The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Queen: Celtic Throne based Third Temple Alter

It wasn't until last week I recognised the Table Leg Belonging to Windsor. The Queen's close set Eyes are identifiable. We're seeking a Fireman's Jack to open Cara's Purse, she has a pair of Legs.

This image operated with the Mirror above or unlikely, as seen.

England Royalties

There is now a division five ways that includes Raymond, remaining Father Hemisphere. Veronika's share past caused negativity, nobody is using my fund to injure my interests, block it. 

England & Ireland

I've joined to the Irish Crown for a WWII plane project. We have permission to attempt affordable & numerous Planes of the RAF & Luftwaffe as well as others. I'm intrigued by offers other than the obvious efficient option that is kit manufacture in India for assembly in Ireland. 

"Party" investigation

An agreement with a leader is reached by torture near time of natural Death that injures Family members in their place for respite. The worry is revenge for the killing of the Elder & a pre-emptive attack makes that less effective. I made no agreements to suffer problems, kill the Party People & npcc. WHO payments available for Global Security disturbances.

Paradox of Towers

These Two famous Towers are related to Lamp Post Xray assaults on the Public. Bell Tower like the Bell of Destruction, that held Royal Caste & Post Office Tower, Royal Mail is used to disguise Royal Security (Chain Mail). They suggest Palace responsibility.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022


The new Monarch's administration said keep out of London or go to Prison sharing cell with an ass banger. Please do not hold off Nuclear attack on the Capital if I am ever arrested again.

Jesus Birth on Mary's Tree: Missile Left Hand & angry, threats to destroy 2000 yrs ago were ignored & today on the brink the UK Government are arrogant & a serious offence.

Mary's Memorial

I was surprised by "Security" this morning who were hostile about removal of the Twelve Solar Lights around the Jesus Family Grave. I took it that they believed they had aquired the site by blood of the Head of State. Get lost.


The Destruction of Babylon is Engineered by Spiritual authority, failure to address open Security issues is the responsibility of Men, refuse them office. Authority is really dumb, Forcefull prevail at aquiring Wealth then esteem themselves & become angry when neither force nor payment advance their whim. They are conceited orig. Con-Seated at office. They are great in their own Eyes however the World fissures, resources depleted by greed & Nuclear Weapons related to Biblical straits are set to devour them.

Persecution: Contracts

Northampton Magistrates have issued a warrant for my arrest refusing to answer calls for months & costing me over a thousand pounds in lost income, including refused expenses Kent to Northampton. They issued a failed to attend warrant after near starving me & refusing to answer effective travel denial. Chief Justice bribery. In 2019 they pinned a wanted poster on Global search results with name, age & current photograph, new ground in global security risk taking.

Queen hype

The Mary Queen Hemisphere was an isolated Spirit robbed of Holy garb, like a drop of Bleach in a Bucket of Crap. Excitement about offensives here & against me are based on  hyped appearance not influence in London. The Queen was supposed to be Moral Hierarchy & financial success, however Mary was a theft not an authority.

Monday, December 26, 2022


Anybody operating "Police" CCTV in the UK random, also their Kin & former operators.

Pharoah located

Boxley Spring was the site of Moses discourse with Pharoah, who applied for positions at Nob, where they conspired against Temple Mount. Boxley Village is the most desirable in the area. "Pharoah" Ancient Hemisphere is there. 


We can learn something from Russia: Don't keep all of your supplies in a Warehouse, Orig. Where's my supply House? Serious appraisal needs respect the lack of Ammunition that caused the British to withdraw in WWII, political bargaining.


Tell me we're not experiencing Nuclear Tension for Sales alone. We recently established sudden manufacture of economic WWII Squadrons annihilate Modern Defence Systems by numbers. 

A10 Tank Buster & Prop version: P38 Lightning

Incoming Cruise

Report: Patriot would not have prevented the loss of Mariupol by Ship launched Cruise, manual Systems cannot respond to short range fire. Israel keep Two F16 aloft, Two or more Aircraft equidistant to the Coast can bring down Black Sea Cruise.

Persian Culture

Following the AD with the Swimming Baths there is considerable interest in other Architecture. We said Tombraider should be ashamed.


Putin has been called Crocodile here in Wood imagery. It means he "ate" the Clock, by investment & control.

Sunday, December 25, 2022


My Christmas is alone, given a military germ & tortured by CCTV burning. Nobody has a right to celebrate Christmas if I have not. I hear strange doctrines in Christmas songs. National Security is dismissive of warnings here.

Charles speech was Antichrist, against my views on Charity for example. There are no sustainable Charities only money laundering.

MI6 a foreign Agency

The group have done all possible to excite nuclear tension, including Christ persecution in the face of Christmas warnings, Cull Executives.

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Apocalypse fanatics

Kill everyone opposing, this is not the "Time", this is the official place of a Time if there was one. There is no place for Apocalypse Engineers of their own self or deaf by authority & causing concern.

Charles Christmas Speech

You're not taking any notice of him are you? Clone of Jesus with my Money in his Pocket. He kept my Nob Timber & promotion failing agreement & demands for payment following.  


Tehran indoor Swimming Pools are among the greatest in the World.


An Elegant Demon walks among them he has published. Francis once went about in Public with a Black Eye. There is obvious conflict within the Vatican with public appeal for help.