The Archangel Michael

Sunday, December 8, 2019


God has given guidelines here & the Scottish have rejected international agreement in favour of sneaking around. It is depopulation not war, with expected outcome. Somebody throw a bucket of water over them to wake them up.

Countess of Orange

Germany, this is a holy authority especially now that I am told my responsibilities, that is who I am. Do not traffick the lady as you have.


God says Mary has to stay near during conflict, this is a warning. Michael has special training requirements in Germany. Give her cash for good shooting every day. I was a crack shot with a rifle first go having owned a pellet pistol.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Little Westminster

A pub nearby was made available for Michael, who said I needed to endure for God. He spoke to me often during the meet, he always does when in the company of lurid spirits he says. A bell chimed over & over to irritate every time his speech was 'wrong' & he complained about massive outnumbering at close quaters. A man in Scottish dress leaned at the bar & was noisey. Michael said afterward that he'd had my drink spiked so that the cost of the pint produced threefold.

I need the chemical produced for fuit juice alcohol until production is full. This is a pleasant Whiskey. What spices? I taste Aniseed.


The standard at Facebook is adequate properly administrated. Non nude sites with similar content of proper age group are allowed by God in the future. When the distasteful images are gone the horror will subside. Neither magazines of the former kind.

This is not offensive says God, yet is disallowed in the future (along with hidden agenda by double talk) because it conveys an Angelic message known to Governments.

There is too much interest in synthetic clothing since we used this model, leather breathes to prevent perspiration problems at SIS, which can be very unattractive.

Almighty God

Said if you do not permit the daily trend of Desolation reduction he will halt it. Further those things he said by me are disallowed because of thorough ingratitude. 


Tall women come from hierarchal blood or relationships & do not upstage a leader like large men. Backs to the wall, stand up straight, look forward slightly upward & stop rabbiting to each other as I approach.


You are contemptable by accident often. Put the spirit of Andrew over my local operation, who knows UK Royal etiquette


I asked God, how are they so stupid? He said do you remember your half brothers persecuting by distain when you took two children not your own to the family gathering? Yes I said. God said they have children not their own because of it.


Make a tree of Fench connections to stabilise. Neighbours, phone calls, work, shopping & those others connecting & again with those connections.

Organised Crime

Delay at Golf Course & irradiation serious. The saviour sent is not for time wasting nor killing. The bowls of Wrath are as I told you battle management to ensure the correct victory for God, Michael is not responsible for WWIII & you are attempting to kill off your saviour, the Second coming.

Friday, December 6, 2019



SIS have recieved payment to chase me off. Get them.


Special forces will watch your man travelling away to communicate & back again. Do it in a chopper.


Do not engage unless you need somebody to eat.

Almighty God

Says SIS are not alone here, also French security are serious against Christ. All Senior French & British agents are sent to hell on Earth for the remainder of their lives says Almighty God. Rare exclusions.

Nancy Pelosi, Bush & Blair

Give them no peace.


Michael said recently he could shut down every op in the World by ordering his type to blab about their job.


Erect all kinds of things covered in a shallow recess. Three of four Warheads getting through could miss everthing with enough recent activity nearby.


Do not have metal near your skin or you will contaminate your blood & become weak.