Saturday, March 12, 2022
Home Office
Branch of Jesse
Friday, March 11, 2022
Northampton Deco
WWII was bought from Relatives at the organisation, who have Royal responsibilities. A Man there from Newcastle called Fred was at Christ's Death, where he was seen forcing Mary who was killed. They remain a WWIII provocation for petty money.
Blood Eye: Percy Jordan Brain killed by a flood of Diamond payment to the Relatives for WWII.
An Antichrist Oligarch Tree is American & British, of that rich fraternity. Putin is a Nuclear War Engineer with them, people like the Bush Family & Richard Branson.
No confidence in corrupt Home Office
Internet denial extreme: Russian Agent indulged at HO. Holocaust warnings ignored.
God's Face Eye Bloodied, Harbinger of Nuclear Holocaust, why the intolerance toward God's Son? Too Stupid to remember or influence.
Faces are sometimes called Mugs, we're looking at Cobblers & Knockers, that's Boot meanders & Door knocking Market Researchers, not Faces who are the choice of the adversary. Latent trouble makers & negative voters.
Golden Dawn
Are most Female, who are or have been Market Researchers in the UK. Diana's Left Boob, larger influence.
Gnosticism Wikipedia
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Grave Mockery: "Walk through the Valley, the Written Word is a lie"
Glad E Haters
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Crazy Gang
We have a situation, not I, Earth is everyones environment. Judah Royal killers are your enemy too whoever you are.
The survivors are Egyptiian influence taking then killing the Crown Family, they are only among to subvert then destroy. They have to be taken away some how or the Moon is always a serious near threat.
The hostile Agency explains the mocking imagery on the Royal Graves here. A subdued Prophetic Jewish line.
Understanding Royal relations connected to this Graveyard is essential to life on Earth. I'm trying to contribute to files.
Vatican Iraqi Oil payment c/o "Saint" Peter Nutted Peter Jones. Meeting between Peter & Diana (Satan) following Diana's fortnight residence in Ernest rd Chatham, Peter's former secure area.
Power share dispute between Second Coming & Hades, Nutted Judah Crowns competing. One of few brain mod survivors, dead including Arthur & Christ. Called Jack Carter (Chariot Wheels present), find "Minder" means Hemisphere mutilation.
Satan & Peter leading removal of Hades & Second Coming in favour of half ER Hemisphere Mother, Mary figure subdued.
Michael group authority betrayal in Northampton for multi Million Vatican payment affording the Deco Cinema complex & renovation Northampton. Diana & Peter non Michael Class.
Valley of Death known living:
All Dead
Second Coming Brain intact
Egyptian Brain mods living:
Diana Right Hemisphere
Ratizinger left Hemisphere
Chariot: Joseph of Arimathea taken with an attack Dog losing a Hemisphere, also Mary.
Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Get out of my Hair
Meaning some Crackpot is stealing authority in an Heir. There is no authority of my Crown in a Crackpot & so the nearest non surgically "modified" Human is my Heir. Natural Man is integral to the last hope of escaping Nuclear judgement, esp. in my Holy authority, first upon the Earth under God.
I need execution of everyone handling my data speed. Enough warning, news failure, General struggle.
Wage Pocketing
Security are keeping danger money & leaning on the community one would expect they were protecting. Freeze wages.
Search & destroy
Golden Dawn, 258 Maggie Hall Rd & relatives since 80s. Satanic Cult dictating SO Nuclear Conflict via Tarrot "Trump" Cards. Dubious sentences working at Maidstone Magistrates.