The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, September 10, 2019


The EU have responded gratefully to investment into Apollyon helicopter antagonism & slaughter of one third of our enemy. Good, there is a structure in which we have to work in order to qualify for the role & the blessings of God which come with it.

I am King & I expect a total block to Russian aircraft over the UK. I want all of them down, even if you have to order some rearward for failure.


By the authority given me by Almighty God the whole Stuart Royal family is sent to hell on Earth. You are of the 666 & will be slaughtered. The Lion with wings plucked is the formerly winged Lion of Judah in Government, Government is unholy in your case & that of the wider Lancaster & Plantagenet families, who's Lions have not been "made to stand upon it's feet like a man". So the wings are absent also on the three Lions. I have included them on my own Royal Arms. Both Lions will be in use & the wings will be given & taken like a medal. The tails on the three Lions are often meant to resemble the removed wings.


Coastline countries have between now & that terrible day to move valuable things to high ground. What can be bought & what built for your treasure & military? What can be moved upstairs & away from ICBM?


Women forced to marry SIS inserts are no longer allowed into my shelter. Thank you, I'll make certain you die as well as your boss.


I have a gift for military accomplishment & I am driven from internet access continually by homosexual antics. I am holding Nancy's organisers responsible for firing squads. You know that it is my bow that kills the Queen & the scripture says I receive a Crown. You are suicidal in the UK.

We have left the city centre for supersaturation of homosexuals put into SIS accommodation & given all available jobs. You are aware of the time & leave organisation to the Devil. I am at this moment in outer London & the pests are attempting to move me on still. We refuse to work with them any longer.

Boris Johnson

Is not representing me, but Archangel Michael. I speak here only these days. Michael is as I disgusted by the Scottish woman that presents herself as his Nemesis. Kill her.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Poxy Scripture

This is nonsense, the "Apocalypse of Thomas" we rendered a Government joke recently

"At that time shall be very great rising (?) of the sea, so that no man shall tell news to any man."

How many people are caught upstairs or run upstairs if water enters their home? Thousands of people. You clowns should not ponder things too great for you. & what about the mobile phone network does a 30 mph flood even knock masts over? And what about those in their shelters?


There is a risk of nuclear blast & radiation (landing, if you aren't knocked over landing right there is ok). If you witness a Mushroom cloud while providing a missile umbrella, do not abandon your position very long, 10 to 20 minutes (fallout), keep well clear of the ground nearer the explosion, at least the max height of clutter. You should turn as if to head at full speed away from the detonation, but reduced throttle. Expect force 9 or a disaster. Can we get some wind training please.

Russian advance

These countries are encouraged to accept Apollyon helicopter squadrons with financial help. They do not have remarkable military reputations & present Western Europe with a problem. Apollyon is a five month contract from the beginning of WWIII at the end of which they have to attend the King.

Ipsos MORI

By the authority given me by God I am sending you all to hell on Earth & death.


There is a dilemma for Michael that is the Dragon with the beast is supposed to send the Earth into decline. He is not supposed to be a destroyer of the Earth according to scripture, because of the distinction made between him & the Dragon cast down by him, the Dragon then making a flood to kill Jesus. Michael therefore is reluctant to comment, so the devils & fallen have had a jiz about every detail, including my own persecution which is not even mentioned at all in the bible. They have written their own prophesies since before the seventies, hardly Daniel or John of thousands of years ago. Their prophesies are very often sexually perverse, these are the fallen & their Government colleagues deciding the future by officialdom in their own life time like a God of flesh that dies. The trumpet blowing Angels are those warning, not instigating conflicts, that is the fallen.

Syria & Iran

There can be no war with Iran without first cruising Iranian missiles in Syria & Iran. Do not agree to it, beast Prophesy. We know about the Threads & Space 1999 aircraft trigger, but why the crane structure & magnet used with cranes? What do they expect to be in construction or what was in construction in 1975?

Feedback: We have agreed to a missile, haven't you?

Archangel Michael: We discussed what is not yours to have very much say in & you wanted it all. Now you cannot have it. Think of something else, we do not like you rewriting or deciding anything.


I am challenged to prophesy if God's Word is upon my lips. I said stop the famine in Venezuela & it stopped. I said stop the blocking of food at port in Yemen & it stopped & I said prepare Ethiopia for the forecast famine & it was averted. God sent men & women hasting to save. What do you want me to say that saves? Do not Tsunami in the Atlantic, but the scriptures say my shelter is flooded over & I unlike you do not change them. I am a messenger of God, not God & I have no personal ability to overrule him. The false Prophet that is the Second beast writes their own will & convenience & I will prevent you.


The nations who respect the lives of women are those who will grow. Most countries have an almost all male force, so that at the end of them the population will be very small. In the mean time the men will work hard to repair & gather.


Contracts on all management worldwide, good money available.


Archangel Michael: MORI are a group of SIS demoniacs who cover at Ipsos MORI. They are employees of the Queen like all SIS & are partially chosen by the Vatican, myself (who I was allowed), Lords & fallen Archangel Gabriel. They handle requests for abuse from all quarters with input from myself to subvert that I am not destroyed. The joining to them of French Ipsos really made a negative difference which is portrayed by the humiliation of the Shah in Whoops Apocalypse, by the French, with subsequent horror for him.

Whore of Babylon

The Vatican & their security MORI made a mistake saying I should die for sexual iniquity. The Pope is made promiscuous & I have been celebate 30 years. Also I am called Messiah the Prince, that great Prince which stands for the sons of men & he who casts Satan out of heaven of the statues seen eveywhere. How dare you? The Pope is mentioned only once & with me greater in the same chapter, who must join the beast a little. Further to that I am Prophetic by poverty & pain in the traditional way & permitted to speak for God with my own tongue, unlike those called the beast who are called so for speaking of themselves & collegues as if they are their Archangel. God judge between us since I am called greater. MORI are animals who work for the whore & for the queen. Put them to death.

The Whore of Babylon is well documented as the Catholic Church, however it is specifically Vatican city & not the wider church until you get into the capital cities. The Vatican's political clout made it a target for every foul spirit in international intelligence. Every Paedophile & adulterer with a mild manner was dressed in robes & sent along, for hundreds of years. They in turn helped others through vetting. The Pope is not called fallen in Revelation 17. The main reason is that he is an advisor to Government & not an employee of, similar to myself. The sexual degradation of Government members by coercion is total, including incest, & responsibility lies with those in official positions.

Sunday, September 8, 2019


Is planned for the war with Iran, as you are aware. 2 Ezra is not a complicated account.

2 Esdra 15:28 Behold an horrible vision, and the appearance thereof from the east:

The Dragons are insulted Archangels, of Arabia - In Iraq & Afghanistan, NATO forces. Moving with great speed to impress.
The Iranians furious will attack with great power, also hitting Syria. 
NATO have the upper hand & the NWO Archangels conspire to join forces to cause concern.
Hoping Iran will flee.
An attack on Iraq from Syria precluding nuclear attacks that makes NATO fear. Possibly S 300 or 400 nuclear. 
The Mushroom clouds in the North make the initial nuclear attack serious, because Turkey or Russia are assaulted with them.
Warheads are in use because the clouds are in proximity & many "stars" are falling, ICBM then. s300/400 do not contain warheads. "Even their own star" reveals another warhead, probably airburst in the final stage other than the warheads sent to distributed targets.

This scripture is very remarkable & tempts accusations that the NWO wrote the whole thing. 2 Ezra actually has a long history, especially concerning Jerome of the 4th Century. An interlinear version is advisable. Resource


31 And then the dragons,[i] remembering their origin, shall become still stronger; and if they combine in great power and turn to pursue them, 32 then these shall be disorganized and silenced by their power, and shall turn and flee.[j] 33 And from the land of the Assyrians an enemy in ambush shall attack them and destroy one of them, and fear and trembling shall come upon their army, and indecision upon their kings.

s series missiles are a nuclear anti aircraft missile, which are supposed to overcome chaff. They can also hit ground forces (illegal). Threads 1984 concerning war with Iran portrayed a nuclear attack on B52. Space 1999 also portrayed a surprise aircraft assault at the outset of war in the pilot episode. So far S 300 have not been fired on aircraft by Assad or Iran.

The US has two aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean & Iran are able to move an s300 in Syria at night near to a known flight path (within 200km). Meaning they would need to fly over Saudi Arabia to Iran to avoid being shot at. Saudi Arabia are not cooperating with the US in the Persian Gulf & won't allow the military flight paths overhead. The US & UK need to abandon the Mediterranean.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Prince Andrew



This is a Government Helmet. The mask is based upon concepts first seen here. Infrared. This is no good on a battlefield where shouting orders or for ammo is common. Also I hoped for space for a kind of gas mask beneath & better vision to the side. This design is approved for urban night operations.