The Archangel Michael

Sunday, October 27, 2019


The New Testament is for the people & unlike the old, which dealt with rule. When Jesus is educated properly he will address the Government & sometimes social behaviour. The Bible is very much out of date, buble is perhaps more appropriate. It made men agreeable & taught wisdom to youth. There is much more to God than he likes us to think, because opposites need be. Jesus will touch on new things like the other six spirits, some on the left hand & some on the right hand of the Father. It will not be appropriate to worship a child, neither the man.

We are ashamed of the account of Selaphiel in Revelation. He does not always distinguish between Michael & the wicked & lies about future prosperity, calling failure victory, hardship glory & death peace. Selaphiel is a concealer of undesirable things.

Venus Fly trap

Is a replica of a plant that lived on Venus.

Relatives are best according to God.


Please visit Liberty London & order fixrures for below. Some day what is beneath ground will represent the best a country had in some cases. Those giving shelter to 666 need not bother Michael said, because he has to pound them with warheads.

Under my Crown these things would not be stripped for private residence. The top would be dug to make a clean surface to build a walled town. The Earth would make thick Ramparts to prevent breach.

Streams will need scraping & also ground around spurs for drinking water. Begin at the source & transport or pump.


These unimpressive cloud formations indicate a problem with Almighty God, he has said.


The Howes family are Jegudiel & are a problem for all. Further those who have knowingly oppressed Archangel Michaels & my family are a danger to the second coming & should not live.

Saturday, October 26, 2019


When Jesus heard from John in prison he was unnerved, because he was preaching with John's disciples, so he made haste to another authority. Today some SIS problems can be quelled moving county, the further the better but sometimes the county line.


Is a way for congregations to meet their priest so that private Angelic reports can be made to them from the area of the Christian's movements. God never does anything for one reason, more like thirty. Embarrassment causes better behaviour.

Ian Howes

Otherwise known as Mark Reckless of Medway council obliterated the life of the former Archangel Michael & Plantagenet Crown Earl Raymond Jones, my father. The Howes have a family entitlement to Government like mine.

Luke 17:1

Friday, October 25, 2019


Archangel Michael is also known as Crom. Kit's Coty is a Cromlech & Cromwell my ancestor. Strange coincidences or God.


Those of you who I speak to here, who once lived close I expect to bless the area. Buy a propogation tray & raise small edible plants at open spaces near your home. Give them a handfull of pound shop grow bag compost & water them as you are able. Spread them out. Keep one of each variety in your garden so you can see if they are wilting for lack of rain.

If I were the leading authority every tree would give more than firewood & vegetables would grow wild, but you have dim wits. The only man with a brain in authority in Chatham planted the Chestnut trees of the football grounds, which are enjoyed every autumn.

Correction, they were on private ground. But he was the Mayor, an accident of competence. There is no love for common people in Government & now no provision for their own misfortune as a consequence, inedible flora everywhere.

There are ancient caves & stones on the map of the coney banks, but they vanished. Bad Government has a history in the area.

Core sample around here please. We need an ancient kiln specialist & modern stone cutting experience. 


Over the years I have encountered you without the knowledge of who you were, nor my place. You are arrogant & forceful. This is England & you are proud of Scotland. Your unholy Lion is removed from Michael by wing plucking & standing & given to Uriel at the left hand of God. I disrespect you & await your prophesied end.

The removal of the three Lions wings is a shame subverted by tails shaped like wings. God has returned them for my Crown.

Stuart: not arrogant, formidable.

You have less than a year to live like all who have been allowed arrogant behaviour toward us, aside from the pervert Uriel who does as God tells him only.

Prince Harry has the Stuart ginger hair, but it was giving her to dark skin that wasted her.

Ray Jones

Had matters he cared for, including house & family. The Crown is mine & the inheritance. Family businesses mocking my Crown are in for a drumming.

Counter measures

Of the things listed below the chief matter is heat which has a shock wave also, GPS torture, then rapid fire from a target site.


Electromagnetic pulse can cause nuclear detonation failure, retarded technical achievements. It also turns off radio transmitters. Flash switches trip & protect circuits.

Melting Warheads

Warheads are white hot when they emerge from reentry. It can be hotter than expected.

Multi Warhead ICBM

These warheads are said to be unguided & released at the right moment. Don't listen.

Maxi gun

A revolving gun of six or eight shells can be made with greater speed. Long guns are accurate, short fire shells an equal distance. I want rapid fire into the high atmosphere to shock wave ahead of warheads, they can also deliver GPS data to the ICBM releasing them. Neither option requires a long barrel. This is adequate, altimeter, autofire, binocular offsite locating

Pathetic defences of London can be seen occasionally, rocket tubes.

It is essential to turn off all radio transmition devices other than firing, perhaps take them to a local area, jam.

SIS: Doesn't look bad

Only seen three travelling London.

Burger King

Now that I am known to be owner of the chain those we've been forced to allow shares to for it's prosperity are in contempt. You will stop the Whopper & other mockery of my Crown or else secret charges will force the sale of your shares.

Archangel Michael

Has to threaten to kill the child of family of those who refuse shelter, food, water, clothing or sanitation. One dead this morning.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Black powder

Has been used since cannons & the ingredients are still the same in modern bullets. Not very good. Phospherous, sulphur also magnesium can be used with carbon to effect. Compressed gas can be ignited also. Otherwise standard explosives present a very good range of alternative charges for ammunition.

Heavier guage or lighter ammo is possible.

Google Earth

Is restricted because it has a flight simulation purpose if code is added. It can be useful to pilots expecting GPS failure, who can learn to recognise landmarks in areas they might be asked to fly.


This was designed in honour of me & represents Jesus father & the star man at Cydonia. Jahovas witnesses suffer Government code weighing them heavily down & promiscuity by them. It is a Government aquired church. A pilgrimage can be made to the site for penance & a prayer for me left with Angels there.


Meat can be preserved in salt water. It needs trimming, I like to prepare meat using ordinary scissors. There is enough when the salt will not dissolve, but settles after shaking.