The Archangel Michael

Saturday, September 14, 2019


US military are alarmed at news that Russia will devour the US as well as the expected flood on the US coast. In the UK I am working within the framework of Gospel to see what can be obtained in the detail. I have invited the UK military, SIS & CIS to switch Kingdoms so that they are no longer categorised defunct. Don't waste efforts attempting to remove Trump or waste or harass his support, make efforts in the framework.


We are pleased to be allies of the righteous of your country. There are outstanding criminal charges concerning abuses of myself & God's forces here in the UK. The justice system there is capable of handling the matters pre conflict & money is available.

Archangel Michael began the fashion of Moustaches for homosexuals in the Western media because of the severed head held by Kali in traditional Indian art.


I'd rather see the wheels at the side of my own & rockets obscured from satellites. We are working for 3000 choppers in the service of God to limit harm to facilities in all countries. There is a shock factor to consider, which makes life hard for those raised without serious lack & without certain skills. Things aught to be saved until they fall into disrepair some day.

We want you to hover in radioactive areas please. This water bucket is very good for moving people with a small vehicle.


We are using this:

We like this:


Russia dominates we read in 2 Ezra 11, the right hand head of the Eagle of World Government. That is achieved by the original Oligarch family, who were made rich by Russian national wealth to control in the US. The installation of Trump was unstoppable because the Angels of God supported the scripture that Russia would prevail.

Trump, Rockefeller, Rothschild.

David Cameron

Is squirming under the finger of God & is for death. So are those who seek my life by conspiracy.


There was a National chief Archangel Michael in India who is legendary, Kali. In the west the six Angels of a Seraphim have six wings because they fly in birds to message & in India Kali had six arms, because they carry out six simultaneous tasks also.


The Elephant Jegudiel is laughing in South America. Only at 100 meters Atlantic. I am your messenger of God to teach & to show mercies. Also to destroy my oppressors.

At 240 meters Pacific India is like a devouring Wasp & Iran is almost untouched.

We think this Lion headed fish represents India guarding the Gulf of Oman from Iran. We think it is an Indian variety because of a kind of moustache like that of their flag.

We expect India to move into Iran & possibly Saudi Arabia.

Friday, September 13, 2019 is a good site set it at 100m Atlantic.

Flooding UK

God says that this is the level you need to take valuables out from to higher ground.


I have spoken to Russia about UK troops in Canada & places not defending their homeland. I have made an effort to save, who did not die with their Queen as was planned, but hearkened & retained their lives. They say you need to establish a pre war agreement not to bear arms & suggest you surrender weapons.

I say surrender ammunition & communicate your intended movements. Wait for a reaction to this.

I want to use my Crown to return troops from around the world to Europe. There is a serious threat through Belarus & we have thousands guarding the US in Canada. Very foolish. I want them off base in Poland.

Fallen: Don't you know the outcome of the conflict?

Perhaps you don't, Demon. The flooding of the UK makes UK military the only citizens of my Crown which is the Royal line of the best servant of God at this time. That line should not close for lack of citizens & local authority is better than anybody else's under our Lord.

Body of a Leopard

The beast which has the four wings of the US & Iraqi Eagles has the arched body of a Leopard. The Stars are like the other beast references, national insignia, the stars like spots. This is the US Revolution flag. The thirteen states were arched on various flags upon US independence.


Feedback: That's a parrot


Observe the areas which have no electric lighting, they are less likely to suffer conflict. Do not camp down stream of them.

Find these near your expected location & visit if you have time. Take some of my helicopters to show some of each squadron, land & look around. This is safe.


Is today supported by every hypocrite & sycophant at accusations Michael misled her. Michael misleads the wicked all day who are sent to oppress & then hurt themselves in the execution of that oppression. The Queen is a wicked woman presented as a very Godly woman & is like all those offered the expensive restaurant, on the menu of which was the blood of Saints & toil of the honest.


Refuse to instigate nuclear war, make the Devils do it. The world would not forgive you.

Iran: You propose an alteration?

No, I say refuse to be the first to use nuclear weapons against international agreement for use of weapons. I would. You suffer accusations like me from those who force an issue.


We are at a stage where tank missiles are recognising a profile & not only heat. The next progression is being fought off by the US especially, because of advances in chaff which are thought to make their Airforce safe to establish air superiority & so win every conflict. Unreasonable.

The more military aircraft shot down the less damage (by an estimated quarter less) will result from nuclear catastrophe. There is a mission to kill those who are opposing this debate as well as the downing of aircraft by progressive technology. Money is available if you need it but we disrespect you if you do.


By Western standards are better behaved. They are applauded in many places for resisting imperialism led by Nancy. Things which were written long ago are coming to pass by God's consent & will. There are many different kinds of spirits from good to very selfish to evil & God has work for all kinds. The Evil are better to betray than asking a Pope to do it for example if God is looking for a particular result. The evil are still damned afterward, invited to work in that role or not. It's like being invited to dine at a very expensive place & being surprised that you are expected to help meet the bill according to what you ordered or accepted.

God made the Prophesies of Daniel while Israel was in captivity at Babylon. God removed the Jews, ransacked the Temple & possessions & took their wives, because Israel had become wicked. God is God & he desired to end the Earth before it's natural end by increasing consumption by profiteering until the Earth could not provide for it's population & destabilising it's orbit by Tsunami to speed up it's decline. We are all made by God & given life, good times & bad & his creation to enjoy. The situation is better considered if you remember that we all have only about seventy years to hope for & even heaven is limited.

The Jews are important to God because when the foundations are crumbling the rest is in collapse. Christ came to preach peace & sharing so that the poor are not without love & material necessities. The Jews accept the full range of God's business including war, capital punishment & other things acceptable in Moses laws. So they are capable of holy Government & not only holy society. Muslims also are obedient to Moses, but are often excitable about conflict. God has a use for them like all other people & the letter of the laws of Moses is the measure of guilt or justice in office.

St. George

George is a rip off, all images of Saint Michael with the Dragon are about me in Revelation 12. That's why our profile image is like a man emerging from a picture frame. When I was born the Carpenters wrote songs about me & I was anointed holy. I was called Messiah the Prince in the bible so that I was confused with Messiah the Christ & they wrote the life of Brian & called me Brian. I was hidden & ordered to behave as ordinary boys so that people forgot. You are in hell who opposed Apollyon & God will not repent, because your time is up for the sins of your lives.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


The Queen & UK servants concerning me are declared damned by God. All CIS, SIS or UK intelligence / military are damned to hell on Earth from today. So says God.

Life hell is by one or more Protocol heads or by direct order of the Almighty to more than one. Life hell is inefficient & God prefers hell for souls upon their death. It is similar to total subversion, where lives are taken to pieces by intelligence services, but can be fatal or involve fatalities without consulting the Government.

SIS: Good

We think so.


SIS involved in Laptop breakdown & card problems. Including coercion to complicity. Good money available.