The Archangel Michael

Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Put bread in your mouth & do not chew, but soak with energy drink.


This revealed problem makers delaying the hurried image. Seen with the naked eye the Pyramid had a 69 dark 6 red 9.

This looked like 6 sythe. In retrospect the red 9 is like the red cross of international rescue I think. There is also a red edge.

I was told to allow this to upload to Drive without posting. It looks like a Z with positive non nuclear thunderbolt or a 3 with a character somebody is supposed to recognise. 

God cut me this morning moving metal from the Government covert & a bear paw printed in blood on my right forefinger. 15 will be World leader & we are making a list of problems & problematic individuals. We'll take a look at it later. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Revelation verses 5 & 15 relate to me. I will kill everybody who refused delay until harvest. You are insolent from the serving girl to the Crowns & will die.

Death trap

This is a petrol station put near our Government covert, about halfway into the fireball with a spring bed, fridge, petrol tank, tin tub & other serious radiating metal at site.

Kill everybody in authority responsible & Apollyon will be a Russian Governor. Four Michael Angels are beneath Archangel Michael Rev 9: v 15. That's 9 & 5. Four are loosed & kill a third of men & 5 torments them.

Russian occupation

Do not engage, hide. On withdrawl take on the Garrison. I told everyone to get silencers.

Space 1999

Is a ludicrous misunderstanding of the Bible. I look now & it is obvious to me that the orbit is not changed until the Second resurrection 1000 yrs after the first. What are you doing? Death ends at the end of the ecosystem & a thousand yrs cannot be if you do that now. Stop this nonsense while I study.

Office of God in Government

It is a surprise to most to learn that God is actively involved in Government policy & SIS including illegal function. Moses or perhaps Muhammed were nearer to such things than Jesus. A lot of expectation accompanied the Second Coming of Christ concerning his former role. The scriptures however informed of an alteration, he will Govern & with a rod of Iron.

I am disappointed like most of you with my role & future role. I hear from God that Archangel Michael siezes control at any moment to draw a sword or issue a statement. God said that all things are possible to him & that there is a time for everything on Earth by him. He said that the World leader has no boundaries in the time dictated to carry out the dictated thing. It is 5 who is taken to the throne of God, not 6, 7, 8 or 9. Do as I say.

So the events of my life which helped the Queen's son to subdue the real Christ are no sin says Almighty God & neither can I sin as if one like me has a choice about anything. Cativity by authority dictates.

Lot's daughter a virgin was given to Sodomites. What were the circumstances & if that sentence was all you heard what would you think of Lot? God makes difficult times & allows awful solutions by dictation.


Almighty God said today that tools will be taken from us. Give every man tupperware & a spade please.

Silenced pistols

Bury them everywhere. Realistic expectation is to kill a hundred men. Keep fetching them to their colleague. Put their uniforms on & face away.


I find now I am 50 I have understanding as well as learning of scripture. I want a delay to read them again.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Authority over Authorities

God is Authority over Authorities for those who know what's good for them. Careers & marriages are made by forces, yet the rich are often unhappy & the blessed by trafficking a wife cannot leave them unattended. A framework is made by men & God weaves his design into it.

Church security

Baltic, Polish, Irish & Estonian troops are essential for Church saftey. Keep them clear of trouble.


Are very opinionated for base men without high level clearance. There is a way to include them which results in a dimwit World order rolling cigarettes in a boozer, Charles explains things to his. I have a Celestial security up to the level of prophesy concerning my future & serious Clairvoyance, don't expect me to obey or explain everything.

Cause three category to fall away before the day.


You have two already & my gloves, no more. They were tailored designer that Michael ordered by stealth.

Order of St. Michael & St. George

Genine DCMG.

Seven Spirits of God

I am made to represent the NWO all Seven here to call myself God's representation. There is more than they, Almighty God who spans the Universe & God eternal of our locality, who alters flint & clouds, who is sad about the fate of the Earth, but complicit. Forgive us intermittent commuication, every other post is for the time, because I speak here. The flashing red dot means ignore every other "Sun god" communication. The order is shelve then implement today.

The "blood" of the Lamb isn't free, it's damning to evil men & purges good men white with damning & shame so there is no hell hereafter. In intelligence it is a desperate 21 for it's cost.

Sky News retorted high cost "crap". All connected people are hazardous to lean on. What do you have that's a resource? Give give him an important story.


What do we know about radio Luxemburg?


Join to Israeli intelligence. Send a coastal defence Vessel to Gaza area & refrain.


Deny personal responsibility, but make massive consequences for needing a coincidence to time events. We want to get to the Weekend & talk about the harvest lunar eclipse later.

Baltics & Poland

Gather at Boxley, we have a number of wild hazelnut trees there, blast the spring clean. You will take command of Church security including my own. Stay on the open road from sundown Tue until late morning. You need more than you have, on a plane.

Diet pills

Make a wet sludge in a bag to prevent robbery. Keep B complex separate for strength. Squeeze it into your pocket if stripped.

UK Government

Insist there is no cause for concern.