The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, October 13, 2021


 Things have begun to move now Brains of U are being blown out. Kill a U relative of everybody who causes me to shout for internet denial God said. He said authority resumes by the Blood of invaders & Aliens to a similar quantity lost.

Language expert required:


Judge the Round Table according to the Chaos Star. Raise & Lower Royal Families for better Defence against the East.

I have accepted a Dark Zone Clairvoyant Military position. Heads of my Security EU.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

SIS in the EU

 There are serious problems local, including Nuclear provocation more than once a day recently God says. Do not accept Female Fall Girls in the EU under any circumstances. Male only.


 Identification of Critical Holocaust subject at Arthur's Grave. Adulterer operating for Kirill with Heir support.

Alien: Bastard destroyer "U"
U is the upturned Omega or a female, Omega has Two Circles. The Bastards are pairings of U with Omega (Kits City region) & Alpha (Egypt) Checkered style.

The Royal UK Government is still Saxon, land owning. They sell it for housing generating an income. The Queen is subject to Horst Kohler, known as Hengist an Egyptian/Jew Warlord. Kirill & other senior Jews pressure for Russian dominance by Lunar prophesy. God says blow out their Brains. U are Bastard Alpha within Omega & Alpha Spouses, both known as Storm Troopers.

We expect the Check Royals to hand forces to the East again, the League of Israeli Crowns, because Kirill aided the Family to Kill Arthur (Vortigern) via the Check dealing for authority with the invader, causing Military defeat.

Table turned: Checks dealing for power. Death from the East, destroy the Lancelot Family.

Desecrated Graves

 The Site here is part destroyed including Ancient Royal Graves & a Long Barrow. It's criminal to leave it in the owner's hands. Confiscate with a Fine & other God says.

God said a Boat delivered Bodies from the dry River bank next door, where Clay was gathered to preserve the Bodies. Villagers brought Flint shaped like Skulls & interesting things seeking God's opinion of the interned. God said today mentioning my name is blasphemy to Men. 

Why does the River run Red?

Saturday, October 9, 2021


 Are applying Holocaust pressure. Sink a Naval vessel God said.


 God said refuse to negotiate with the UK concerning NI. He says target the UK this year for denying his Son a happy Chistmas for over a decade whike enjoying his festival. He says SIS are filth, deny Visas, redeem trafficked girls killing each other instead & dry the operations.

Official Photos

 God has Caused the Sun to shine messages on my Grave, which includes a Female.

Biggus Dickus

 The Crucifier of Jerusalem Intelligence Services has been taking an "Heir" of Christ by druggingt & slaying with them. It has become a Holocaust issue of primary concern. Explains excitement denying a natural family.

I've seen the Heir in Public, anonymous no L (Hell)

Friday, October 8, 2021

Arthur's DNA

Is available removing Nipple Stones & a Loin Stone, Blond Hair. Leave the Site as you found it, take nothing else, donate to the account. I'll be here a day or two more before leaving a short time.

Constant Threat to Mankind

Kiril & those okder than Mary my Mother wrote the continual murder of Christ for family, being of the same Class & arrogant. They say Jesus was not a proper Jew. God said kill them.

Ram & the Goat

Thursday, October 7, 2021


 God says give Greece to first EU position.

Arthur's Tomb

God showed me my Grave today, King Arthur's.

Saplings were planted in & around to destroy by roots. Take their heads off.

Arthur's Sword

Grave robbers pillaged this site in 2014 during my exile after 1500 yrs using a Road digger, smashing a Neolithic Monument to shards. 

God says you are begging for Destruction. He says kill the Egyptian leadership before I kill everybody. He says smash Hieroglyphs for the Omega desecration.

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


 God says persecute Bohemia.

The Beast

 In 666 a Red Dragon was the Heraldry of a Man: Cadwaladr, living in a Bucket. As the Prince of Wales Dragon.

This Dragon gives you your power, Throne & authority is of the Biblical Beast & The Prince's investiture.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Holocaust issue

 God has located the burial place of the Christ Kings Crack Nut. I brought stones broken by the Government, a former Megalith back up the Hill because they had been broken & used for a fake soak away embankment.

Then God showed me they are a map of the former Site showing Skulls with sloping mouth like mine.

Map of the area Google Earth. God said they want to bury me here following an execution. The Tree image declares destuction for the murder. 

Monday, October 4, 2021

Moon Stone

 I dropped the Moon topography Stone for the EU Commission yesterday, identical features with additional information. Hold it to the Sky when the Moon is full.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Saturday, October 2, 2021


Catholics call Rev. "uninspired" meaning not of God. Why does it remain in the Catholic Bible? Remove it God says.