The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Cara's Seven Year dismissal

There was considerable woe when Cara's Mum sawed Her Head & moved Her to Emma. In this Song She was the Fairy Queen who paid a Tithe. Carter Hall was the Mediaeval Hill Top here.

A Sign upon the Two Cherubim indicates I am still partnered to the moved Hemisphere with Emma.

Hypersonic Missiles

Russia's esteemed Hypersonic Missile can easily be stopped with a slow vertical launching passive Homing descent near a Target or a Sounding Rocket travelling up to Three times it's speed, having descent eliminating Radar stealth. General direction of incoming & use of upward facing Cameras.
Russian Rocket: Not very good. Looks like a traditional Calibre increase.

Sounding Rockets attack Aircraft before they appear on Local Radar. They also put off passive Homing, increasing Speed by multi-stage. Additionally estimate fuel needed to Target & potentially drop a Stage registering incoming.

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Paranormal Report: Seven Heavens

Medway Megaliths indicate the Position of Hill Fort Long Barrows like mine. There were Seven near. They are the Seven Hills on which the Whore of Babylon sat. Heaven is of Heaving Stones to a Hill Top.

Egyptian overcoming of Heaven

The ferocity of defence was unmatched in other places, meaning surplus Romans came until Heaven was taken by violence. Then Nob & Marriages, Head dividing & Bastard Children until Spiritual deformity collapsed the Royal Family from within, making physical defence ineffective.

Recent Lunar Desolation concerns, following multiple Resurrections from Biblical Times has put Roman defiance at Heaven under International pressure. The Seven Heaven Royalty still function, Cloud readers called the Dragon.

Out & in

A block on Heaven's Treasure leaving has been discussed & the primary fault is not ridiculous offers, but a partial block on purchases inward. 

Death Penalty for Speeding

Automated Guns are firing upon speeding Vehicles in Ukraine because Armoured support always rushes in.

Other News: Wingnut dissed

Mel Gibson models for Charles, reference to Movies that encouraged people to plan "action" for me to stumble upon. Vague Jesus identity theft satire.

Other: Kitten loves Duckling

Monday, March 27, 2023

Met. Police

God says burn them to Death in Kent, Vehicles, Residence, Work Stations, no exceptions.



African illegals

There is a flood of African accents in Kent. Who's taken bribes?

Dragon King: Spiritual World Government

The Dragon would be the Fossils of the Red Sea, where Life was born with the Hill Crown, however Herod is King at Boxley under Egypt, the Negro Headsawing invader. I am either Heart of the Dragon meaning if you need anything spoil him, or Right Arm meaning Whip.

Sunday, March 26, 2023


God says Nuke Kiev for Life threats here. Report: Windsor House are using the Lamps to reduce England at competition with Germany, severity. Charles the Prat.


 LIfe threatening Lamping in progress here, trending Nights. APOCALYPSE WARNING.

Apocalypse advances

 "Messiah" Porn is trending, God says expect War with Belarus.

MI6 Dominated by Homosexuals

Girls are complaining that Handsome, tanned, sometimes Muscular Men usually can't find the correct Aperture with their William, turning pleasure to endurance.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Looting Heaven

God says stop sacking my Images, there is an interpreter for this Hill. Report: Images taken here by a Man trespassing are ill understood & other Photogtaphs are often random possibilities.

Retarded Council

Medway Council still have the offending staff at Sainsbury's as they kept lookouts who operated on the Regiside. Supremacy issues.


Fifth Column

There are Four Kingdoms, Two connected Pairs having nearer ties. A Fifth is the Force a Police system encompassing Hoods. The Four are most Spiritual based within Family Trees, the Fifth Physical also within a Family Tree.

God made these, representing the Two Pairs in Spiritual form & the Fifth an interference for gain. 

Cara in Limbo

Cara was moved out by Her Mother into Emma, who is winning a personality conflict. The void consumes by saturation of Spirits (within People) loyal to the other. Likewise my other Hemisphere.

Friday, March 24, 2023

Sacred Heart

It probably confuses seeing Headstone Paving at a Church with Sacred written upon it. Sack Red means trade it for Life. I reject the Heart position, which almost always attracts people better off than myself.

Healing Miracles

Pharaoh sent people to make themselves a friend, some were surgeons used to recycling body parts from the Dead. Limb transplants for example are still secret Today.

Mount Sinai

The Mountain of Moses was of course here, also an Ark is reported on Ararat meaning Rat shot with an Arrow. The Prophets told the people the truth of Egypt among us & were called Rat.