The Archangel Michael

Monday, September 25, 2023

UK turmoil Report

The "Dead Presidents" Mafia that are former UK PMs are operating for George & his CIA here & brought here.

2019 Report: "Project Fear" is Global Destruction halted in final stages for influence. Can you guess what it is yet? A Temple Veil image displayed some of them together as One.

Project Fear is meant to "Whoops Apocalypse" if God looks like obtaining One so that Parliament can "BR Exit" to the Tube Station beneath.


A Crucifixion related Cloud arrangement Today match an Image on my Seat Plank. It's about a Police recruitment of externals to assault me, loosely based on recent News.

Second Report

Related to the Right Cheek of Elizabeth concerning "Time". 

 Image Classified : Mirrored 5 am on the Alter under the Mirror.
2000AD Judge's Uniform (Pubic Representative): This UK Royal is Wanted following a "Minority Report", Second Coming Crucifixion intending Apocalypse,  Moon Head & 5 am Head & Body form, poisoned by the Person opposite, Blonde presumed Cara "Witched" by Trafficking Relatives. Wales Remote issues.

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Angel Dead

I disturbed a Falcon earlier. God says the Messenger was of the side that killed on Moriah. The Label with it indicates multiple Votes for retaliation: Strikes Upper Left to Lower Right, a Mirror to return a Deed & Burgandy Death. God once killed Men using the Wild Beasts. 

Paranormal Report

This area has been identified as Saboteur of Messages Systems Rear of the Temple Area by Angel Poisoning.

Saturn's Rings

A Judgement concerning challenges here by an external authority has been most concerned by threat to 8bn disguised as a personal threat at Trespass. God says One of you shall Die according to the Popular Vote. Testing response to an Armed approach for Clan opportunity with George. The Number of lives threatened smothered the Hierarchy of the Group who are ordinarily able.

Thursday, September 21, 2023


More advice on Meal skipping. If you haven't eaten you haven't been poisoned. Load up with Energy Drinks, Sugary Coffee, B Vitamins & any other Energy product then put in your training. Older People need a Tan & light Weights for better results.

Jim Twain, Moriah Studies for Health & Particle Injury.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

5 am

Holocaust is expected at 5 am UK Time according to multiple signals on the Mount. SAM Missile indicate long awaited "Time" (5AM). 

Three Strikes & out

Up at 5 for Training!

SAM-A-1 GAPA was in use in the 40s so that accusations I am a Clock are debunked.

Kung Fu

God says any violent work that results in skill is Kung Fu. I've been encouraged to stay stretched, strong & quick because of Home Office threats that amount to threat to 8bn.

Four & Twenty Elders

There is evidence to suggest they are or will be Animal Kingdom additions to Men from Mount Angelic positions. Global incidents accompany small matters on the Mount.

God says

Stop UK involvement in the Ukraine Conflict inc. Military Sales. Also cease NATO Military sales. Stop using Nuclear Bombers in Iranian Airspace. Fire on Intrusion or relate SAM capability. 

God says B52 are a hazard to the Region left Armed on a Runway. He said they are within range of an Antiship Missile.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Criminal Investigations Five

It's no longer possible to say CI5, however CIS is in use. The Five represented an Electricity Symbol that meant Democratic demand for Criminalisation. Substantial Electricity represents effort in Numbers. Hawaii 5-0 meant counter operations, the 0 is of an encirclement of People.

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Angel Dead

We lost a Messenger to Water tampering last Week & withdraw from managing Irradiated Agents.

Sabotage on Moriah has left us little & Death is a consequence. The Crucifixion Images are Peeling from Dead Birch & are for Sale: 250k, you can credit the Letterbox if you prefer.

Heaven, Temple Mount, Taddington, ME5 9QT 

Apocalypse Idiot

Somebody was hitting a Tree with a Weapon in the Wood this morning.

Paranormal Report: Moriah University, 41°29'34" N 78°54'27" E

The Trouble makers were numerous of an authority Witching Beth, those called Saturn's Rings, Lovers. Investigate: Apocalypse related Crucifixion of Veronika, who Witched who? What were their own circumstances?


The advanced Egyptian knowledge of Spiritual efforts took them to Temple Mount about John's public denouncing of Herod. Deeper still ran Family expecting immunity by "Witching" (Which or Who). The Sacking of Temple Mount was crude, because a Democracy exists concerning serious Policy, meaning most were innocent.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

David's Curse

The Popularity of Samual 1 & 2 caused problems for the Decendents of David & those Souls transplanted from that Time. I found the Psalms praising the Lord of Hosts, those hosting Souls. I would sing praises to that Great God that formed the Elements & Images in Rock & Clouds, Minute & Planetary by the efforts of many.
This Image taken Yesterday shows the UK Struck by many (upper Right to Lower Left, the opposite means approval) Flies tick ✅  or Mirror tick when God is connecting with our activity.

Standing Strong, Breaking, not as much as the Mirror of Yes (some), Hell, Peace, less than Hell (problems).

Less than Yes & less than No:  An upturned Mirror is less than the upturned Image.

Crucifixion Site

Right Eye recognisable on the Charles Clone.


The Crucifixions were Jesus front, Judas Right, Veronica  Left.

Friday, September 15, 2023


Madagascar shows the Lamb speaking to Christians, Muslims & Krishna. Evidence of Spiritual Conflict: Sythe; Say shells, Head Sawers. God says good luck trying lol.

George is Prince of this World & inventor of the Three way system & other Social Fabric. Speaking as a Crown/Flag/Mug/Which myself I accept his denial. Others surround in Darkness.

There is a true Story discredited, God made Life, & calls me Son when things are going well, at the Pole he is very Moody & Intolerant. He says all things & not only things concerning Love & the Purgatory of Self denial for purging. He says don't ask me questions for we are a multitude & a Crowd does not answer the Speaker, he comments when we are doing something.

Do not enter past the Lower gardened area into the Wood & do not ascend the Hill.

Thursday, September 14, 2023


I got an agreement to manage a Unit because of World success on a Microbudget. I said get me a large number of Red status operatives & rotate after a small amount of work. Wingnut got half a dozen permanent Staff & worked them at Global Politics Every Day.

New fund Management outside of Kent needed.

Catholicism Antichrist

We have a conflict for control of Moriah with the Vatican. They refuse History & Word of God with Venom.

Catholic IRA have been caught going upward first with Cara on my Pole then Welshing, causing trouble for myself & Her also. Intention keep the Second Coming down.

End of Days

Daniel 12:11
And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

What's wrong with the Daniel Scrptures. The authorities are known cooperative with a disastrous jealousy infused rough removal & seizing of the Hill with intent to Steal & destroy. Kent, Wales, Palace, Westminster UN (NY). I am the Annointed One & you cannot build for me if I say not. Get away from the place as God keeps telling you, that's my Home & Office, Word of God.

• Messiah the "Prince" Is at this time a Crown
• "The People of the Prince", expected to be Charles because One with a Face like the Sun is Crucified. He is a King at this Time.
• Messiah is forced away refusing the build to him in this time.
• The build is kept Years & not restored to Messiah until the Eve of it's destruction: not built to Messiah, stolen
• The Daniel 12 Angel is upon Water, the River is drained dry.

• The Area is used at this time by the authority for group & diverse Sex inc. Blood with entry disallowed by Messiah to anyone but a Female Photographer while I'm out.
• Rapid eviction is in progress pre investment by expected payment, using support raised for a Modern Structure.
• Buildings nearby are rejected by Messiah as intrusion by random Self-Importants, with Kids ruining objects or making problems.
• Expected theft of priceless Artefacts & Wooden Art, theft already a nuisance.

When did Isaiah claim Orbit Destabilisation? Before or after Signal Network failure? Possible Intergalactic cooperation, God having a Stolen Earth.

Stolen Earth

God says Brain Transplants are obedient most of the Time & have disorganised Leyline Communications from the Origin of Life at Moriah to other segments stealing Money.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Bra Burning

Too many Girls wear Bras following deliberate irradiation of them to cause their disuse, Breast Cancer risk. Something similar happened to Underpants leading to "Swinging" a name given to people hooking up frequently.

God Art: Phoenix

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Abomination of Desolation

There was an incident Yesterday Evening with an identifiable Alter Table upon a Cemetery 3D Map. Biblical countdown possible, Government pressure lead to the Accident.


The Alter & Map were constructed unarguably by God, who told the Story of the invasion & Crucifixion with the Table Legs, in a lesser Wooded Place.

Hearing of Orbit Destabilisation (Isaiah 24:20) God present in this World is less than God's Omnipresence about Galaxy & Galaxies, who arranges Orbits & Life Systems. So we cannot contend, we try but Nuclear volatility manifested.

Accept Warning

The "People of the Prince that shall come" exclude Messiah from the Mount & erect the Crucifixion Alter Table, that is usually stacked in parts. I asked God what if they failed & he said the cause would be killed so that they didn't fail. The Warning is meant to preserve Life.


The Warning has been a complex matter until recently. The Daily Sacrifice is the Food put out for the Animals by anybody resident on the Mount. There is a Road & Housing Construction project planned called rebuilding Jerusalem to the Messiah (Ejecting me).

UK defeat

God said to me that our assets will be taken abroad, also surrender is likely into Food, plan accordingly.