The Archangel Michael

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Got enough room Sergei?

The Russian Defence Minister appears in the Throng squashing & tilting Second Coming while using for a Phone. Hostile communications Agency: NCA.

UK Treason: Sergei popularised. Veronika's Grave ref Left Eye, also Throng. Meeting place between Veronika's Kin & Moscow for "Resurrection attempts", refused. 

French Canada Russia connection: Dana the Mermaid is Tatiana Romanov, close to George, Canadian. UK Suspects with Romanov likeness Rebecca, Grace, Dorothy (Phil). CA Operations are Russian.

Veronika's Miracles

Veronika's Tree nods & shakes Head as well as altering perception of expressions. 


Public Toilet denial with devices including assault Today.


Sanction China closing KFC, opening Roast Chicken & Fries at position, popular in Poland. 

Other outlets offer various Roast Joints: Ramshaw Huddersfield.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Conservative Organised Crime (COC)

Vandalism at the Ancient Cemetery escalated when contributions to the Labour Party began. God says vote Labour/Republican & Peers should expect to contribute for a say.

Jesus Grave Desecration by Kent Police

Urine on the Flowers is also on Artefacts & cooperation is suspended. I refuse Holocaust related information when prevailing authority insists on destruction whatever I endeavour. There isn't permission to visit at this time. Police are US.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Medway Council

Knife damage to a Gravestone & plucking of Eye with Knife damage Mary's Grave, also Homosexual intercourse at the Site.

Requesting UN sanction to permanent death Councilors, future Holocaust construction also troublesome Relatives.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Cara Loft

The original appearance of Lara Croft was a Girl who lived in a Flat upstairs when I was 22. Cara has some Secret Agent activities too, including a Spy Gadget supplier.

Common sense

You can't have a Jesus Clone Crown if I disapprove. Stop exciting concerning Global destruction.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Jesus Grave

Mysterious Images unearthed Today.


Crocodile bottom left: Putin (Cara's Throng) with Prick Mary Body snatcher Mouth (Marys's Tree) facing Russian Defence Minister (Rocket bottom centre)

Creeping Death

Reminding all my death is yours & that of the Earth. Forgetful? Creeping proximity here again. Kill Canadians living in the UK, deny entry, abolish CA Security from my case. 


Are death threats here to coerce Global Gov threatening end of Earth or attempting end of Earth? 

NCA HQ: Canadian Embassy, FBI & FSB proxy, DANGER APOCALYPSE


Boris is trying into Kier's Pot. Everybody on the Labour Benches needs to grow long Hair.

Security failure

Detain everyone queuing behind me at ALDI Rochester Airport Two Weeks. Particle acceleration food & Bowel.

Critical Patch

CA operations in the UK are insane. SOCA, NCA & the other Canadian Police authority holders are a threat to the Earth sold my & Cara's Security. 

Henry VIII

Prince Harry, Christened Henry was Henry VIII.

Monday, May 9, 2022


French passes sold by Conservatives aught to be expired, not in overdrive. Stop excluding me from World Media. Search & destroy: Ipsos employees, God says execute some.


Pottery was added to Fossils with recognisable shape. Lazarus near relative of Veronika.

Jesus raised Lazarus from the Dead, meaning cracked his Pot. Veronika said he shouted & raped her before she was gored. Jesus was reported taking his time retrieving Lazarus Body.

Veronika's Stare: Spritual assault, Forehead

Independent Report

Ben Elliott is a Trader at Conservative Party Chairman. He monopolies Avionics systems at RAF, his Family since WWII. Ben donates to the Party to maintain Aviation monopoly. Trading with Russia & leaking related material from UK. Western Oligarch.

No Briefs, fake News

Please stop using War analogies during conflict or risk of. I've lost track of what's happening in Ukraine. US influence.

Defeated Russian Flagship

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Beer & Curry charges

Can I get away with a Packet of Crisps you Crazies? Investigate Gov. meeting eavesdropping & reward personal danger for effective crisis Government with a Round of applause not a Round of Ammunition.

Election fraud: Removing the elected Leader