The Archangel Michael

Thursday, January 26, 2023

German Tanks

The Apollyon Leopard ref. is slander. I never agreed to support German Tanks. I received data from Russia requiring neutrality & managed a Sale if a 16 inch Maltese Cross were added, rejected.

Stupid Irish Prick

There were Two Alter Tables, one for the other "Lampstand" & one for here. Because of the reported value a much smaller price tag was agreed, not a freebie. First a fraction of the agreed amount was paid for parts received, then an assault on my income supposed to capture the Alter for nothing went wrong so that there was a large deficit. It became obvious that a Stupid Irish Prick intended to confiscate Her intended Alter from Her & myself.  

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Over Zealous contempt

God says expect a Nuclear Attack. Police anti policy, no specific subject. Most think Ancients in the Police still in contact & a nuisance after the original Crucifixions should have died before now for sanity's sake & Nuclear safety.

Princess of Monte Cristo

Far from fallen from Heaven Cara is honoured here in Heaven Today by the Christ. I've been speaking to Her about a Snow Flake Crown Fashion option. She visits & is welcome in Heaven.

The Two families of Black & White Race are not Good & Evil, although the Black are invaders & unwelcome surgical implants, likely to be Carnal or violent.


I have a series of personal conflicts with their Chief downing incoming Radio across the South with Black saturation as well as my incoming because I switch off.

Unitelligent Intelligence Executive

A personal battle rages in the head of GCHQ because I am Global Archangel Michael & they are a Messenger service. Severe intestinal assaults he blamed on a Chinaman today followed a row all morning with him.


Origin: Ramp Age, the Ramp of this Valley's Hill Fort. Getting Hold of somebody orig. Getting Old of them. Denial of Life to the aged Leader is Historic.


It's advisable to take stimulants by which to train: Caffine, B Vitamin complex, Glucose, Energy Drink. These are also Radiation sickness antidote with activity.

Public Executions

This is meant to argue the Public should not be allowed longer before suffering Cancer by NPCC Lamping. The Government are unquestionably stupid, a consequence of invader authority, not risen by merit.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Bible & Topographical Word

The Signals are either a warning or an option depending on whether you like them. A Man says God would not show me unless he wanted me to avoid/proceed.

Vagina Chronicle

Big Mouth is being held responsible for the immediate collapse of Democracy after Elizabeth, covering Cara with bruising causing my arrest also, sinking Two of Four Crowns, along with NPCC & Conservative heirarchy.


I promise never to write Pope, Catholic or Catholicism if I get the Deeds to St. John Fisher School. Christian Churches are denounced as often Antichrist institutions inevitably collapsing.


A series of financial assaults upon the English Crown are followed by imbecile Life threats. I have International support for a reduced Irish Economy.


Intel that Cara had "dropped Her Nigers" was found to be poor quality audio. A Trafficking Policeman who shouts at Her is very upset about it becoming Public, he said "What C*nt told you that?"

Holocaust prevention

Lamps are too well dug in, generally accepted as primary Holocaust concern. We need all CCTV Dead inc. Software & Electronics Engineering.

Monday, January 23, 2023


Apocalypse related threats today, suffer them not. Identify these Two who are with  Dana & Anna, looks like Cerberus. The Two "Krays" are rear, Security who joined Timpsons at that time are Cell. The Kraken is the Population manifestation of Medusa.


Cara is visible Left & Beth Cutler Right. Of the Two Cerberus Heads Beth has inherited the Left Hemisphere of Her Mother. The Head is also the Root of the Family Tree before Dana & Anna according to a Signal here, called Homer.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Ark of the Covenant


"The Temple of God in Heaven was opened & inside was found the Ark of the Covenant". There's nothing I like better than working on Indiana Jones or Tomb Raider adventures for Thieves to enjoy. You'll never have an Ark made by me.


The Hill Top was Heaven, something to do with heaving the Megalithic Stones that made a Circle. The Stone was Rarer than Concrete & sold by the Family. High places are known to concentrate God's attention upon a Man.

Coronation Null

Charles is "married" to another Man's Wife & a pretender to Second Coming authority by a Jesus Clone. God says do not perform a Coronation.

Miraculous Image

A miraculous image appeared in Cara's Vagina recently supporting opposition Doctrine under God in it's proper measure. Multiple images were found during analysis of the Coital interface, including a Man Shouting & peering over Her shoulder during the distressing event.

Image of Cara & Poppy here

Bible necessary 

We know that stories are heavily coded with mockery & ify Prophesy, without it we would have little idea of God. The Characters are present & basic understanding of some things.

Satanic Africa

The removal of Clitoris (FGM) is for sale to older Black Women. Sexual sensitivity begins to fail in Teens numbed by old Age.


Since Elizabeth there is a great determination to overhaul UK Government in a short space of time. 

Friday, January 20, 2023

Kent Police

An Apocalypse fanatic denys German intelligence, serious signals concerning danger at Nol have been blocked for more than Three Years with conflicts to obtain. Remove the Fool with permanent effect. Video Series: cute mary xxx premium.

Contract: intruder alarm shelf removal Wickes & malfunctioning alternative manufacture ind. High St. Trader, officer in charge.