Samarians are U meaning reduction of Knoll. U take offers from "Rome", usually the Scotch Quarter to make problems for the World Spiritual Government Centrum.
- Man Hole, unnecessary removal of Concrete Foundation with Dirt available on Two Sides.
- Access to my Locked Home, set to One Side of the Temle position.
- Area cleared on the Grass I laid upon the Mary Grave for Sex.
- Parking at the position used by the Crucifixion Mob frequently, escalating.
- Vandalism
- Physical Injuries myself & Mary
The Megalithic Stones were broken up mainly by Samarians entering by that Gate. They are People born in the area having a Negro Family causing Negative behaviour, Apocalyptic, investigate Royal Sovereign Avenue now Johnson Avenue.
Rebecca Report
Women were sent to the Well flippant in the hope they might be ill treated. An agreement was made to wait then the Men would stand as One & avenge a number of "offences". Issac is ISack, a pillage of the Hill disguised.
God Drew the Water Jar
Jesus sat directly above the Pipe. Feet dangling to it's Top. The area is accessible at this Time up to 11 am. Security means no noise & be out before I use the area. BB Guns are recommended.
The Good Samaritan: Suggests the others were all Bad.