The Archangel Michael

Thursday, December 5, 2019

CIA terrorism

The CIA Global NWO security are a nuisance, having leadership in every terrorist organisation. Michael & Selaphiel have a non CIA Paramilitary group to oppose 666 agenda. What's the beheaded Eagle about? CERN studied topographical indicator.


Keep an eye on these blocks. Nice size for a mini Fort. ICBM emerge in the East in the UK, but can burst right above. They aught to be lower at one end to see advancing troops & blast push them downward to hinder movement. Dig the front in for these.

Beyond target: The West is open, that's a fireball cover bold, clip a cord to it inside, countersink. Hidden Counter measures West to surprise Paratroopers, tempting. Aiming a Warhead West is better than a direct hit & off centre.

If one has been hit dig a hole & scrape first, then put in a front row. Start building every twenty minutes regardless if they are being knocked hard. Ask Westminster how to move large stones. Pull my special sheet over the fork lift. Repair fake forts with hot blocks. Keep putting tents up nearby. Drive a JCB around every few minutes. This Fort is mainly to protect the heavy weapon & ammo, or the hole would be alright alone. 

Choppers lift heavier blocks. They need to be in the air a lot of the time until dark. Keep them busy.


Michael has paired them with women to cause them hell & heal by the male of their pair of spirits taking over due to disgust. I do not wish to meet them. Send the female who is always blamed & then find them innocent by trafficking.


Tell everybody on the case who I am. Achangel Michael reports that his instruction is beneath mine & a sham of concession to Global relations. He says do as I tell you or be damned.

Michael Christ, Messiah the Prince, or Saint Michael (Christ)
Birth for celebrations 5 January 1970

ICBM Battersea

The law of fun prevails so that Batter see has ICBM, insanity. I witnessed greater stupidity next to Dartmoor, solar station at it's edge. Move all of it & invite inspectors.

These will not even leave because Apollyon forces will blow it up for better Russian relations with me for damage limitation. We aim to destroy as many as possible of the pathetic UK numbers to keep our men out of trouble in the UK. That was the reason for Russian involvement with the recent Nuclear blast.

4000 counter measure missiles could be swapped for the 200 or so ICBM. Give them to God's army, Apollyon forces joint Global operations.

S 520

Japan are very pleased their rockets are acceptable to God, because they believed they were black market ICBM conflict contradiction, against prevailing NWO, Archangel Michael reports.

He said that it is not possible to meet demand without localised stealth production. The cost is as if bought at retail value it has been demanded.

They can be buried & covered properly in about 20 hours. Delivering to a mini Silo takes about 20 mins. The rest is digging & restoring the surface plus waiting for NWO GPS Sat coordinates they insist.

Serious contention arises from non compliance, keep them a large Warhead crater apart & fire them at trajectory estimated their own site & nearby. Michael said three a second apart, yet there surely cannot be so many made?

Defend empty bunkers as if occupied to help constrain trouble & deplete. The areas should be geared to surface Warhead, large airburst & bomber devouring, a persistent trap. Traps need Goverment communications to draw attention.

Alpha & Omega

I thought Alpha was about the breeding from stolen semen using Anesthetic. They call me Alpha which means Christ (Saviour).

The practice continues. Stop it.


I had a brass Sun from Boots that I loved. I had it about 15 years & then Left it in exile. Where is it?


Was heir & so a multitude gathered to hear that tried to Crown him. The religious fanatics took him by stealth & gave him to the Romans.

John 6:15 

When Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force, to make him a king, he departed again into a mountain himself alone. 

Today such a thing is not possible with me, who you call T-Rex because of the cross. It is like taking a member of the Roman senate that is also King of the Jews, because I am a senior Peer also.

Son of God meant son from God, like the Seven Spirits of God are from God not God.

John 1:49

49 Nathanael answered and saith unto him Rabbi, thou art the Son of God; thou art the King of Israel.

The spirits together are formely the Holy Spirit in communion.
The Almighty is Yaweh or Jehovah YHWH, the vowels are abscent from texts so pronounciation is awkward. Both are known as God.

You shall no longer call the spirits by the same name as he who spans the universe, nor a Christ.

You shall not make parts of a Godhead God, as if they are as great as our creator by confusion. You shall say Godhead & the third part you shall call the Word & not the Son.

You shall not call Mary "Mother of God" as if she gave birth to creation, you shall call her Mother of Christ, which is saviour.

The messengers of God are known as God so that a great fuss is made of them. It is not acceptable in these days.


Buys criminal investigation, policies & secret opertions around the world. Somebody has made a bank draft to keep me offline all morning with serious problems the rest of the day. I am paying for them to suffer double with their near family. You do not have an oil field & I will out bid you. You will suffer the cost of my loss.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019


I want the town destroyed for the sex problems around me. The dogs home is not a charity, they are all sex pest use as well a sniffer & breed message for walking. Blow it apart.


Target council members for justice.


How many large plants are edible? How can food be hidden other than paper products? Some things can have nutrients soaked into them, including amino acids to digest planks for example.

Design Museum

Look how tiny this launcher is! Covert nuclear counter measure, more please.

S 520 5 Japanese rockets are very good & inexpensive. Pushes through turf & planks like matchwood, tar them.

Wasting ICBM & drawing aircraft

An Isolated Quarry Is a good place to heavily defend & draw fire by persistent survivability & protected assets. An overhang should be dug & concrete blocks lowered to stop a large blast centre. Lay them long ways towards the middle. Bait a trap of trucks lowered into narrow holes & new tents. Keep them busy with signs of life, constructions & lorries, use the heavily contaminated ones. Light camp fires, stay downstairs.


Can be kept burning unattended by stacking a crosshatch of the correct mix of dry & green logs lit at the top. Leave a small gap between. Under a canopy.

Fortification, Consealment & Decoy

Surround your target with nodes of thick concrete with a hole to jump into, between them hide nodes of concealment to rush out. They will try to send several together if they fail. Paratroopers might find nothing but tents & firewood if they take your position, give it to them. Wait for the chopper to lift that & them. Sprinkle compost over your secret hatch & lay turf. Cut around in later using a metal detector to find the gap. Same for air, don't extend a pipe, rod from within.

Restore fortification

How Quickly can skilled men dig a hole to jump into & place concrete blocks around? Shallow bury them hooks outside off site. Cover a small digger. Scrape the ground within & ground zero is cool again. Keep three of everything if you are serious about holding the site.

Under construction

A narrow trench under buildings will withstand heat & blast blowing it all away. Crawl space, 20mt.


The Lord Jesus, the Lamb slain, is worthy to receive Power, and Riches, and Wisdom, and Strength, and Honour, and Glory, and Blessing.

Where are they? Michael asked, if we are he. They replied Jesus had them. Must be in possession of a Dead Sea scrap of parchment. Sounds more like the Queen, yet the miracles are with me.

Almighty God

Has contested the formerly upheld Demoniac representation of the Holy Spirit at Government. It does not have his official voice, which is here.

Of the Whore it was said that their great learning had corrupted them. Sight is lost of Almighy God by personal failure leading to neurotic denials.

US Congress

Your speech is like a high pitch of noise that continues past tolerability. I am not a farm animal to compete by selfish bullying & my time is not second to yours. Michael has complained all morning & I am complaining. Reason has left you & God has short requirement for you. CIS tried to cause the Stars & Stripes to be taken from you by damaging my watch to provoke God.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Nuclear shelters

Deep is no longer very good unless very deep with no paratroopers. The best bunkers require multiple craters edge to edge to uproot containers spread for miles. Alternatively the personal tent in forested areas.

Michael Spirits

Within Apollyon who exceed level 15 are to report it for special training, following a look at your score levels. Angelic cooperation test.

Soldier: How do I get a job with a big legged girl keeping out of trouble?

Brutal takeover, they say they're all occupied. Such competition is healthy for survival & called natural selection.

Soldier: Where are they?

SIS & the dominant factions of intelligence in other countries.

Soldier: What kind of training?

The game divulges whether your Angels have special conditions. There are very lucky shooting if they are allowed.