The Archangel Michael

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Homosexuality Madness

Sex a Moriah study discovered is between opposite Sexes & Homosexuality Deranged. Mad "Sex" is between Two deluded People & Homosexual Rape an assault by someone Insane. Consensual Cavorting with the same Sex resulted from implanting Female Brains into Males & Viceversa. Conflict of interest within a Person is the cause of most cases of Insanity.

Africa in Medway

The local Grammar School is crammed with Africans. They are obviously more intelligent than White Children. The Families are here to estrange Children from their Parents with Crazy Social behaviour suited to a remote or distant Society: Brain Hemisphere Transplantation.

Africans are known as Satan because of World distress & the Horn of Africa used in Satanic imagery.


life Losers continue with Mercenary work after Militay Careers. Males at Home Bargains.

Friday, January 26, 2024

World Spiritual Government

I am World Leader meaning possessor of the Vote following discussions with God. Physical pressure is & was suicide in the Day of his wrath. The Invaders are arrogant opportunists defying explanation in Modern times.

Well Spotted

A Tongue beyond the Green Bar tells of the ordinarily moral policy concerning Females gathering Water. Reports are Rebekah verbally & physically assaulted Jesus for blocking Her way.


Request: Paul Black likeness source Video.

China WWII Report

WWII began in China against Japan in 1937 & ended in Japan with Atomic Weapons. China are on the Welsh Quarter on the other side of the World, making responsibility more likely in Kent or Wales & the West of England. China are a Financial asset with consideration in the West where they seek influence.


Indians: US National Brain Transplants

Presupposed US Agency is discovered US Brain Surgery, so that the Blair Sunak transfer is an American. Apoo in Springfield supposed to mock the Region of the Springing Well means A Poo, a US injury to the UK. Target Indians avoided exile to Gravesend in Medway.

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Fifth Element

The Four Stones Earth, Wind, Fire & Water are the Quarter Stones of the Abomination of Desolation. Right Cheek Scars indicate a Mirror, so that operating the Stones is Apocalypse.
Simba visible on the English Quarter Stone, still Roadside, remove it.

Four Rocks: Space 1999 "Black Sun" Mirrored celebrations 

Tracking Apocalypse stupidity

The Tree at the Site of Jesus arrest states David & Pilate. The Two are Family Flags. Within the Two Families are Yes Voters & No Voters, the Yes prevail also Today in fewer numbers.

Jesus with Hill & Valley Crown covers his Well from the Face of Boris intruder & David enforces Rights of Arms. They ignore the Moon Armour.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Diana showed up in Space 1999 & the Women's 2016 RIO Olympic Diving. Otherwise Called Dione in the Seventies Series.

Getting on Diana's Tits

Cara was subject in the Zap image & is larger when the group behind are not together. Diana forefinger, Cara Nipple Thumb, Right Tit. Prearranged Play by Family Spiritual Vote.


Up the Arse Corner

Burham Downs

My First visit since staying on Moriah, It's so near! I need to visit often. God's International dictation.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Web Blocking

Cooperation failure has stopped Internet access on Hill & now restricts access outside. 


Military Oracle, recent discovery for less than the Pay of a Roadsweeper plus more Web exclusion.


Bisexual Male Home Bargains Rochester Airport, Daily attempts at contact.

Apocalypse related constriction prevents healing. I'm charging all Communication denial & partial Crucifixion reconstruction with Global War responsibility inc. Blackwater Moriah provocations.

Flood lit

I'm encountering knowledge more often on the Hill, hidden aspects of things discussed. It happened to Merlin & the Prophets. I have a recent MA in Necromancy @ Moriah University. 

The Community here are called Dead, but are in their natural form pre DNA, which was made for fun.

6 for promiscuous Sex 9 for reduction of Sex

The Yin Yang make Yen. 6 & 9 was cooperation between myself & Beth, English & Welsh Heirs. 69 comments are bad taste. I enjoyed the Beautiful Young Lady less than most others. Beth is a Northampton Hospital Lab product having Jesus Eyes & Nose with a "B-job Mouth".

Zero Hour

Work with me to turn the Clock BC/AD style without Destruction. BC  means before Christ, there is opportunity to restore God's Government slowly. Remove additional Species from Humans.

Golgotha Stone fissures: Trump likely Buddha

There appears to be Four Quarter representation upon Mount Rushmore. Buddha could in worst case mean One of many, a former Tonsil or Bollock Brain replacing a Human Brain Hemisphere. Origin: "Bollock Head"

Bollock Imagery?

Monday, January 22, 2024


Fire Ash here has turned to Clay revealing the source of the Figurines on the Graves.  Ash Trees are recommended it appears because of the Grotesques & Tales upon them. It looks like the Red Clay in the Graves contains their Blood. Artefacts can be restored to their Grave if that is the case, improving Historical Records.

Four Lions

Italy have been invited to join England having Germany & France already, because of our Wretched condition.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Golgotha Chalk Skull

The remaining Eye upon the Skull is like that on Tomb surrounds, like that of a Rat. The Puppet Kings suffered Marriage selection for mockery still happening Today, as well as general Tomb defaming. The Skull is being discontinued. 

Update 22/1/24: Miraculous Event

The Golgotha Skull was fissured during the Storm last Night. An Image of a Chinese Man resembling Trump has a W Mouth. The Image is believed to mean China dislike the base Religion here.

Christianity: Failed Patch

Roman efforts to put off Crucifixion based Desolation were ruined by negative input from the resenting.

Spartacus Patch

Boris Johnson's washed Hands mean preserved Offenders, that leant a Hand. His Family are the U. They should all suffer the fate of Jesus Family as should Johnson & other involved Kin. Terminal Delusional Status.