The Archangel Michael

Sunday, November 24, 2019

2001 A Space Odyssey

Michael has part explained to me that the Monolith, (two years before I was born, 1968) was about the NY Towers (2001). I think the apes are like the Ginger council in Planet of the Apes.

This clip is US supremacist. Possible sychophatism & / or denial of responsibility. UK Parliament was portrayed a mad house in Whoops Apocolypse US version.
It appears to portray the UK Government with a Stone Henge related plot, a former UK Parliament. A killing appears to alter rule & start nuclear conflict. We think that was Dorothy & Ray with my exile. CERN know the cloud formation above, Michael wasn't responsible, before my time.


There is conflict with the 666 about speaking here in an honest manner that makes them look inferior. They say they serve God when they try to destroy, it is prophesy & personal instruction. I should not look better they think.

Each day we invite some crim or other to task & make them feel safe. You are Satan & should look like Satan. God raised you animals & your ways are animal. Those who trust us are forsaken for previous crimes, like yours.


I want non Michael volunteers from Apollyon to shoot at dud incoming Warheads in various countries from ground zero in ordinary kit. £500,000 each. £1m for the man standing centre. Ranking observers please. We want to purchase tests with various ammunition.

Shooting Stars

Gatling guns

I require Apollyon to hold computerised incoming targeting complemented at it's side by a 12 inch barrel hand held in case of electrical failure or damage. Four more at 100m around with cover to dive behind or under, layered fabric perhaps. We like incendiary ammo because of a gas canister inside (Hydrogen) & soft white hot external, also tracer & armour pierce. Also standard rounds.


I'm glad we spoke about compulsary Steroids, there are non Michael in authority refusing. You're fired, before you refuse on a battlefield & oppose God. Uriel officers are fired, I am the Biblical King & you are political corruption. Get out.

Please purchase amino acid complex pills.

Prophet Michael Rex

Has one foot on the Earth & one in the Sea with a scroll in his hand. The first beast rises out of the Earth & the second the Sea. The Earth is Heaven & the Sea the peoples. The first is from the Archangels seven & the second two authorities East & West.

Oil: The gun is pointed to the sky.

Matthias Gerung
Born: 1500, Nördlingen, Germany
Died: 1570, Lauingen, Germany

Stand & deliver

It's a stick up. God said the 666 are targets of tactical nuclear Urban warfare, not especially the Scottish, meaning Michael & Uriel spirits in authority are exempt.

Our own feelings about Uriel & near family Uriel Jocks are not relevant this time. Michael & Uriel have opposite spirits that disagree. They are both unfallen because of equilibrium, God has official use of them. Threats to kill me are ridiculous, I will fight to the death with you assured of a future, unlike you all.

Threats to imprison will make you enemies of mankind. No cloud instruction will be forth coming, no help here like that which has reduced warheads to mirth, & no oil acquisition, all achieved by my posts online.

Kill all who cause internet limitatiion for the love of life or money.

Internet interuption

Comes by local representatives of the eight, having a link to their senior seated nearby or seat denial or Homosexual staff or pestering.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Capital City Defences

Are accused of attempting to preserve large populations. Very stupid move restricting defences in view of the enourmous quantities of ICBM stored illegally.

Gatling guns

At targets are becoming common, very good, not enough. There are three goes at least with ICBM with 4 to 8 warheads each. Second & third measures to meet them.

A warhead has been shot down to excitement by a longer style typically used with helicopters. Airburst warheads are common, however they need to be well within 7.62 range to destroy, less than half a mile.

Bombers will attempt to take on persistent targets. There is a nuke for them, detested by US & Russia.


We expect 100mt at 5 miles depth on the ocean floor & triggered by a bouy with an altimeter, to save two feet of flooding on it's own. More can be used & it will make hundreds of houses or pubs available. We think that's worth the trouble when building is no longer cheap. They could also serve as a defence. We suggest SW England.


Are compulsary for Blackwater & the other Apollyon forces. Weights are not essential, heavy burdens are. Weights are desirable because of weakness by exposure to radiation. Bulk up, survive longer. Remember sleep prevents muscle wastage & three days carrying without food will make you look visibly starved. Test on a non member for pay.

Archangel Uriel

Is not a title given to Uriel because he is an evil man, that is on the left hand of the Father. Those on the left hand are a by product the Lord does not like to mention in texts. It's like the food glorified on the table, & the by product taboo for upright conversation.

All personality types have low cast called Demons, who are not called unfallen.


Identify Raphael personality type Paedophiles for execution to coerce who has kept business quiet, also Uriel type.


We like Prim, like Dorothy Jones, Ballerinas & horse riding girls, lovely. We need the local stables to prevent sexual degradation because people like to see clean appearance smeared. Prim are for men who like a pretty girl with social niceness on a pedastal. Not for grunting men who think they need ruining or taking down a peg. Prim are half way to Christianity by default, but for secret dealings.


If you can believe that we are Reeve miracles will be common. You know about three famines halted around the world & God changing the heavens around me to images. Clark Kent represented the man & Reeve the 111 of World Archangel Michael & one billion of that personality type brought to subjection by the spirit.

Friday, November 22, 2019


This morning God showed me the course of an aircraft. It is a safe course for Russia over Ireland.


One of them can be stopped by agreement with Russia & China to avoid coastal & Island areas with ground troops.

God advises me to say that the US cannot Tsunami without enemy troops in it's course. Civil wars, aircraft & very important helicopters are therefore better in those areas. There remains the destabilisation of orbit, meaning one has to occur either pacific or Atlantic. God forbade Russia landing here. Also called the Irish zero in the day, bring me live sheep.

The area covered by three Lions is mine, surrender. I want all shelters inspected by a Russian deployment without incident or else. Failure to give up the 666 is warhead after warhead until shelters are gone & Russian troops provoking Tsunami. Speak to Mosciw now.


I am not able to do anything about the outbreak of war, it is something engineered from a very long time ago & is in critical final stages. I hope you divert efforts to cushioning with us. That involves:
Hitting contaminated areas,
Avoiding uninhabitted areas like Islands with anything like a target,
Depleting aggressive ammo & supplies
Improving defences
Anticipating food & female shortages
Puting breeding livestock before common human flesh.
Whacking warheads & bombers very hard with more than you have by double at least.
Hit Tsunami peaks with 100mt 5 mile depth.

Iraqi oil

The Iraqi Trillions were shared between all other World Archangels than my Father's who recieved nothing & had the finger pointed at him & me. The others spent billions on personal projects.

A share was intended & instead went into a bank account like our business accounts which we do not touch. God orders money to this place & that, not my personal account.

Oil is available so long as it is pumped through a broken window while you are away from home.

World Corruption

Uriel has reigned in my stead, being a licenced pervert of no biblical repute. I am trying to subvert those who intend evil & am claiming my own authority, with which I will try to subvert global destruction, the work of these fools, being the only unfallen World Archangel on the right hand of the Father.

Raymond's spirit was known as Superman, because of his great works against evil & for mercy. It is still senior with me.

In 1987 Christopher Reeve suffered crippling injuries which coincided with my engineered disrespect. The loss hindered my father who only had Stewart bastards & Italians around him.


When I was 17 & nearly a man God gave my respect as the natural father of Jesus who is to come because Raymond's spirit competed for power with my spirit in the Lords. I was sent to shop lift at businesses we owned by Government agreement for the year I was "one seven" I was also involved in the theft of two motorcycles which was redeemed by agreed theft of my own vehicles later & small other revelry.