The Archangel Michael

Monday, August 29, 2022


Alienate Taylor Swift, representing Dana & also Her, other US supporting Women. Cara is disallowed because of private complications. Suspend Pentagon dialogue.

Death Ray, Temple Mount

Bludgeon enforcers in Houses neighbouring my Mother to the end of the Road in both directions. Find latent & Telephone Harassment.


News occopanying the CIA assault via MI5 indicated targeting of female support following a report about Simon Cruse of Gillingham latent representing the US attorney General.

US Citizen UK Accent: Managing CIA Blood assaults at Temple Mount

Son of Perdition

God says a Pregnancy was achieved during Jesus assault here despite all of the Queers. He says the Heir, a Son from Hellish handling, was expected to receive the Hill & Valley Crown of Israel, inluding the Temple & Disciples belonging to Jesus. So tales for embarrassment were spread among them to quieten him concerning God's Word.

Sunday, August 28, 2022


God says withdraw UK forces from Ukraine. Move them out he said.


A study here has established her Right Hemisphere Cara, Left Jesus Sister in law next door but one Uphill in Mary's Grave. A perpetual feud with Mary Ancient Hemisphere (Michael) exists with Pandora (Gabriel).

City Way Green

A Crucified Veronika, rotten Right Side can be seen on an Ash Tree on City Way, Rochester.


Evidence has been found that the buildings, East of this Hill, were all made of Terracotta, Concrete or Wood with almost modern looking Concrete foundations.


 Said Jesus would be called Emmanuel. Ignore Gabriel concerning his enemy.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Daniel & the Temple

The Messiah @ Temple Mount intending improvements has raised interest in Desolation. Michael has complaints about "Gabriel" who is an opposition force. God has Light & Dark operations, one in Light visible & the other hidden making equal & opposite reactions that are necessary.

Input labelled "Gabriel" might as well have said Satan. We are revising their negativity Concerning Michael Messiah & his Holy Ground here.

Temple Cherubim

The Ash are the Two "Olive" Branches because of Eye Spearing in this Wood in Ancient Times. One was a Lion & the other a Man, now a Specter & an Elephant. They are Michael & Gabriel. Images formed by God are called Cherubim.


The "Apostles" are tempting destruction. See them off & their Company. Apostle titles given by Jesus are withdrawn for their offences remove authority.

Death Ray

Return Fire in equal proportion as here. Batter all CIA especially authority. Batter the US Maidstone Rd Motorcade. Batter the Indian Community. Batter "Ray" 260 Magpie Hall Rd. Talk to Michal, batter Jews recently connected to her. Partical Accelerator Operators respond to a Boss who only says achieve, giving them a White period & responsibility.

Bob bloated

US control of Israel has gathered Jews against the Prophet at the Third Temple uncomfortably, having independent control issues. Jews are banned from the Royal Cemetery.


The Football Club have been in contact & are refusing Royalties owed, keeping all of the money & poking fun like a Mafia organisation. I helped with the Management that resulted in the Recent Win & can cause winning or losing in the authority Crown of England descendent. The games are heavily rigged to represent current Politics.

Death Ray still installed & operating

God says have your Holocaust, not mine. The insistence of Old, where an "interfering" Prophet of God is killed is your Death this time in my Nuclear Age, he says.


Is this a Sat. intelligence instruction or a manifestation by God, like the Ash Tree images? Boris knocking somebody from behind.

Little Angels

Children means Chilled Wren, the small Bird. The Little Messengers are given Grace when their Spirits carry Messages.

Friday, August 26, 2022

Lamb scam

Gov. promotion of a Lamb for sacrifice is retarded. There is only the Moon for the Blood of Christ & the other Prophets, Death for all.


If I began th oblation here near everyone would Die. Turn the Death Ray away from here or else.


The Daily Sacrifice is a thing carried out only by myself, builder of the Temple. There shall be no restoration of the Sacrifice by which to Annihilate upon the Earth.

Word of God: Resurrection

I have reports that I built the Hill, will level it taking the Headstones & built all Three of the Temples.

Elizabeth Truss

I have high intensity Radioactive blast targeting my Bowel every night, probably the Lamp Posts. It began when Liz Truss achieved PM.  2000 yrs ago God swore to destroy because of his Son's Death. Liz believes twice won't make a difference. God says kill Her, he says enjoy my Son again, because he has evidence & more Pestilence, Famine, suffering & Death than prophesied for the former crimes. God says shove Queen Elizabeth & Charles.

We need these imbeciles Dead before they destroy everybody, even before signs indicate. God advises a smal scale Nuclear Conflict meant to kill offenders.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Indian Community aggressing

Counter attack the Indian Network, failed PM sniping. Try to restore British Shop keepers.

Letters of Paul

God says scrap them & other lies worked into the Bible.

Red Kite

The Particle Ray pointed at my Bowels here threatens Global Conflict.

The approach of a Red Kite on the Hill signifies Death by violence, MOON WARNING. The Song Solsbury Hill mentioned an Eagle before Jesus was taken, about Peter who struck Jesus Dead & Right Hemisphere entered creating "Apostle" Paul.


Robert Worcester at Medway Council/MORI for CIA is irradiating & Partical Ray blasting me at the Third Temple pressuring for Global War. I recognise the blast from times I was made to leave. I was encouraged to declare the Third Temple & somebody is stealing it & the Wood works in an excuse for desolation policies. I intend to burn everything if I have to leave.    

Wednesday, August 24, 2022


We have lost full conttol, recent hacking & now advanced access denial. God says get that Pretending Prick out of those Graves, the other Lion. He thinks He's in authority here. Meaning Ray Jones Deceased (Bodysnatcher).