The Archangel Michael

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Egyptian Bishops

 Pharoahs like Dressing in Eastern Christian Bishops Robes that look like their Ancient costume. Christian?


There is a serious effort to ignite War from Russia. Cheating is for the best so do not honour any agreements, start now. Execute problem Agents now.


 Planet of War. SIS keep parking on the Motorway Slip Road & irradiating my Bed attempting Holocaust according to Mars Topography, Russian Sanction. Russian Agents at local Food outlets, poisoning.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Salisbury Report

The "Holy Grail" is the Cup which killed Christ in a Fort in Salisbury a Catholic Nun, resulting in the almost immediate collapse of Rome.

Old Sarum, Castle & Cathedral

Jegudiel Eyes:"Magdalene" Antichrist, up with the Lark, so far 1500 year too Early with end of World Clock. Having a Second attempt.

There is evidence of foolish E on Wood at this site corresponding to Sat image of Salisbury. Imbeciles.


 Otherwise known as Lady Day or Lay D Day. Christ was poisoned hosted in Vortigern otherwise known as Vortimer, Horsa or Arthur by a Catholic Nun. There were hundreds of Rome loyal Catholics at Council forcing alliance with Hengist & corruption with his Daughter Rowena. Christ did not have reign & Kings, Queens & Crowns also repeat the vote of the Lords. The Catholics are reported multi sexual & demanding compromise of the Holy.


Some are offering to buy US Bases with everything except the Soldiers. The US are incompetent NATO leaders & generate hostility. The US can then redeploy their Men to protect the US. Black bases would be very good. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021


God says he is excommunicated for Eternity.


This is an area invaded many times & we require SIS have Military grade equipment with some form of secret backup for struggling front line forces. At least the same amount of investment for invisible security.


God said kill the invaders who slew Christ & do not operate on them.

Russian Orthodox Church

 God says Kirill killed Jesus as well as others there. He is overtly fornicating with several. He said punish him. God says "he's happy as a Pig rolling in Shit" with Two naked Men.

Kirill: Pervert 

God says he is excommunicated along with the others with Christ's Blood on their hands who were in authority.

Portrayed as Lunatic King Tut, Michael Class, probably the most Serious Nuckear threat in the World.


 God says the same who killed Christ by conspiracy to destroy Rome are those who try to destroy the Earth by my persecution. He said find them & allow natural Death.

Rowena Report

Rebecca Griffiths took part in a reconstruction with other offender. Serious Holocaust risks: Rowena, Hengist. Destruction of Rome re-employed.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Cerebral Death

 God said deny Cerebral Life to all authority & assailants involved in Christ's Death, which excluded the Father & removed his authority to the Spirit. These kept their own Mouths & where all Perverts with accusations of natural behaviour against the Word by which their lives came. The Alpha Omega supposed to be made Divine by killing Jesus went to a Royal line of Carnal Men a fraction of Jesus, not to Divinity, liars.

Leo's Tome

God says these are responsible for the fall of the Roman Empire, a curse for his Son's Death. He said Leo was a Dick, meaning Sex pest incestuous & Paedophilic as well as Gay. He says destroy them all at natural Death, including Saxons.

Alpha & Omega says he gets more done like those Robbers with the option of speech & is not culpable. He says God is preached in denial of accepted Scripture. God can do any thing in it's time & so God's Prophet is Divine in all Possession.

Tome appears to mean Crucifixion of Rome.

Revelation con

The Night of the long Knives of Kent, near Kit's Coty, which is an Ω symbol. Was a betrayal built upon the expectation of Christ's victory on a White Horse accompanied by White Horses. King Horsa had a fiticious name Horse A, common for Alpha. Jesus died it is reported by the betrayal, having been Pope of Eastern Authodox Christianity. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

The Word

I am endorsing the Eastern Authodox Church. Jesus wrote most of the Doctrine.

The Word, that Life was created by is the order carried by the messenger & also the messenger. The order was gathered by Spirits from the omnipresence in their place to a messenger who was AΩ, the Spirit within Jesus & Descendants eventually.

Brain transplanted Jesus died following the schism of Chalcedon Council 451 AD where political charges were discussed by many Bishops. They argued with Jesus & it was decided the AΩ could be subdued within a Decendant, partially silenced.

The slang Jism originated from the charges, that Christ was carnal & should exist as a Spiritual Deity, Monophysitism.


According to God Carnality separates  from him only outside of Marriage. He distains young Love, the infatuation of early courtship, also fornicators who regularly distract themselves so that God cannot accomplish. With Marriage foolish Love from Sex passes. Verdict: Christocide.

Marriage & Christ

A Bloodline exists for AΩ, natural Man is not an abomination, a creation of God. There is no shame in natural relations & the murder of Christ by Christians is insanity.


God says end the Cerebral Life of the conspirators.

Christology (Wiki)

A basic christological teaching is that the person of Jesus Christ is both human and divine. The human and divine natures of Jesus Christ apparently (prosopic) form a duality, as they coexist within one person (hypostasis).[20] There are no direct discussions in the New Testament regarding the dual nature of the Person of Christ as both divine and human,[20] and since the early days of Christianity, theologians have debated various approaches to the understanding of these natures, at times resulting in ecumenical councils, and schisms.[20]


Duality of Christ is split personality, where the Spirit is the same as the Human other than physical requirements, private communication at high transfer rate & office.

Monday, August 9, 2021


 We have Senior advisory positions at Frontex for former Iraqi Military advisors. It took the UN almost a Decade to defeat one Country, exceptional. Employ former Republican Guard, separate.

Sunday, August 8, 2021

EU Defence

Develop a Missile having smaller Missiles where Boosters are usually seen near the base. Separate to multiple targets approaching a Bomber Squadron. 

Aircraft won't fly over visible Defences. Keep erecting Dummy Radar.


 God said return her to the UK & do not recieve her in the US again. Bad news for US expected soon.

Russia & EU

 Russia are obnoxious & unfair, Hard border, destroy LGBT (KGB), explore Electrical solutions to cutting off Gas. Police Russian corruption better.

Biden Tape

 A tape is reported which sounds like Biden "disguised" it sounds like an object in his mouth preventing the use of his Lips halfway through threatening dialect.


Like the Medway Nuke Cara is not within the ultimate control of an Enemy. There are signals to close serious problems. We do not take serious threats as serious. How much trouble do the U.S. want? Because it's working for me so far.