The Archangel Michael

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Lunar Apocalypse alternative

Offences against God are systematic & aggressive. The culprits are usually thick & lasting beyond many Bodies, an ingratitude for Life develops when Life is taken without the creator leading to resentment about order.

A daylight Apocalypse targeting Government facilities only expands a Nation not destroying Enemy assets & avoids Lunar finality.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

International Disaster

God says stop annoyance.


There is a near total nuisance campaign, good work you stupid prick.


There is Snow here Today, which was unlikely God says because he was refused a Tin of White Paint yesterday, enjoy.


The backlash for the Plague in Town meant bad Weather for a Month God says. I'm suffering it worse than most.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


God requires that only Females are allowed beyond the first cover for Angelic communication with the Animals, called the Angels of Heaven, who were the recipients of the brunt Sacrifice, burned to prevent Thieves. The small Plot of land doesn't naturally encourge the "Angels".


Origin Cling on, somebody who's association is rejected, who refuses rejection. Leaching, Poncing, ally confidence trickery, bad timing etc. Remove Beth from the Bridge. Becky & Beth are Welsh fractals.


God gave us a CD Drive Patent Today that works in modern thin Laptops. It spins underneath.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Retarded obstinance

Sainsbury's & Natwest Bank are threatened with closure for stubborn offences carried out through warnings by Staff.



Face off

The Red Kite took the Face & Nose from a Rat here that stole a French Stick ignoring rebuke. God says that is a Female who interfered with Alter replacement here & another with Cara. He says Men are still ignoring Death sentencing for breaching the perimeter here. Wood & items are stolen, return them or Die he says.

Public nuisance

Many Sirens are heard here because of a messaging system. You do not need to move aside for them.

Royal Rip-off

Doing business with Windsor at the last costs more than was made for the Work. They hate the rising of associates. Great wealth can only be acquired by stealing from the hard working.

Sticky Fingered Windsor

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Danger Sign

God helped me with an Alert Sign, not to open the Door unprepared.

Stupid Prick

The Mountbatten Club Prick, out for Louise is mentioned here Today, active Hostile the Rebecca "Alien" dominating my stolen Hemisphere. 

Charles pretender to the Throne of God

Charles men have tampered with the Cloud9 Camera & are attempting sale of their own images as an alternative while I'm in Town. The Man is a Lunatic, wanting all things, the Material & Spiritual mass.

Four Crowns update

The secretive World of Spiritual Government is not well lit. The most recent report is that the English, Irish, Scottish & Welsh Heirs of former Kings & Queens have each an Ancient Brain Hemisphere of Ancient Egypt with them.

Crowns: A Poll position

Emma is reported the real Eve, who moved to Emma beneath the Scottish Crown & Adam Cara within the Irish. The Spiritual Poll comes to the representative, then it is scrutinised by Egypt called Rome.

Rebecca my other Hemisphere is with the Welsh Crown also Beth beneath & my intruder is called English Crown. Rebecca doesn't have the DNA of descent so the only deciding factor must be the presence of the Egyptian, who can move from one Crown to replace another.

A similar thing happened when Tony Blair was moved to Rishi Sunak leading the opposition party. The DNA is less important, as seen with Elizabeth's Heir Charles who took the DNA of my body Jesus.

Jesus & other Hemisphere are a recent arrangement for poll position resurrected in 1970.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Ian Learmonth

The Police Chief was this morning reported joyfully talking Crucifixions until the some of it rose to seniority at Government, where blame is with the deceased Monarch. Learmonth is some kind of Charles subvert who thinks we are cooperating. 

The burns here that vacated for Elizabeth's execution were perpetrated by Charles, through the Kent Police Chief having Big Ears signalling loyalty, through Medway Police Station, having Johnson Ave, Rebecca's kin nearby. Rebecca has a significant number of Skin Tumors by coercion, & my Hemisphere present is unrecognizable for domination by the intruder.

Every day here there are distracting Lamp burns intended to cease any activity. It's believed by the Annie Bachellor Kin that they can imitate the Second Coming with a captured Hemisphere, to claim righteous Government, better if I am destituted & hindered about every tasks. God says kill them.

Males @ Hilltop

A Female was invited Today on condition no Males came within, a Vote ignored God as is typical. God says he will kill them.

Women are often raped in the area when I leave.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Old Goat Report

The Goat of Ram & Goat fame is very annoyed about the Heaven Military Convoy, that can drive almost anywhere. Heat seeking Rocket Artillery has been recommended for Shelling, alter Rockets in existing systems.


 The Large Stones in the Crown Jewels are fake.

No Entry

God is angry about visitors here when I leave each day. He said keep out unless an Angel, then remain in the Grassed area front corner, do not enter the Valley or ascend my Hill he says.