The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Russian Defence Chief located

Moscow committed Antichrist crimes on Temple Mount lining "Veronika" up for a reconstruction Eye stabbing for petty Video enjoyment (Russian Right Hemisphere). Veronika's Grave is marked with a Seat having a Backrest at Mary's Grave, DNA taken.

Veronika of Drew Deceased at Mary's Tree, "Sergei" Defence Minister Ref.

God @ Temple Mount

He says authority is removed by pests & bought at the Hifgh St. Cafe. There is no emergency capability here either, we bought a Data connection. He says until something explodes you will not hear about Nuclear Danger, so he's ordered a Russian Airstrike on the UK.

Racism: Gov. Bribery

CIA payments to UK Gov. prevented National Security engaging a Spy with political challenge. Jade Goody died of Cancer a common citizen for rudeness to a Preened Indian. UK Gov. Death threat to National Security for private payments, resulting at peek with an Indian CIA Prime Minister.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Indian "Mars" representation

Diana War trouble is being led by an Indian Family here. 31 Maidstone Rd & Relatives.
Trouble: Diana stayed in Medway Two Weeks (39 Ernest Rd), Indian 41, 8 & Corner Shop, Indian Visitor (31 Maistone Rd).  

KGB Desolate option didn't sleep

God says intrusive reconnaissance doubled problems with Biblical Desolation, using Home Bargains operatives with Russian implants. Sick Crucifixion reconstruction efforts.

MI5 out of control, Group partical assault

I had to empty my basket & refill it in sainsburys Pentagon Chatham, then walk out. Escalation in overt activity. failure to keep public order. assault on trousers causing limp, irradiated bag injuring leg, general particle assault on the leg, Drew assault effort.


Everyone's life is endangered by that Man's progressive Leg injuries that he can't reverse.

Jerusalem Israel

The Name is an upscaled Honour taken further, with claims of actual Biblical History. It is as Birmingham or Chatham USA named after English places, having kept tradition of travelling Drew & Moses.

Helen of Troy

My horrified Young Heir is Bridged God says, Helena was an intruder Hemisphere within various of Jesus Kin including Daughter. Presently in a Descendent.

Image of Beauty: Not unlike Helen. Rise Princess Helen of Monte Cristo. Titles are Employment positions & are usually withdrawn after the Term.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

King Cole: Jesus Left Brain Hemisphere

Jesus was King Coel Hen Pre Arthur by Transplant surgery. Roman Catholic Bishops Burned Him to Death so that he was like "Coal" for opposition to Doctrine.

John in Revelation

The Spirit of Jesus came to John, & called himself the Beast & Man of Sin Son of Perdition according to the competing Spirit recently identified as a Jesus Death escape Artist. 

Naked Female

An Image in the Hair of this Kraken presentation is Nude, Heir identified as Cara Droned to Flame by Diana (Dana), annoyed. 


Cancel Related Deaths not to inflame Nuclear instability. Ages are Engineered to tell a Tale so that one who died 69 is held in contempt for failure to compete (Yin Yang) & one 96 called Prophet Promiscuous with respect to continue every Old. The fist was a Plantagenet Crown, the latter German. Not fun enough to spontaneously combust afterward.


UK Labour Party

A power share exists because of Public opinion. It's normal for a gradual hand over about the time an Election is due if results are known, Global standard.

Conservatives control Gov. Offices so that it's like sending an Enemy with your business, a Labour Whip said. The Indian Prime Minister is damaging future Conservative credibility not to concede an Election.

Old Moor's Almanac

The real Clairvoyant Reports are in the Independent & i Newspapers. They often survive Cranky misinformation in the other Papers.

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Apocalypse Report

Embezzling by pretending a subject is a Police concern, ploughing Billions into Christ persecution obtains Millions from an independent source for Kent Police officer's personal finance.

Duke of Kent

A serious Chain reaction is in progress. The Queen saw the attitude of the Duke when she died according to an image here I destroyed by God's Hand. There is a serious problem with rushing into revenge that could lead to my Mother, then Pandora & on to me who the Queen also saw igniting Apocalypse. A Second Report indicated the Duke struggling for peace. Delay & prevent.

The onset of revenge killings is a clear attempt at calling Charles the one like the Son of Man having a Sythe to "reap" the Earth. This is not the Time of Lunar Apocalypse, calm down.


We have Michael group complaints about Joseph. The image is in the place of Two Trees one of which I felled this morning, the other Mark's Ezra's grave. Resurrected Joseph like Jesus is called God without justification.

Jehovah has no Holy credibility as a Man, Spiritual Royal Family administration, a Scallywag & Philanderer, who said he who came after me is before me, not difficult in a Church. Jesus had Children & I would also but for Church criticism unfounded.


Representatives typically take on the Name of a message origin if the sender wishes, so that if results are desirable they will claim that identity with verbatim. Problems with Jesus called God were political concerning a Message not an identity e.g. Gov. Media that claims Throne, Crown, cheeky employment at representation with a likeness or identifying Name for a Politician has normal Angelic Messenger protocol.


The Roman Name for Drew means the assault (salt) of Drew, the Hill Fort: Jerusalem. I am not the only inhabitant of Jerusalem Today. The Deseased Family & God Resident are vocal. Zion (End of Lions of Judah) & Moriah are also untamed. We say Temple Mount. Disrespect here is normal historically, Roman enforcement in it's present form are Emergency Services & Hard Cases.

Jesus turned the Water to Wine: Roman Mockery.

God says Pilate's Bloody Hands he washed in the Cistern with the others. Jars are references to sawn Skulls for Brain removal. Pilate had his own removed Millenia ago.

Thirty pieces of Silver

Peace Silver means not accused, Thirty Family of Judah were threatened, called Judas, limiting support for Jesus. 

Friday, November 25, 2022

Kent Police England Draw Bung

Kent Police hacked me to a standstill preventing investigation: New York Times origin "Black Friday" with Temple Killing references, believed to influence the Game. During Friday until tomorrow a threat to associated Family & Global Security here continues. The bung caused a serious financial loss to England FC. 

Police Brass Pestering for Bungs is estimated to have caused more than 6bn in England Sports financial losses, match rigging having connection to Crown condition on the day. 

High standard Media attacks on the US on the day of a Game is one way of limiting the Team on the Pitch.

Kent: White Horse Crown

God said yesterday his Head is coming off, meaning Brain transplantation to a Younger Man.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Jesus slandered, other Apocalypse issues

Jesus was called a Robin it is revealed me, for shocking Messages. He said I came eating & drinking & they call me a Wine Bibber & Glutton.

Guide me oh thou Great Redeemer, Open thou the Crystal fountain.

The Lyrics "Bread of Heaven" Twice indicate null. Moses Feat of endurance in the Fruit & Nut Season, also Bird Flock migration caused "Pharaoh" to ruin Wilding of Produce to this day. Here the only proper gleaning are Chestnuts formerly of the Mayor's Garden (Football Grounds). Two letters the same indicate the previous letter of the Alphabet. 

The Crystals are Flint of the Valley & the Spring was near the Cistern. God drew this, a Skeleton identified as the Heart with E at Drew (See previous Diagrams) on his Chest. Medway Council Piss in Water collection & distribute Radioactivity as if it needs doing again regularly.
The Sat. Tree Images are True, I located Arthur by them. Right of the Skeleton is a Culprit: The Spirit of his Father, one who put's himself & the other near kin together to Lamb Christ, criticised for losses by a fair set of Balances. Competition & Justice oppose, so that a just man is a fool to competing Kin. Justice is for the Meek who pool having nothing, early Christians, Roman Sacking. Competition is for the strong. God Father in Heaven  (who drew the comical picture of Joseph/Jehovah/John) has correct balances not Competition, so his Son is his Agent not tolerated: Apocalypse. In the Picture a pierced handed Joseph, probably Old & suffering the Ancient way says kill Jesus instead.

The Family "We" (origin of taking the Piss), meaning a group of Peers can stand against one less popular (Roman legal legitimacy). Jesus died Young because his Father (John/Joseph/Jehovah) had been beheaded & Brain surgery followed on Jesus (Right Hemisphere), origin of Exinction-Apocalypse, "That was my Son!" (God).

Yin & Yang, Exceptions to Rules

Disrespect for balance is the competitive nature of Spirits in Men born of those in Heaven into Flesh, to compete for the Material in Natural Fashion. 

Traditional mechanism critical failure.

Excess failing the Yin in the Yang causes serious systems failure on a population saturated Earth. 


People are asking what of Jehovah? The truth of DNA creation Spirits in the area is they are a multitude & the Hierarchy of Jesus Family is equal to each other, beneath the gathering of those above who also formed DNA with them, & the Family Ascended by Death become equal to the Spirits in Heaven, a Democracy like the Democracy of Spirits in Flesh. John took Hierarchy because he was older, he presented Jesus as forward operative, Head of Household, reducing his load.

World Order Government

A dispute about a Product sought by President Putin revealed the Pope master of Kiril, & Kiril master of Putin.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022



If we are able to engage the Black Sea Fleet any of 24 surviving we can use them in Ukraine.