The Archangel Michael

Saturday, June 12, 2021


 Are built & sustained by raids. Organised Crime is the intelligence method subordinate to Military. God said kill Homosexuals & take possessions, Saxons. 

Angel implicated

 An Angel has been suggested a partner for a Royal.


 Following news he likes plump girls a Dutch Princess generated a News article. It leaves Edith Swan Neck his current partner discovering.

Alternative History: Edith appears to be strangling Harold.

Friday, June 11, 2021

Richard III

Defeat the Hog God said. He said Turd & Liar. He said of the Family Tale bearers for Enemies you are foremost at this time.


A conspiracy of silence about me with encouragement to be ordinary was followed by a web of lies. Dismiss "friends" & "family" from the EU & scathe with sanctions for lip.


 Since you are my Genetic Son from my first life, of Shroud Blood I will offer Fartherly advice. Kate is not long for her flesh we hear, the Queen eyeing her Throne. Give her a dose of a recurring STD if you want interest to diminish. This is a Lamb Brain transplant I found today.

Sanction Medway

Entry was gained to a perimeter to take photographs which could've been obtained in Daylight. War is more likely because of progressive operations. Where is Gov. control?

Messenger heirarchal order

Locate Families using Busy Bees Nursery Gillingham.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Gas for Automatic Guns

 EU do not purchase over complicated Weapons needing extras. There is nothing wrong with the old way. 


Producing an older proven Weapon is perfect, lighter base materials.


 Purchase those which are Saxon, restore.

Special Forces

 Gather the Special Forces of EU hopefuls together for joint exercises. Introduce African best to modern equipment & join to them. Examine each other & find tactics for Sharp shot not physically able, join them to the exercises. 

Saxon Kent

Remove non Saxon authority from Kent God said today, he provided a sign.

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The wrong Trousers

 God said allow the Colour & quality requested, no stupid labels or damage, or he'll cut off the Home Secretary's Legs as well as kick Boris to Death. The time ahead is the Government of God.

EU policy for sale

 Shoot down one of the Pilots Chemming over here. Lockerbie meant Lock ER Bee, the Queen sells Radiation pollution, Royal Cousin.

Correcting the Sin of Adam

 As you are probably aware, Adam coddled seeds & seedlings until they could not survive without it & neither could Man. Walk in the Wood & eat what God gave if you can. 

Casting Seeds about & not caring for them eventually corrects the Adam violation. Try Riverside. Introduce warmer climate fruiting plants that survive without thriving.

6 month EU French Presidency

Undermine French interests now & delay repair to reduce influence during Presidency. Make UK leave Voicemail, don't answer it.

Playboy Bunny

 Bunny Girls have Tales, Rabbit meaning chat. It helped ensure messengers were not harmed beyond the usual expectation for a very attractive Woman. Operated by higher society who rather their messengers are loyal. Sometimes the Girl falls because the corruption of better sex is rejected or condemned by their Boss.

Get this Dyke off: Cara with a Bunny

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Indiana find

 This is not the Holy Grail, however it is miraculous. The Big W of Mad, Mad, Mad World is found with a Treasure. The fortune is Life by gain through prostitution.

An upturned Cross Legged Girl is visible

PM responsible

 Johnson keeps making photographic references to me. This one is another like one of me. Johnson doesn't have anything like the policies you read here, written in private notes or voice recorded. A believer in Mediums not contact & framing other people for his own responsibility, well paid.

Do as they say, not as they do

I said so 2000 yrs ago. This means the Path of the broken is not as the Path of the Teacher. Nobody reduces themselves without suffering problems first. Humility, poverty, chastity etc. are penance, an agreement to pay the Holy Spirit for annoyance resulted in Hell.

Nearby Dentist

 The secret Nuclear Command post I am supposed to attend in the event has a fine stock of General Anesthetic. I'd rather starve to Death than attend you sick & suicidal Fools. Catholics.

Secret Government Command Post

Monday, June 7, 2021


God said engage UK Forces. Because of Latent World Government the UK cause the US victory in alliance.

Today I was forced to comment on escalting Nuclear War prep. Since early 2020 there has been renewed excitement & I knew the matter because cheap dehydrate was unobtainable, my own input reducing Tins, which are bulky & unsafe (metal). I never recieve recogniion nor payment despite having a Peerage.

Targeting of Christ

It became less severe not when I was called & informed everyone who I was, but when the UK left the EU, where the Holy See were abusive beyond rational explanation. Expel them from the EU. Christ means Saviour, get those life tired Monks out of there & listen to me.