The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

German Fabric

This Column base from Arthur's time showed an Image like George that was the base for images of Royal Society. George's Intruder, former Kings George is commanding us using US Agency.

Police Shat: Closeups were lost when my Computer was written off again.

Police "Shitting" @ the Mount

An analysis of the Chatham Cemetery Tree revealed Two injured Roman's reducing the Mount. A Paranormal report accompanied explaining that Kent Police overstretch then "Shit" somewhere other than their own home, meaning blame.

Chicken Helmet with Two Bloodstreamed, meaning healthy avoidance.

Other complaints inlude the standard whoring of Community Women to pay Men, by Poisons & Lamping. A recognised effort sometimes targets People in general to Sex or Death, the standardisation is inappropriate. Where did the Intelligence budget vanish to warrant slavery.

Two's null

A Florin was Two Shillings, a Flooring.

God's Face restored

God recently closed a Petrol Station because of persistent harrasment nearby. The Demolition Man Movie was based upon options to prevent Deaf & Stupid Agency in Public Places.

Desolation investigation "illegal"

John Major, Family Intruders & Police are gathered to prevent investigation on the Mount by health based exile or arrest.


A Which or Who is an ongoing victim or at an event. An Eagle here tore a Rat that was a Messenger & a Mother killed Her Young that kept the unit operating that would've staggered. 

The Imbecilic Witching of Christ to protect Family is expected to kill all units. I have been subjected to problems up to the point of Death & now Water to alleviate is stolen to richen already relatively comfortable Family, Water also to put off Biblical destruction, inheritance scam.

Monday, August 21, 2023


The former PM was picked for a Financial imbecile it is revealed, losing over £100bn on a squabble. She also had a Street Murdered to aquire the Properties without paying. Some think Financial incompetence is a requirement, permitting thefts.

Sunday, August 20, 2023


Phil's Ancient Hemisphere Harold parodied in Steptoe & Son, formerly Dorothy Jones Intruder is Lamping to kill on Temple Mount with UK authority.

Inheritance swindle

A recent mucky film identified Wingnut as pest forcing most of my Mother's will to the Two Bastard Brothers. Efforts to kill myself & my Mother are the Tail of a life's farce reducing the Second Coming for gain ending in accidental Apocalypse.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Paranormal Report: Chatham Cemetery

The Palmerston Rd Gate aligns with a Cross & a Tree. Upon the Tree is a Mouth within which is the Hill, Left to Right: Crowned King, Angel, Owl, Valley. Beneath: Dragon's Cave.

The Cross has a Star & Angel & the Graves near the Tree clues to Apocalypse responsibility.

Origin of Judge Dredd

The Maidstone Rd. Gate of Chatham Grammer School indicates Hierarchical details of an Attendee. He has a Judge's Shoulder Pad, big Chin & Microphone.

Friday, August 18, 2023

US dominance in the UK

The Democrats are invited by fellow Blues the Conservatives with show of a blow. Money, Boris & negligence prefer the proxy, hamming up Alien control.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Cop Killer

Wingnut intruder has been identified as Garrison Chief during Biblical upsets inc. Jesus & Arthur. Questions are raised about the Spearing of Coppers on the Intruder Hemisphere, what did they know?


The Archangels are of Temple Mount where the Arc is the form at the rear of the Hill. They are responsible for the handling of the Poll of the Peoples they represent, so that Ariel is Neptune too small to warrant the Title without the source, the mass of People.

Jesus was also known as Shiva. Veronika is Saturn & Azrael, they all have many Names. Cara's Intruder is Gabriel & Jibrael, mine Mikail & Jehovah Israfil, the Four Corners of the Earth who's Quarters are Fractals in luck & love. For each there is a Spirit of God above suffering a "Copper" Hemisphere implant generating Eight because of those removed to a subordinate Body making room for the Roman thought Police. Hence the degenerate condition of the Holy Land @ Temple Mount & Biblical Apocalypse manifesting.
Apocalypse rising: Christ, Simon, John, Veronica. Tortured & Murdered together. The array is as the Alter Tables @ Temple Mount. It's said the Two Light are relatively poor because they are too honest.
The array is near the Harry Potter Heraldry, stories loosely based on Historical events. Veronika was the Badger.

Son of Uranus asked not to be identified.

Want that One

Anger & Authority abuse

Neurological malfunction or pride in Projects "ruined", new Policies Post Elizabethan Administration are not failure. The rolling habitual antics of long term Officials is demanding their immediate removal.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023


Guest are P.O. Royal Mail (reference Chain Mail). Royal Mail provide Royal Security by strategic delivery.

Riden o' Biden

Joe has excelled at arrogance frying Temple Mount through the Night in between defeating the US People.

England FC

A Great Kangaroo appeared in Cloud9 this morning, knocking over the opposition. God says the match was rigged because of the Images. The prevailed Government are too old to continue, by Bodysnatching. They oppose the creation no longer grateful for Life.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023


It's normal for offenders to accuse opposition of their own Sins. Trump is ahead in Elections meaning there is effective referendum ignored, Treason. Charges by the outgoing Government are Purgery intended to prevent Democratic Election. An accused Man Elected or dominant by referendum is no longer Criminal according to a Government representating Majority Public. Laws are intended an unintelligent guideline in the absence of State decisions in the service of the People. So the Allegations are in fact Democrat manipulation of Election result, removing it from the Public Vote.

Reasons for hypocrisy of accusations

The accusers are concerned about being accused so push away accusations by making them appear at Tit for Tat in the event, preemptive. The Hypocrite has detailed knowledge of their own activities & prefers the familiar to form a case as if there has been an investigation.

Surveillance fail

Multiple Calls to the King, PM, Foreign Officials & others have been retained for files without arriving at their intended destination. The Team said calls are Labelled actual calls & fake, my information is that doesn't make a difference every time. I requested a responsible external Agent.


The definition is insulting & inaccurate, Jesus was jumped at the Slope edge.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Spiritual Office

The God of "Isreal", called I AM & creator of Life is in a predicament. All across the Earth God is investing in life projects & notary position on Temple Mount succeeds at the centre of "Paramount" World policy making with contest.

Roman Copper Helmets

"Coppers" have Head Sawn Royal Hierarchy, Royals the representatives of the Spirits of the Peoples, like a Pyramid Apex or Dome Tip, where the Common People number more at the Base. The effect is Police coercion to tweak the Congress for payments or the direction of "Rome", remaining in Offices like Bishop or MP. Corruption has led to instability & raging from God above, even about Apocalypse to be rid of Rome.