The Archangel Michael

Thursday, November 10, 2022


I have submitted Weapons Patents that are a gift to the Irish Crown Cara. Cruise & AA Missile intercept, Aircraft intercept alternatives.


This is an Ancient Word for the area of Temple Mount. It is the origin of the Square Root Mathematical Symbol: √  . Omega: Ω of "Alpha & Omega" also represented the Hill. 

This was the origin of 9, it was the winding Path at this Hill that helped defend. 9 represents prophesy for that reason 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Medway Police Station

Somebody has been accusing me of a multitude of sexual offenses including responsability for Police Trafficking. It is a means of reproducing the accusations against Jesus at his arrest for the purpose of igniting War connected to that Day,.

Medway Police, Council & MPs have followed me to every part of the Country generating hostility for Foreign bribes. God says kill them all.

Mourning or advancing

Drunken mourners can do anything until they sober, then they have to pay their debt of arrogance, blood & profit.

God says if my Son cannot exist by your rules then you will not exist either. Death of a Population by Christmas.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Royal Palaces

Everything they own is stolen or bought with the proceeds of stolen property. Nobody amassed wealth like the Palaces without looting millions of honest workers. That's why not a Word of truth comes of them.

The English, Scottish & Irish want the Palaces Sacked.

Nob & Temple Mount were ripped off by the Palace, who took Timber & Sculpture refusing payment.


We're in talks about renovating the area in a way which avoids Gabriel's details of the attempt. Instead of building it to a Messiah, grooming it for the Elephant & the Lion. It means allowing Cara control of Nob with veto.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Imminent Global War

God says those intending to ignite Global Nuclear War & escape shall die in the Fire & Dust & Expolsions.

Poo Corner

 Sunak entered the Race doing another Poo impression.

Persecution Report

The Scottish representative in my Mother, who was Hemisphere in Mary before is Droned by Family Members trafficking to dangerous activities because she is old. Cut off Messengers: neighbours, shop staff & Shoppers, new friends, favourite Television content.

The planned break in & killing is a Nuclear War ignition according to signals here, Cara & myself would follow raining Missiles from the Skies. 

Income denied

I have no income at this time because of a decision to block Northampton Magistrates Court. The Court resolved Secret issues before the Trial & summaried. Government Agents are refusing the Court decisions.

Holy of Holies

This alternative Set is for Sale, Golgotha Wood. Temple Wooden images are used with a Mirror. Transactions are blocked by persecutors & there is a backlog of Wood.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Internet Denial, Battery flattenening

God said stop persecuting or Die by Christmas. Expect Military escalations since you think I don't speak thruths he said.

The Thing

This Dead Stump inspired the Thing Scene where a Dog sprouted Tentacles. If you walk past Brompton Barracks the inspiration for ET can be seen beyond railings at the foot of a Silver Birch.

The Royal Navy Honoured Drew & the Temple on Dock Rd.


We are concerned about the Labour Party. The Labour Whip a near relative of Johnson takes warnings as advice on how to cause a Nuclear Catastrophe. We found that they made a mess here for the Conservatives to shove to my destitution & Father's Death when they handed over & we are concerned about the possibility of a Conservative mess handed to a Destroyer.

Report: Divine Execution

This is the likeness of a Man who will die for involvement in reducing this Website God said.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Global Security

God says execute everyone that ordered Chainsaw clothing not professionally working with one.


Trying to find basic needs, aggressive attention & items removed before I arrive. God says you will all Die by Christmas.

God says the Persecution of the Prophets ended in their Death, Prophesies Destruction for the arrogance of Men. Today in the presence of the Destroying Missiles they are as before, persecuting the Messenger so that Earth Management is denied by inability to cope & speak the Words of Life. The wasters of the Earth by denial & murder won't allow mending even now. They are Mad.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Lamp Posts & Pedestrian Crossings

In the UK three are more than Twenty times the number of Lamp Posts necessary on Carriageways. Cars can't tell if their Headlights are out. Crossings in Central areas should allow Pedestrians fluid movement unless recently operated, Timer.

Foreign Nationals in the UK

All Foreign Nationals are employed by the CIA avoiding U.S. Accents. They gather together with U.S. bribery for State protection & oppress Elected Officials. God says put them in Tinned Animal Food inc. Immigrants.


A reader asks "Tell them the Queen Shat the Poofs & the Pakis". The Queen did encourage Gay Agency, Women are often amused by compromised Heterosexual Males. She also asked the Indians into the UK.

Labour Government

The Vote of the British is a Labour Government & has been almost Three Years. Refusal  by the Conservatives to allow an Election means we need to be ignoring them & heeding the Labour Party to sustain Democracy.