My Website's funnier than your front pages, Gabriel publication. The Sun is a Michael publication.
COVID19 second wave. Here's a clue to who's responsible:
Here's the indication:
My Website's funnier than your front pages, Gabriel publication. The Sun is a Michael publication.
COVID19 second wave. Here's a clue to who's responsible:
Here's the indication:
It probably surprises to see God making Phallic signs. Gabriel has dominated scripture by Government, the Prince of this World. Extremism is for the repentant & has an end of self punishment. Pursuit of chastity, poverty, selflessness, clean & inoffensive speech is not perfection, perfection is moderation.
You do not understand God who study scripture alone. Looking to the skies you see God prefers to draw Beasts & Dragons like Dinosaurs rather than men. They do not threaten creation or write lies about him.
In this episode of Rainbow "Visit to the theatre" - Peter Pan, a warning was issued that the identities that is the whereabouts of latents Zippy & George would be made known. There has been a Bioattack leaving me struggling. Not funny.
Geoffrey is Augustus Gabriel, Peter is Gabriel responsible for family unit problems. David is a classified class. Not conscious of most affairs. From left to right seniority.
WANTED: people who look like Augustus in relevant positions
This is prob personal to him so I decline to comment much. Phallus, a vehicle & direction Pink.
I have not been able to use the correct spirit names for class, said it before. The eyes have it, call them what you want. I am Michael. Use old stories to investigate. Match to a Class.
Note also that Gabriel is popular until time to nuke when he suffers desertion at the holy spirit. So he reigns, hoping for an oops situation without ability to stop. Creating negative circumstances by greedy consumerism.
The CIA are demanding the truth concerning Bungle & 9/11. I am not in possession of information:
Why the Communist Bear operated the World Trade Centre
Why the Romanov Imperial Eagle, enemies of the Communist Bear is Russian Standard
Why Terrorist attacks have been arranged by native Governments via alliance between Spirit groups.
Episodes of Rainbow teach new latent Spirits & have multiple episodes aportioning blame for 9/11 to certain Spirits. Including:
Naughty Zippy
Rainbow is a subliminal character education as well as an intelligence brief & has it's own biases like all free media.
The office of the Spirit was Tony Blair representing his Class in a concession managed by George Bush. Planned in the 60s.
There has been serious conflict between Royal & Communist Russia including massacres of Russians in WWII. Interstate East & West.
Can anybody answer why WWIII is about civilian targets? Against International Law. Keep it Military.
US short range bombers with large payloads outnumbering smart bombs are illegal. Designed to annihilate towns & not Military targets primarily.
All of the Caesars had a title when they became Emperor - Augustus. This shows what the Windsor Royals have been doing, similar - Ancient Egypt.
Augustus is Global leader increasing Nuclear Stockpiles.
You do not need to expand your ICBM stockpile. Take these out of the North. Also Nuclear Bombers in the South are defeating my efforts by association, Dark Grey. Remove largest Bombs, they do not have Military targets.
An honest President is a God send. Trump is criticised for failing to be dishonest with the public: US Military are "Suckers & Losers". The Military lose their lives for greed not defence & he wants to help.
Women are upset by the hostile letter. Everyone made them feel welcome. An independent report nudges favour since scandal & a warning was issued about published letters having serious double agency content. However it was a deliberate cry for help.
As well as attractive Women men of good appearance are welcomed. I have no information about the missing graduates. A buffer of attractive staff is like a fortune, without them aging Grandmother is lost & boys are Queered up etc.
The things I teach here are Ancient often & although I see & speak for God others have a wealth of knowledge from A to Z about nuclear intentions & sign language. Not my speciality, reclassification & prophesy are my place.
I have employed Ancients to revive Golden Dawn for mainstream, because secrets are worthless to a dead Planet. Teach them all about it, less veiling for reward, because reward answers problem makers. Try to do what I do, keep it short, pictures.
Gabriel insist they have a right to be who they are, a pest, pervert & holy identity thief. There is a God above who says no. An Island without serious military could be set aside for them, God would allow it.
David Lidington addressed the Women: Please leave.
"Of course, women have served in security and technology throughout history – and have often been pioneers in computing and codebreaking. I’ve attended briefings in the Lovelace Room, right here in.... "
Is a Swimwear model used by a German Gov. Communications 5 network. 5 is the Lightning Strike of God:
Mark anyone arguing for opt outs. They refer to mass Genocide within the BREXIT nuclear road map. Parallel stories disguise.
"What have we become" shoot him in the head, Jolyn Maugham QC, Gabriel class
Boris breaking the law
Is about taking down Gabriel dominated Courts.
Filling empty shops
Income based temp leases pending serious interest prevent folding & making too much profit both. The rent is always right. Work on perecentage of turnover.
The similarity between it & my Tattoo is deliberate Michael said. Left arm is Political. It is Horizontal flip meaning the Tarot desolation plan isn't good, exercise Politics rather than straight dealing.