The Archangel Michael

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Camilla affair

The Queen Con sort is having an affair with the MI6 Director.


Dana Bondoc, she has a Vulture duty when a "Deity" is struggling, visiting in Person. You know it's over if Dana arrives.

Stone of Density

The Stone of Destiny is a cheap version of white Horse Stone near here where Kings were Crowned including Arthur. The Bloody handed Monarchy claim ownership of anything & demand silence.

The Red Rag symbolises Blood obtaining their Office, nonsense.

White Horse Stone: God says I'm Crown here

A number of Family members are challenging including my Father, return their nuisance.

Crown authorities

In Spiritual Government the Crown represents a People in real time, like a referendum on any significant policy. They only make suggestions & minor decisions otherwise are a Spokesperson. 

English opinion

As you can probably tell the English think Charles is a Joke, so that's what you'll hear from me.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

William the Conqueror

 Prince William has the Brain Hemisphere, called William the Bastard & Willy.

Royal Mail: French

I have Podcasts missing intended English Crown to Irish Crown. Information is gathered by Royal Mail not finding it's destination. What of the Letters? Remove their delivery contract. I have a Two way with Boris successfully however messages fail their destination.


Heaven had a Visitor Today, this Dragonfly is Happy because Herod was accused by John of taking another Man's Wife to Queen.


The Word is being used often in Media, it means the return of marauding where Egypt has over developed in World authority, by Nuclear destruction.

Friday, April 28, 2023


It is not lawful for you to take another Man's Wife to Queen. Andrew Parker Bowles was a Horse Guard. Charles hurried over to his Wife speaking as if Andrew was a Tale in making & organised his dismissal. Charles has struck Camilla past. The other Horse Guards keep their Wives apart if Charles is around.


Charles has a batter Females until they leave policy, attempting Male domination after the Queen's Female preferred.

Social status limits

Here we are contemplating a Home without Bills. Firewood, Solar Light & Radio. There are standards that are supposed to limit a Class to the correct Home with Car by Income, Taxation & Pricing.

Thursday, April 27, 2023


The Bowl containing Jesus DNA has been urinated into killing the Three Ivy varieties. Arthur's Teeth & other Skull fragments were also urinated on at a shrine. Both are Human extinction efforts. Contract: Police Officer in charge.


Since sitting Women are suffering extreme violence. They think the Queen's extensive Female administration is vulnerable to Sex & violence.

Trump Media Blocked

GCHQ are still preventing reasonable access to Truth Social from here.

Cara smacked up

The images of Cara brutalised during Sex in such a manner that bloodies without obvious marks & the images of extensive bruising are out of control & we are standing up for alternative means of debt payment if that's what it's about.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Crown of Thorns

Like the Spikes on the Liberty Crown the Crown of Thorns represented People. Mine were a Gang of Pricks sent to undermine.

Herod wants into Cara

We have a possible future, the "Joker" Table Leg waiting for me to Saw a Joint in the Top is actually a Herod/Cara replacement for Adam/Cara. They are the "Adams Family" some of whom want a go within Cara on the Right Brain Hemisphere. There appears to be a Seven Year period so far.

Adam & Eve Family: Not necessarily the original Sex

Arthur's Crown

I made a replica of the Bronze Band design yesterday, but needed to dismantle it because of mortal danger linked to Charles Coronation.

Pippa Middleton

I met Pippa for a few words recently. She was apprehensive approaching as if crossing a great void, Beautiful smile like Kate. Aquainting various Girls is necessary because a Noble's own friend is often absent, or in Cara's case never here at all.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Archangels Gabriel

We have lost support for the "ludicrous" arrangement with Gabriel under the Conservative Government. Options for significant Female are pre resurrection Wives of my former Crowns here, including Cara & Daughter moved to Emma. If they are never allowed to speak with me here you could've kept the last one. 

Public Figure Wives are all sex workers deflecting problem makers including Royalty & Politicians. 

Monday, April 24, 2023

Howe Clock Makers

I am not a part of Government Tik Tok, which stages details of Apocalypse & preps for Officials having a Countdown. Here we're concerned by images formed by God in Clouds. Leading Archangels are being asked to carry messages for those who Counted down to the Millennium, when nothing happened.

Cara Miracle

My Sooty Chimney Pipe fell a fissured about the time Cara's Bottom was being wrecked by coercive "Security". Then something odd occurred. God had me collect Clay to fix it & Her Bottom soothed. God made Man from Clay & the addition of it to Adam healed.