The Archangel Michael

Sunday, October 6, 2019

World Bank

The money which results from overpricing of oil belongs to the World Bank, yet the location of it is very clear.


Is shaped like an Arab because oil is overpriced to control use of the limited resource. Consequently Arabs have more money than they can spend & were invited to try here. The Western quarter of London is leased by them with exclusive building projects.

An airtraffick app reveals travel between London & Saudi Arabia. Archangel Michael at the New World Order which was formerly God's World Order before corruption, insisted that money was spent here since World Government over pricing filled personal accounts & lined the pockets of the corruptors. The result was minor infractions on World policy by coercion of local authority.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Knights Templar

Have a man leading who is not of their class & need to choose a senior Michael to lead immediately, even if that is subject to pressure from four eyes & the Queen. Bob is fine until he isn't & then he is the Queen, Jegudiel or Nancy. You have to be ready to catch it.

John Major will represent him for the time being.

China & India

I have located another image referring to Blackwater blocking a Chinese move West. This time the bird is engaged head on. Take the surrender of the fleeing Indian forces & merge please. If I am saving them they have to submit to my authority. There are two lakes North which represent the two seas. 53.034736, -4.210956

It is necessary to drive China East & prevent entry into Europe. That is made easier because they will have travelled 1/4 the Earth to meet you there & moved East also. I do not want to loose Michael ops at the head on conflict, south please.

Mountains UK

Idyllic locations in the UK will suffer serious nuclear efforts to hinder survival despite encouragement to preserve mankind. It is because of military withdrawal to those areas as in the rest of the world.

Streams are cleanest in their early stages & a small pit should be dug next to them from where to draw water.

Look for heavy shadow on sat images facing away from populated areas & trees. This area is going to be hot, what else is there? Bing ordnance survey maps can be printed & laminated. I need to be in Lancashire or Essex because of Michael Kingdoms.

People will head to the hills looking for clean water & a cool environment.

Uriel's shelter

Is broken in says God. Uriel, also "Posieden" is in the sea with a Trident head being bombarded. Jarvis Cocker is evidence that this is known, since Uriel is promiscuous.

Uriel is also on Saturn (Roman god Saturn) & moons & looks like he is at a console. Enceladus.

Uriel: thank you

Blenhiem Palace

Is possessed of bastards form a line of bastards who took my inheritance. The matter is in secret files here & abroad. Contest for partial ownership needs to be put down by comparing the average expected circumstances of a bastard, who inherited nothing but what is ordinary for their cast.

There is something like a tanker of oil for resource there which buys & maintains several squadrons of aircraft, men & supplies. We expect the house to be ruined next year & we require everybody to leave.

If the house is inhabitable Blackwater are instructed to take it & hold it. Dig in on a perimeter.


Blackwater is in overhaul & Michael members are receiving promotions eventually. Others are being told that they will have no organisational duties during the coming conflict.

The sale of my shares & property is hindered by those holding it in care. Don't be stupid. There is common support for the liquidisation to pay for defences around the UK.

Burger King  St Michael  Poundland  Starbucks  Use links below to save image.

U boat sales abroad, that is shell, are very promising, so much that we need more sheet metal workers please. We can do it at location if you like.

Ben Page

Is suicidal in conduct & has plans for my & Archangel Michael's execution. We have Prophetic reasons to continue as well as personal, the scriptures are very important. The dimwit thinks they are saleable & optional. I want him killed at the alarm for shelter & his security shot dead around us. Source: serious pre crime report. When people are detained or shot outside of shelter there is no evidence


There is a common definition, a political understanding & a Biblical understanding of the statement. An apology usually follows an accusation of stealthy & bad conduct which compromises the wrongdoer badly. The political statement is normally a humiliation before the community & usually broadcast. The Biblical statement indicates a halt to the activity & a desire to compensate for loss.

We do not want to confuse Politicians who are sometimes distressed & without recourse.

Sand bags

Modern Nylon sand bags are weightless in quantity & come in sack size or the usual. They make effective use of dug soil.

Robert Worcester

Is to be executed at the begining of war with Ipsos MORI & all former security. Blackwater will take control of my security using nothing other than Michael spirits, including non ranks. Nobody else anywhere near, kill them. You need to take my area by force & make certain no other authorities are operating near. Dig in properly & have shallow buried transmitters. Don't make contact if I'm safe, it's a matter of prophesy that none attend me at first.

In Blackwater are all seven spirits because Seven thousand men could not be reduced to one thousand effectively. The others are subject to the will of the five fallen Archangels unaware, their attitude will be the same. We cannot keep them in command.

There is another challenge to my Crown by Blackwater & the Knights Templar. It is due to other protocols than Michael. The man I dismissed, a Raphael is sustained in employment. Execute him.

There is a council sitting regarding Revelation 9 to hand authority to the King of that chapter. It will result in grudging support for my leadership by almost all of the Seven, maybe all.

Blackwater will remain dangerous & subject to problems. There shall be no non Michael in authority, including NCO. See to it right now before campaigns & again at the last minute & during conflict. Shoot them.


Imbeciles will kill in villages, where things can be repaired by locally based men. This roof can be fixed or salvaged for example.

Friday, October 4, 2019


The scripture concerning Blackwater is specific. They are not led by a holy Prince, neither a persecuting band of paedophiles. They are led by a King with long hair, Apollyon is his name. Blackwater will kill all contest for leadership at the Knight's Templar without fuss or trial.


Are led by a Jegudiel, Bob Worcester. Jegudiel protocol in Pakistan start WWIII & Bob has been found guilty of the pre crime of my execution by Jegudiel security during conflict.

Templars who have had any persecution of me are to be executed without exception & they need a Michael leader to save the rest. Those that have touched are to be disemboweled.


A Templar sent a Blackwater agent to Wimpy, to walk out & block my way. The agent is dismissed & the Templars are asking for massacre. There is a protocol issue & we need senior officers of non Michael protocol shot in the back of the head if they make the battlefield.

Other non Michael should be ordered to front lines & point.


There is no requirement for any but the King. All family are expendable & can be replaced by hire. Hire they all are in any case.

Death of 666

There are 110 family for each of the 6 who need to die, 111 including them, times 6 making 666. The replacement for each is of crucial importance. The holier the replacement the cleaner & more just the World Government. If 111 priests were nearby when 111 of an Archangel heirarchy was shot dead the Archangel of each would enter into them & evict the Angels already there by seniority. That is a clinical replacement with a perfect Government.

My own family are filthy & unworthy of Government, although not a part of the 666. Only the modern way.


The Biblical story goes that each UK Crown receives their Kingdom for an hour. I am King of England, the three Lions. The Jocks are welcome to Scotland & the Micks to Ireland. They shall have no say in England or else.

You are to go to Ethiopia through Egypt at the beginning of problems if I have a say at all. Try to conceal yourselves there. I have had your withdrawal negotiated.

UK forces in Afghanistan can make a straight route through Iran without coming under fire. Go to Ethiopia.

The George cross is a rip off because I cast down the Dragon in Revelation 12 & we will not use it for that reason. Michael crosses have stylised ends. This Hog of Richard III is mine to use if it is popular.

References to Archangel Michael are also mine if you like them.

Templars have been very arrogant as servants & it is difficult to find anything mine which they do not claim is their own primarily. Including my heraldic red crosses of past battle shields & ownership of Blackwater. Making Archangel Michael cross as well as me.

US Congress

Are very serious enemies of God. They operate the representatives to conceal themselves & coerce Nancy Pelosi by sex usually to claim God is for their own policies. Now they have quietened my efforts to relieve serious conflict because of a petty military interest in Russia & other places.

The survival of Mankind is my concern & it is given to me to mend national famines & educate special forces in survival as well as Governments. The US are to be annihilated as a Government because God detests them as much as they disrespect him. No survivors, not even Michael protocol.

Thursday, October 3, 2019


Are recieving secret data from Archangel Michael regarding US forces & influence. We support Iran to kill your troops.

Nancy Pelosi is ordered by congress to misrepresent God with coercion in conflict with my messages from him. America is as good as finished. Put all intelligence to death in the day. Crossed the line.