

Making Sci-fi stuff at home is easier especially because of Christmas Tree LED 
functions. I used Solar Panels for Batteries, Radio & basic Lighting suitable for a Shed.

Unmatched 45 yr old Sci-fi

This clip is from the acclaimed Sexy Scene in Alien. There has been no comparable Direction. The same Year as Space 1999 having some of the Crew & bigger budget.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

St. Luke

Cara intruder has been reidentified Luke, Luka Song & Luke Skywalker, formerly believed Coilus & Crucifixion Right side, still identified Adam. The Dodgy Sci-fi makers made Jesus the Wookie.

🐦: Piss off

The Birds are held in contempt for using feeders near the Roundabout & Lamped by David's authority. The recent Signals were a nuisance to them & had to be moved West.