Wednesday, June 15, 2022
Overt particle attacks on food & drink
God says Kill officers particle burning here. God says you are imposing & seeking immediate nuclear conflict with UK support. He said police answered Russian language in under 10 mins for a non illegal photo opportunity. Russians with cooperating MI5:
Russia arrogant
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
End of Earth: MI5 Russian Agency
MI5 are attempting arrest without Parliamentary approval by regular Provocations.
M with overt particle device held near my food today is a box ticked for Lunar based Global Destruction & another confrontation attempt. Policy: attempt arrest to Beth Cutler latent NHS authority.
Execute the Family God says.
This favourite Band of Beth Cutler made an album cover making Jesus a shame & beneath assault/Sale. They used drugs for Sex most of my life & engineered marriage & career failure before being placed as Media slandering life management without consent at MI5 for Russian payment.
Russian Defence Minister: Antichrist
Monday, June 13, 2022
Destruction cometh
Red Alert
Sunday, June 12, 2022
"Coppers" are Crackpot Romans, who used Copper Age & Bronze Age Armour. Romantacism shows us a more glorious past.
Kent Horse Roman Helmet like those of who captured Troy Town. Couple of Roman Helmets at Bath.
I see a Michael leadership cooperating with their Ancient opposition Gabriel or Satan against the Son, to avoid criticism for direct competition.
I see those who killed Jesus gathered on the Throng to threaten the US with Lunar based destruction, believed to favour Russia.
I See Russian payment to the former killers, including Putin who was Caesar.
Internal apathy
Saturday, June 11, 2022
What happened to Mary?
We used a German Model for some time following a brief introduction, very Tall with Thousands of Photos to pick for a related image. She was taken away by officers who insisted she was stroppy. I'm not here to arrange Dates & I never had to greet her for a drink or other.
The former Two entries were delayed Hours & are incomplete. Critical Global Security Breakdown has become normal here. DOS everyone identifiable on the Throng Image including Vladamir & the Russian Defence Minister.
Annie Clark Report
Incredible: Annie Clark performing with Sky falling Nukes & burned Dancers. Russian financed Career.