The Archangel Michael

Thursday, September 19, 2019


Questions are asked by seniors about God's intentions following imagery from the very dawn of creation which dictated events. like this for example:

The images are hairy & horned like an animal with hoofs. God created men above the animals, but their behaviour is not always above them. There is a lot of pain & sexual confusion in the animal Kingdom. There is conflict between animal humans & those who recognise & obey God. It arises from the quality of the soul, animal souls are incompetent & degrade themselves. They are like those who spend their wages without thrift for lack of self control, they take whatever they desire & at the end have nothing, when others have a new car & bigger house.


Communications Intelligence Service are a very secretive operation, or were before I blew a whistle on them. Archangel Michael is a very senior Angel & has authority over CIS which the Government complains about. CIS are Angelic operations sometimes known as signals, because of secret speech & cooperation by their own language.

CIS are infiltration & monitor of communities & Government stations, all serious intelligence comes by them & excuses are made for the acquisition of information. They are very important in their time, however only those known as Michael & Selaphiel are of any real use for reform, damage limitation or mercies until conflict because of the other very senior Archangels. This site is for reform & damage limitation.

There are Seven spirits which make up the Holy Spirit, five are fallen & two are. The death of 666, which is the five plus Lucifer & their Government relays will make CIS fully operable around the world.


The desolation of the Earth has a silver lining in the short term & goodness in the mid to long term. The second coming of Christ accompanies a new era & Michael is ordered to kill the wicked everywhere, so that people are no longer abused by heathen & cruel Governments, but taught love for one another instead of how to masturbate pre-teen or how to fight each other & attempt to impregnate randomly in media or how to battle with the opposite sex for just a few examples of manipulation.

This is Sierra Leone which is the richest country in Africa. The Queen robbed it spilling the blood of their nationals as well as the UK military.

Abuses abroad by the Queen & the US & abuses of their own people by Russia has brought an end to their Governments at this time by suicidal attacks on others. Other Governments are like them without the influence. All politics is bought & sold in the developed world & none of them care for their people beyond economic benefits by international crime. At home contracts are given to expensive suppliers for personal payments.

The two most important things are to establish church administrations over communities, bringing children up away from those who remember former ways first & second to remove all former Governors who are not for any way but the way to personal wealth & are cruel. That's all of them.


Like the PM thinks he can be called my representative & then work openly in cooperation with enemies to mislead & misrepresent. He will be killed in an unpleasant manner in the day. I have been celibate 30 years & he portrayed us as enjoying sex. My celibacy is very important to the church that sustains my life.

Behold the arrogant before God.

Feedback: Rees-Mogg is upheld by apology

I was not asking you. I was informing.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Reports here are good concerning international relations but usually delayed. Russia has welcomed attack helicopters made abroad & are trying to use civil choppers as alternatives already they say. Michael spoke to them about padding out staff with engineers & keeping chopper factories running at night. Russia are not willing to use their own production & we are agreed to import.

There is a little spoken of prop aircraft Apollyon effort. Almighty God has approved Apollyon in the heat of conflict, where many are blessing him for help. He aims to manipulate at the front lines to see things progress as he wishes without complications.

Concerns about MANPAD are being met with ideas like dropping a network of special forces where they expect to be moving around, to avoid detection by satellite in umbrella mode. Sandbags help trenching. We can pick you up if you lay down.


The CIA studied satellite photos at roughly the same time as Mars photographs & this 1977 image from "Sinbad & the eye of the tiger" it is evidence that they noticed the topography of the bird's foot on a man. I conclude that the NWO has been for the destruction of Earth since the mid seventies.

This 1976 film "At the Earth's core" is thought to be a response to the threat of war along the lines of the speech of the Almighty Father of creation. The "Helter Skelter" at Cydonia, Mars. More money has gone into the weapons than the tunnels by about $300,000.00:1. Michael said that between himself & Selaphiel progress is made at hindering total destruction & total death.


Coup UK

We need to be sensible about the timing of a coup to save the UK. It cannot be that everything is lost before we find the excuse. We need everything military relocated so that it is not buried alive with Tutankhamun. That is does not die in ceremony with the Queen. Copycat coup nobody needs when the map below is marred by radiation. You need the Word of God that wins conflicts & halts famines, not a Jock that nails his daughter nor a German that watches his daughter lick her mother. Don't be annihilated.

Make a better job of this flood & nuke map.


Family & co workers are convinced we are their equal in arms together. You are worse than that today, again. Today you threaten me for not taking your abuses quietly. I am not a fool or a martyr for the iniquitous, don't bother me & I will not defend. You call me an asshole for self defence as if I am your subordinate. You are in for a very great shock when you meet me properly.

Feedback: You need to calm down

You need to stop dominating with devices & overwhelming numbers before you tell me not to stand up & tell you straight. If you want me to kill you I can allow you to dominate now & again. Why are you pushing boundaries? I will not fall. Fight us.

Mars god of war

The Total Recall Mars reference was about God's topographical art on Mars as well as on Earth. Don't start investigating was the message.

This is a man & an ICBM. The images represent the end of the greatness of the Earth. There is lightening between a grabbing hand & the missile so that the man cannot catch it.

A message concerning those who rejoice at the end, they are zeros. Nothing to be happy about, very much misery.

There are various pyramid shapes which are buried on the internet in their detail. The Pyramids represent the Illuminati, who arrange conflict as you saw in the comedies. Knight's Templar, Freemasons, other secret societies, fallen Angels & even Government ministers.

Helter Skelter

Is a code for the Nuclear War in media because of this spiral at Cydonia. There is a construction like it in Queen Elizabeth park.

The black circle next to what they called "the city" appears to encourage the death of the sinful. Cities are known in the church to be more iniquitous.

Who noticed the heel of the ancient image of a man? it is like the heel of a bird. What is life like around the Universe?


Is not an available female with over 100m of Crown investment in the bank or otherwise. An exclusive media position is given to people who need to represent at some thing or other & move in highest society without worry for bills or personal appearance. That Crown money has been the target of many families who insist that Cara is a free agent having sat around at a dinner party coercing. Shoot those families in the day.

Cara: Stop talking about my money

Shut up if you want to see your next birthday

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


We think this is China overwhelming a man with a bow in the area. Be prepared to move Apollyon.


I am seeking to hand over those who want war with Russia & make a security agreement of some kind. Most of us in the UK do not want conflict with them & a devastating war is not something we wish to be martyred at in our democracy.

I am offering Russia helicopter teams to shoot at bombers coming across their Eastern border. Please do not bomb the UK on receipt of your enemies here. Try to put it off while I get control, bomb another European country maybe.

Arrest all politicians at the outbreak of war, including other Crowns.

I want to buy commercial helicopters in Russia & also pay for their conversion to some extent. I need to keep them, so I don't want much from you. Weapons, not pilots unless we can agree that you will keep some of the aircraft.


An Eagle swoops into Russia & gets the barrel snapped off their M16, perhaps.


Lucifer facing the Lamb



Reducating India

Is a matter of killing their Government, which is chosen by the Queen to rob the people. Like all Imperial Governments they didn't hand the country back when they took it by force, they installed a robbing parliament to send them policy & produce.

India we have seen on an atlas of all places, will move through Pakistan to Iran & guard the entrance to the Gulf of Oman. As always we need to work within a framework given by Almighty God & not hope to succeed at altering it, very silly. We have to withdraw Pakistan & return them.

When their Government is dead they can be taught the rest of God's way, which is wider than the activities of certain Archangels of a time gone by (Hindu). The death of these incompetent teachers is very important for the Kingdom of our Lord which we have to engineer.


Was a man of unclean lips, yet he is recited by Jews in the Temple during most ceremonies. I am accused of cursing & spitting in the company of excrement. You who polish your appearance & manners to give a boy suck in private & worse are soon to be at an end.


India would rather we spoke about Krishna than Jesus Christ, evidence is contrary they say to their way of life. They have rejected God by insistence on particular kinds of content, the kind of thing which coerced Romanov & Nancy to falsify scripture & make statements for God which suited a Nation. Archangel Michael is preparing to annihilate your countrymen & take the region. Apollyon are under orders to destroy all aircraft leaving your country & occupied areas.


The hydra or Dragon image in the bottom right has four serpents, there are a further four emerged from it that we looked at earlier. There are eight heads of the Dragon & here is detail not in any scripture. Four are of the ancestry of one.

This appears to be a Seraphim. Perhaps five emerged from one & the short tentacle is not spoken of much.