The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Silent Hill

Jesus Spirit has lived with God at this Hill Two Thousand Years so before Veronika's Miraculous Tree took over for those seeking God's Council they sought me, with Sex attempting resurrection. When I arrived a rusted through Watering Can, Spade & Saw told me I'd been summoned for enquiries years ago, suffering persecutions for not attending, Satanic game including Death where people are used to enquiries past.

The Hill is far ftom Silent, God speaks to me here most of the day, my residence is & was unnecessary.

Spirits are advised to observe the Cloud formations in the immediate area as they drive.

Critical internet denial

Do something serious.


We have established a Time frame of WWIII to within about 30 to 50 yrs. Most evidence came by comparison of a single Flint with images on Two pieces of Wood. 

Critical concern
  • First concern: Brain Life of "identity"
  • New Arthur (half of)
  • Sharing my position with Cara
The images killed my Left Hemisphere Male screaming a Swastika at death & Both of Cara's, both died in Holocaust.

Prophesy is a warning often & alternative meanings can be engineered.
Current appearance of WWIII instigator + a few Decades. Overbite, a visible Cara Relative. Not Cara, near. Suspect: Annie Clark ("St.Vincent") Cara Spiritual dictation.
Antichrist: Cara Delevingne's family are Gabriel Class Satan. Messengers for a democratic Satanic wider Family in communities. Brain Death not detestation.

WARNING: Lucifer's Death results in Christ's & Vice Versa

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Cara: Bogus Partner

Cara is on a team of Messengers on a near Motorcade regularly. I see Elvis Yellow Sunglasses, Slick back dark Hair, Queen of Hearts logos etc. claims of official engagement or status of God for purpose of meetings in my absence.

Cara is a messenger chief for an opposing Royal group.

Joe Biden Antichrist

I believe the desecration here & hostility to God's word during a Global crisis causing fear of WWIII are an executable offence

God says annihilate US Agents in the UK & EU. Shed blood until dominance. He says arms sales are approved Russia for persistent internet denial here. He says take Georgia & return to Azerbaijan.

Local stupidty & influence

Jesus was a Messenger who was targeted by local forces including Family. Messengers are usually innocent. The resultant Destruction or Clock is not healed by further disrespect to a Messenger Class Second Coming, it's made worse.

  • Terminate everyone alive at the time of Jesus & recent provocateurs 
  • Disperse them away from the area & each other
  • Move existing UK international residence to the SE (Global consequences)

DOS here

Join me with DOS in Washington. Ben Elliot managed Soros/CIA hire @ Rochester Airport locations.


Disrespect is Earth Desolation for Two reasons.
  • Poor Security leading to vulnerability, Death & Desolation
  • Bad operability under God leading to Death & Desolation


"A Prophet has no honour in his home Town" Jesus
"A Southern Man don't need him around anyhow" Lynyrd Skynyrd

Terminate Antichrist: Lillian Dunn Deceased in Paul Black. Lillian is the Agent of the Resurrected Jospeh Bodysnatcher & competition with the Son by slander: Ray Jones Deceased.

Monday, May 23, 2022


Attacks here are Alien often & always intrusive. Return DOS to source who have the same enemies for shared Responsibility. Bob Worcester attempts US control inc. Desecration here & stealing photographs.

Exclusion from society & internet

God wants to know who you are, because he says you are not the Father who control the Son's interaction & abstinence as if you are greater. Who is it you say you are, because you look like Doom.

I have News & special reports blocked by sale of my internet access to Joe Biden. Intention exclude from Social & Political affairs, intercontinental suicide. Assassinate Sales.

Jesus Bodysnatcher

The piercing of Jesus through Right Cheek into Right Brain by Peter was a conspiracy beginning a wanton identity fraud by the "Beast" Revelation 13. The Bodysnatcher is still local & a Chief Messenger of a competing Class despite poverty & stupid appearance.

Study Rev.13 for historical accuracy separating potential prophesy & including potential repeat history.

Subject: "Monce" (Monster), Bill Pocock deceased
Concern: recent SOCA & NCA image of the Beast Logo.

Jesus Grave

More images from Ancient shaped Stones reveal gossip past. 

Photographs & visits available only by agreement with Labour Party HQ. 

Entry denial

Dana Bondoc is the largest Russian Defence influencer on the Throng & is still not denied UK entry. I gave her this number: 07905670001. Dana's Spirit controls Putin's Right Hemisphere according to the Throng diagram.

A Romanian Border with Russia is desirable for those sailing between Russia & Canada. Dana resides in Canada & Romania.

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Troy Town Medway

Q. You mean Toy Town right? There's a Puddle of Lego Sick at the Innovation centre.

A. No.

Recall: Club

The Men holding the Club are Oily Egyptian looking little Bald Pricks, with Superiority attitude prob supervisory.

You only live Twice

Was about the plan for Second Coming to engage past influences alone in a Cold operation for "Recall". Required emergency insurgency.

Eye Prick threatening Earth existence

In this Area the Volcano equivalent is Rochester Airport & surrounding buildings. Ben Elliot's family also own the Short Brothers Tunnel complex which have been used by them for fatal Sex where Screams are inaudible. The Airport is accessed at Shops rear, Helicopter or Light Aircraft. Some Tunnels provide an escape route.

Putin Throng

Elliot is a Putin Minime, leasing area control & leaking Avionics concepts.


Track flights & arrival/departure by Car/foot, sell details, Labour Party.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Central Character

This is the Nose on Cerberus Flint & Crock Throng, central Character sometimes. Believed to be Mary Bodysnatcher Chloe Delevingne.

The Three Girls are displaced from Flint so Chloe is fended off by Cara who looks back without moving Head like an Angry Dog to bite. Kiril appears to be cooling Cara holding off Chloe & can trigger an alternative. We expect Cara to turn in a Vulture op followed by larger Chloe impacting Christ with up to x30 force. Earth struggle.

Caught Desolating

I was Burned by Bus Passengers distributed on my route sitting near with particle devices hidden in mobile phones. They burned my Feet & on returning Home it was reported that an ambush is planned for the place of Jesus killing & the officer was assisting with a mobility handicap. 

UK Nuclear Holocaust

Russia have been threatening the UK for about a year. Attempts to degrade Second Coming to ignite Global War have become a UK conflict instead. Everything has been done to remove, slander & degrade the one called Son of God. 

Cerberus Security

Break them:

One purpose: Nuclear War references in image.

Innovation Centre, Aviation (Horse), Elliots (Rochester Airport Ind. Est & Business Prk), Ben Elliot, Kent "Air Ambulance"

Friday, May 20, 2022

Revelation 13

Clues indicate Peter could've been the Biblical "Beast", that would make him senior latent at NCA who used the "image of the Beast".