The Archangel Michael

Friday, March 24, 2023

Born again

Nobody can enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless born of Spirit & Water. One Hemisphere Brain transplantation introduced another Spirit & Water flows when a Head is sawn, out of you flows Rivers of "living" Water. The addition of an Egyptian enabled consent to the Royal property.

Eternal Life

Confusion connected to the "Son of God", Head sawing or obedience to God in Heaven & resurrection on a sustained Earth. Neither is Eternal, the later is longer.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

All the Queen's Horses & all the Queen's Men

When will the British loyal find peace? Charles is still a disaster for Patriots since exploding into almost everyone.



Harry Potter Antichrist

I was cast out of Jesus & this time the other Hemisphere is cast out of Christ. I am the Word. Harry Potter promotes Ancient Tales through Rose tinted, unrecognizable in a Bible & that says it all.

Consider that the surviving stories of Christ are nonsense in part. Do not look to the Clouds of Heaven? Is that why God draws upon them? God rages about the lie.

All who were alive telling stories are Negro Terminators who intruded. Peter for example sold the Stone Megaliths on Hill because of their Pyramids.

Iraqi Oil Money found

Blair Sawed Sunak's Head & accessed the Treasury for 750 million. A Blair Witch project sign is based on Jackson's field near a local Girl's School.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Role play Puppet

A plan to rob Emma Watson by booking Her fate at the outset of role playing is in progress. I am expected to help obtain money for other people as usual as if I'm compensated "getting even" they tell me, whatever. Robert Worcester would blame the Bullet he shot me with. Some kind of restraining order preventing Emma making any more by Media connected to me is better than cheap Porn. She complains of painful Anal Sex, not Sex Media.

Up for a Hetero ride

There is no arguing with the Vatican about Christ or Hill authority. Reduce payments to Churches.

Cara Heard talking out of Her Ass

Cara is sometimes represented by a reverse 9 which is my Number. During a recent Video there appeared a Mouth with Horns shouting at a flabby Security Operative. We can't show it here. 

Roman Plan for end of Life

According to their Scriptures (Revelation) at the time of Social & economic collapse, they issue an order to "rebuild Jerusalem" which has been forbidden because of the Vatican Grand representation of the Hill & Valley, cut off the Messiah before it's finished, then Destroy the Earth.

It's obvious there is no place on Earth the Word of God is welcome & no time during the Life created. God says scrap their plans.

Paltrow: Cara's missing Brain

The wandering Right Hemisphere of Cara Delevingne is in Court for the most recent Cloud 9 image forming part of a group assault. The Beaky Stick is replacing the Dick suck Stick under a Mirror.

Right Eye: Unhappy Heron Beak

Messiah Fish

A Gold Fish that lived here with us was stolen. The Fish is an Angel with inside knowledge. The other Two were released into the River for handling abusive contact here. First they were shown the Trees, Road, Sky & a Sky Fish, a local Bird fed by the Bowl.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


Following yesteday's problems there was a Media outburst about the Met. Police. Today they repeated, Males here breaking more Security equipment, not replaceable.

Fine: Disclosure 

Military Uniforms can be reversible like Civilian Clothing or other side.


Poodle fight, Cara is capping the nose of one with an Ancient appearance & contending with the other.

Con-serve-ative Party

They have added a condition for Voting, Photo ID because lower Classes are less inclined to take the trouble.

Hell located

I located Hell yesterday, between Heaven & Earth. The Foot of this Hill was over a line so that more died assaulting than were taken. Rome punished the occupants for all of their Dead by killing the Crown Descendents there afterward including Moses, Jesus & Arthur.

Emma Watson

Emma has been a love in contact & her persecutions at this time are connected to Media presentations not her own production. They are Antichrist annoyance to my support network on accasion & opposition to Male dominance in Power. Her personal behaviour off script is exemplary.

Ben Page 

He hounded men around the Country for Years using Emma & Cara to encourage people to annoy me. They were seen together on the Road often. Ben & others at MORI are responsible for their employment at assault. Ben was offered a Guardian Newspaper Colomn by Rome.


Boris Johnson is pretenfing to be me, having killed me & my Family here regularly.

Monday, March 20, 2023


Males were here Today, incest, broken security equipment. You have been warned God says. If they return their Heads will come off he promises.

Fined: Disclosure

I have been submitting tech. data in secret. Drone: 3 wide angle motion detect for take off, 1 Cruise detect upward Camera, 1 land beneath. Observation speed, direction, altitude working with K9M 90 & 150 miles from Target, Mobile Network Alarm & respond, ascend, descend on Heat signature. 

Financial Rip off

I was taken for Hundreds of Pounds again Saturday. God says we are expecting the worst Winter on Record.

The Johnson Clan are operating Herod who is Dominoing near onto me for them. Vatican City contend with Heaven for respect & finance. God says sell the contents of the Vatican & know your place.

Treasure in Heaven

The Vatican have demanded all of the God worked Wood here, saying you need to sell because we'vs halved your income. God refuses to allow the sacking. They are offering almost nothing, hating the prosperity of Heaven.


They have encountered alterations & have always managed. They would continue without Christian front.

Christianity defunct

The Vatican have assaulted Drew, Christian Churches are all responsible to Rome having minute differences for an excuse to claim otherwise. Jehovah who was Joseph is Chief World Poll handler. He is recognised by Head sawerers who learn too much & compromised, also the Word of God Chief Messenger, having Satan contradict in equal opposite measure under God. The Word is put away also by imposters like the Pope & Charles Jesus Clone.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Herod's Hooter

He has been identified as Prick .ca distress to the Becky Hemisphere, intending Death of my Jesus Hemisphere by Cara's Death neutralizing, Image: Burns. Both Hemisphere's are being Pricked following excitement about Elizabeth's execution in the area.

Ash Tree's were the Tree of Knowledge & Silver Birch Tree of Life.

Herod is Lamping me & the Food & Water here, return Fire. He takes peace from the Land. Manna (Fruit & Nut) no longer grows Wild because he was angry with Moses, Apocalypse stupidity. He kept a Hazelnut Wood next to his Village, Boxley Wood.