The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Stolen Chat Host

I am so far disappointed with Moscow, who are not meeting requests in return for Important Intel & a Semi Priceless object from Moriah.

Missing Ho Report

Update 8 Nov: The German Crown is challenging my Russian Double Agent.

Local Children impregnated

Children made Pregnant or given a STD are sent to an outside place for blame. Royal Caste are all expected to contract an infection to discourage contact with lower Caste. Their wider Family "Witch" Girls, meaning chose which can be separated to keep the competition strength of the group.

Dress embarrassment

Someone is associating bad Designs with our Quarter. There is a Cord & Fur design in need of sensible management.

This type of Sabotage is your work not mine


A Man ran at me on my Doorstep this morning. Kill him.

Sunday, November 5, 2023


Continue with Hostility toward French English, destroy French Hierarchy. 

Spiritual Government 

The ends of Streets usually carry opinions from those dwelling between. Schools are bringing Community votes to neaby Shops.

May Day & a May Pole

May has secret meanings & Theresa Green is an Old Joke. The Poles are supposed to be encased in Rainbow Colours by Young Ladies offering themselves for an Umbrella against adversity.

Theresa is French & a Disaster at this time without the Queen's Umberella. It's even been suggested She is reigning for France at the opportunity, having the UK Females of the Queen to spend.

Women in Management without ER foundation 

Fat, Ugly & Old Women without the obvious virtues ordinarily associated with tolerance in the Male dominated Workplace are first out for reasons or excuses a Report states.

Friday, November 3, 2023

NY Report

The United Nations & Vatican are the $ame, rejection of Life Government at Moriah & in Medway resulting in Human Extinction. Life has been granted Spirits Born in the area that made DNA to proceed or cease, by that Great God in all places that made our Environment.

Up Yours

There are further break ins during the Night with Chloroform for unnecessary Semen collection, there is a Great Store. The Pervert's excuse to get a trained Child through obstacles could have killed a Billion Children & you by 6am. God told you to kill the skilled Child, who's been Queered up.

Four Kingdoms against

Reports: The intrusions have been rejected by the Four Quarters & I handled a Message from George's authority that was ignored. Cara is in the frame against Her Quarter by Poisons & Rapes under the Labour Authority. God says kill authority "contacting" Cara.


The "It's going up" exclamation in Space 1999 that preceeded Lunar disaster meant Hit is of Sexual operation. We need a massacre of complicit authority from this day or we consent to our own.


Labour & Donald operate facilities for Russia called MIG after the combat Aircraft. The Agency is most active at unwanted Sex. Russia are encouraged however denied reasonable Daytime access to the World position here unbalanced by Western access.

Labour Peerage

I have been unable to return my Hereditary Peergae because a Political Lamb of God can look like a Labour Whipping Boy.


Challenges to the English Crown are Challenges to the Majority Vote & you will no longer be able to reside in England necessarily.

Thursday, November 2, 2023


I have so many Titles Holy & Royal I easily lose track, also secret Honors MBE & PHDs. Crown of England is the foremost effective in the environment, Public majority representation that is greater than occasional Referendum. Who stole my Ho? I am not a Broker.

A Female known as Veranika who resembles Irish Quarter's Crown was hijacked during English Quarter purchase to Veronica's Welsh Quarter. The matter was resolved dressing Her in Tartan for the Scottish Quarter, making the Welsh concede.


Cute People are easier to love & gain advantage. I have a succeeding Formula in progress, details unclear. Try filling with Maize & try setting an Alarm Clock Two Hours early for a Bedside Bowl of Cereal.

Jim Twain

Paul Black

Unusually exited about War Films, it turned out his Family are Host to Hitler's immediate Family inc. Adolf who has Four possible locations by Two Pairs of Hemispheres.

Concentration Camps were field Hospitals for fatally wounded German Soldiers, who eventually escaped to Israel following combat duty, hence the Nazi way of Israel with Palestine. 

"Work Camps" built a Handful of Small "Gas Chambers" at Auchwitz 2 nearby: Combat age Males hiding

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

World Leader

This indicated Jesus Birth on the Mary Tree, not throwing out another Toy, but delivering the Warning, a Missile. Joseph & John are supposed to be Father with serious transplant addition & removal of Brain. According to Negro rule they are dominant. I am supposed to be World Leader, else expect Extinction.

The Sperm is a recent indicator, the Total Recal plot bungled the Character.

Matter is God's spread far & Life is Local responsibility. Life will become extinct by Decisions near where DNA began. Local Invader Crimes will eventually Kill Everyone, London.

The People bringing Cara or Beth here at night are their Crucifiers God says. He says they intend easy Apocalypse by familiarity with the Environment. He says Crucify the Traffickers Three Hours.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Sales problems

Hierarchical difficulties forbid purchases of Heaven's Treasure. A Senior Royal or similar, according to other needs to assist with the payment. We have French & German Crowns in Medway as well as English.

Jesus: Crucifixion Scar & Wingnut Ears identify this Wyvern.


The French Royal Caste in Medway are charged with Engineering a dominant French position against the higher English Crown by slander past, German are also charged. A Witching has taken place against certain Members however the Engineers are avoiding, I demand my due.


Germany is Head, France Body competing for seniority in England against the English Poll.


Sack France, excessive hostility.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Daily damage to Priceless Items

God says the Pope & his Cardinals are all Shit. People Rich by robbery imagine themselves Contenders with God as well as Men, for their own War & outcome.

The Stone is next to the Holy Grail for collectors of Sacred things.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Corner Stone

The upward Face has Cross Hairs, a term for Heirs. They Mark an English Crown Dictator probably "Ray Ray", who was my Father's Intruder believed to be within Peter at this Time. The Stone is at the Foot of the Crown authority or vote. It is debatable whether the Mark is for peace or the other. 

Desolation provocation

The Holy Place was attacked Yesterday by the same who damaged the Miraculous Tree at Jesus Grave & the Biblical Corner Stone, all within the space of a Month. Enquiries found his life worth £10k & the damaged items between 300m & 5 bn.

Human Species

The implant of Animal Brains reduces an effective vote for Human existence. The presence believes & reports that Humans are a Vehicle & not a respectable Species.


In addition to Tins Foil is used as a Radiation Catalyst. Primemark meant Prime Mark. The Poor are those assaulted for "poor" acceptance of the invader Government.