The Archangel Michael

Monday, April 6, 2020

Rod of Iron

Russia are like animals, razing the sacred here & I need retribution. Persecute agents in all places around the World.

Red Dawn

Russia have not responded with respect to the prospect of alliance with a new English King (Three Lions) also King of Israel & Normandy & Italy, half Italian & loved in Rome. Instead they are odious towards us & are an enemy from today.

We will attempt to achieve surrender in England, France, Italy & Israel by Holy authority foremost & Royal status in those places. We hope at the close of 5 months to defend only & repair while war goes on around for an expected 3 years according to scripture.

The safe zone at Medway was not by agreement with me or us. Move all nearby Military here & most food & other supplies.

Target Russian agents in Medway up to & to death following serious crimes here, by payment to authorities overcome by Cold War. COVID19 is a Russian ecconomy boost by sacrifice in the West.

Alimighty God said show Russia all manner of generosity, favour & fair speech in the face of hostility to build up & then strike them hard.

Sunday, April 5, 2020


Security concerns & priest employment mean we will be invading Italy as well as England & France. Surrender for employment.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Almighty God said

Will I suffer silence in that day by annoying references to Keith? What have I done to earn your hatred? My life is your lives in these places. Tell everyone to be kind & allow Keith to make the changes he will know about that are contemptable to all in authority & otherwise often. Your way is ended & an ancient way is returned, suffer my Sun Keith who knows it today. The children will grow in it & not hate me nor my messengers.

71 & 93

The Sythe shapes left about places we walk are stupid & not heard. You will no longer hurt the people to fund war & damage communities. There will not be war this year as you expect.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Secret Tunnel

A boy I heard of a tunnel between Medway Forts, but read about a railway & dismissed what we never found playing there. This 1m wide tunnel appears to come from Fort Luton across the top of the Coney Banks to a slab on the steps. Perhaps to Fort Horsted or the Ancient Caves that were near Fort Luton.

SE, S & SW England

Those using Salisbury plain want to fight us. It demands serious nuclear assault by Russia. The reason is Royal blood in commissioned ranks. Execute commissioned officers to be welcome here.

Medway Council depopulate

Medway Council become an authority separate from central Government in the event of Holocaust. They have a depopulation policy like that of Auchwitz along with the other councils, work with little or no food.

Take the Council by force because I have international influence, including Russian nuclear targets in the UK & am not depopulating.

Medway Council

Allowing "Dr Russel" (our Mother) to believe you sanction Peter's latent execution of her (contrary to Rev 12) influencing Global affairs is the Gallows to you, again. We need harsher punishments for the multitude of crimes. I am not a lover of cruel deaths as competed for in film presentations, but I agree with some Medieval methods of making a deterent. I will charge you with failing the Earth by taking my voice offline & off note pad while I was by God's command improvoing it's fate. You will learn new suffering when you thought you'd seen everything.

Rochester Airport, Asda & Bluebell Hill with store & springs no longer has protection of my presence.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Chief of Staff

DCMG are now CMG because of a recent apponitment to Chief of Staff DCMG & lack of options to credit.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Normandy, France & UK

God gave Normandy to me to posses for him, yet France dominates & refuses. Likewise Medway is given intact & Kent to my care, take England for refusal of authority also France. I want the main distribution centres in neighbouring counties taken, I'll try to delay nuclear strikes. Fill our store rooms & shelves the way God ordered. Charges of Treason are being brought for failure to furnish this area as I've asked. Also at Normandy & Paris, hangings for stubborn neglect resulting in difficulty.

Monday, March 30, 2020


The area near Rochester Airport, some say much nearer Town centre is made a Nulcear safe zone. Please subsidise large Home stores to make everything desirable to improve home facilities & increase wages in the area. We don't want disrepair or failing kitchen appliances please. I expect Government here in honour of God who gave it because I am here. King of Kent first then England & Normandy.

Release the area & Normandy from COVID19 restrictions.


The main things missing are deemed neccesary for storage at this time & fresh food is available. Try to prevent shortages in future if we see the shops open again, invest in pasta, rice & flour especially.

Sunday, March 29, 2020


There will not be nuckear conflict while Charkes is 71 & married to another man's wife. If the "day of the Lord" has become a sham it shall not be.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Russian 6 US agents

Almighty God showed us inages today near ASDA Chatham. He said you shall not contaminate nor damage facilities in the area because of me.


Get the usual subverts clear of us please.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Bottle of Pee

Put this in mineral water & throw it into a bush. Robbery emergency measure. Don't put everything in one place: survival kit to move.

Try Whisky in a plastic water bottle consealed in a degraded area.


Relax fuel rationing near the time & block off one end of the M1 nose to tail the length. We want Russia to have an export taxation not to strip us bare.


Separate from France says Almighty God. You are requisitioned to holy service. Close borders, recieve at port. Return to France another time.

Almighty God requires sustain with fishing & road block for fuel wastage, tell them to turn the engine off.