The NWO cannot be a World order because it is imperial & robbing. God wants his own World order & the US version is wanton, cruel, stupid, obsessive, nuclear mad, baseless, permissive.
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Last Labour Cabinet & Conservative Cabinets
God says they are insolent & guilty of very serious sex crimes as well as blood of his loyal. He says they will suffer Hell for as long as they exist, even from one life to the following without end.
Burning Soul
Home Office
I'm charging with conspiracy to murder a Labour Peer, multi Crown & Second Coming of Christ. Forcing family to Eastbourne with serious threats (East Born). I am correcting the issue of two ends of the World in scripture, one with Charles & one in a thousand years. You are a Global security risk.
Judgement of God:
You are all East at the HO by new funds meant to rid us of WWIII problems.
White Horse
There is $200m available for the defeat of Upper Saxony.
Saxons, I am your Crown
The White Horse is of White Horse Stone near my Home Town in Kent, where Kings are Crowned King, I am paying wages as you would expect from your leader as well as delivering the Words of God.
UK Gov
We have a list of offences to which some add. Where do you think you are going? Pay back in while you have authority.
God said one of the few cases it is acceptable these times. The enemy is at the gate. Aim them all at Washington.
Monday, December 7, 2020
Displays of Supremacy
God said you have to be thick to think a vaccine for one Germ is the end of his strangle hold on disobedience.
Sunday, December 6, 2020
Iran & Venezuela
US sanctions hinder Iran & hurt local Venezuela. God said tonite overcome the US by support for these two Countries. Sanctions can hurt the US Government.
Is a secret UN order for acceptable practice in Intelligence operations & War also called the American World Order.
The CIA are supposed to be there for the benefit of all, yet the US are breaking away to lead Global Government. Serious problems escalated with the theft of Iraqi Oil, Policies were bought with an excess of money.
NWO regulation examples
"The new American world order was the natural consequence of the US being the richest country (it then had 80% of the world’s gold stock and gold was then money), the dominant economic power (it then accounted for about half of world production), and the strongest military power (it then had a monopoly on nuclear weapons and the …"
Kent Council & Family loyalty
Rev. 19 & Rev 5 are in progress, while Desolation efforts are being put down. Loyalty is very important because membership is good or bad & the bad will not be rewarded.
Commercial enterprise has been accepted as a means of revenue. We face Sour Grapes from the rich who enjoy the Private Sector. Business is like politics but less dangerous, a game. Competition can get low.
Kill these culprits. Sax Cobyrg & Gotha serious latent pub types, very vulnerable. Wanted for 1/3 population massacre in Venezuela, more than Hitler starved to death. Also assisting the Queen to control the UK. Not Saxons.
Michael Gove
Charges of incest, Child Pornography production, Crown murder & other unnecessary to mention. Always skulking about as if waiting to be accused.
Gove: Pervert in Education authority 2007 - 2014
Saturday, December 5, 2020
Suffer horrific murder betrayed by their leader, unwanted children, domination by Russians at UK operations etc. Get foreigners sterilised or we have to kill them. Block entry or years of labour will congratulate officials with destitution.
Body Worlds London: UK officials anesthetised & woken flayed