The Archangel Michael

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Life Hazard

The Night Break in has left flames between the walls lowering a child that Climbed on the Chmney inside.

Coincidental Burns under Anesthetic & firetrap fortifications by persistent break ins. Looks like they've been careless seeking Manslaughter Charges.

EMF app


Use an EMF Meter at the City Way Green. EMF is an Omnipresence Tool. Heart shape on the Bong Tree: 

Light Anomaly: Site of Crucifixion

The "FAME" Image is recognisable on a Dead Girl floating in the Lake, Water indicates volunrtary personal reduction. It means the Famous have a ransom to put off Blood Maniacs.
Full Image The Tree is very Old but Descended of the Judas One.

Right Hemisphere relevant. Multi Colours Right Hand mean manifested association, Left would be hidden Spiritual Associates.

W means Life (West)

Mug: This is what I & Cara as well as other Crowns & Family of complain about, speaking the business of another.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Another Bong Tree

I couldn't Adam & Eve it Man, there's a great big Bong on the main rd. Judas Tree ref. is a Stump at the City Way Veronika Tree Site. The Three are arrayed as at Moriah.   


Find the "Fame" Light anomaly on a Pre Raphelite having Cara's Intruder.


An Artifact known as Odysseus has been stolen from the Temple building. The frocked & Jeweked Lamb was at the Mary Grave position of the Cemetary Map. It was unearthed where Suspects gathered valuables under a slab refered to near the Horace Tree in Chatham Cemetary. "Petit" meant Pet Hit allow us to remove the Artefact. It was the inspiration for "The Odessa File" objects at Moriah having Graphic explanations.

School Uniforms Chatham

The Girls have been given miniskirts & Socks that appear as Boots Sixties Promiscuity Fashion. The Police Superintendent is responsible. Complaints from all of the Girls, all of the Parents & most Teachers. Traffickers watch them at the Prince of Wales Pub Military rd. Linked to William.

Jesus nailed Hands Only

An Image revealed Jesus Knob removed while his Legs were held, another watched closely into his Eyes.

Friday, May 3, 2024

Investigation hindered: Preraphelites

Preraphelites attempt to tell a Story of Arthur & Jesus connected to Global War. Guinevere can be identified looking like Shalott in several.

Left Annette Thompson Indruder, Right: Beth & Mother Intruder, Veronika subtle Cross Hand Signal Small & Index Fingers.

Shalot & Eve Cross pose, Shalott was Adam & was Judas (disembowelment ref. Red Flowers) & Veronika Eve (Left Eye Pierced ref. Flowers in Hand) confusing Arthurian & Time of Christ. Right & Left Hemisphere of Adams Brain facing forwards in the Two, normal. Right: Eve forbidden Fruit hint.

Confusion: Eve Model Right Eye forward called Shalott. A Bridge over the now Dead Sea is Lord Lees Grove. There was a structure where the Castle is but of Bricks

Garden Path

Working here has made it obvious the Garden was near the Well & the Path through it not to it. With retrospect having heard reports of Dossers as well as Dissers I would've let the area overgrow. The Well looks awful like a Council Drain, but 2000 yrs agp it was a Rich Family Project built by the Concrete Factory. The Money came by cooperation with Pharaoh, something that compromised Public Representatives.

Where there is Spring Water for Public use about Malvern People gather & Gossip while they Queue. A Garden would've been a Picnic Area & Romantic Destination. It's believed Rebecca unmarried was Fat & volunteered to tell the Men Folk off because they didn't try their luck, as was ordinary where Women visited.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Sir Prize

Surprise is injury for service to the Crown, hence a Cross to wear. Fortunately my Knighthood was of a former Monarch, not respecting enough to issue the gift to me, only a figure. Sir Tom Moore died.

Red Hair

Ginger Jocks are supposed to remember they'll all catch fire at the last, following their inexplicable Story Board of events, Lamped to manifestations. One's tempted to think the Spirit Kingdom is clever speaking of future events, but they drop jaws in their time for irrationality. Bird Brains believed they were so great they exceeded themselves future & were immovable.

The Key point grid is like the Roman Garrison or Police Service who miss or are hopeless against passive events like Nuclear Stockpiling, a minority violent effort too small & Stupid to control.

Bong Tree

Find another "Bong" Tree formed like a J. It has a spike in the Right Cheek of a Face. Trace the Eyes of the Rebecca Annie Statue.

Off the Path & toward the East!

This StarnForehead Cherub threatens Global War if intruders aren't sent to Death. Path North of Building.

Buddah: Fat Cunt

In the Picture the Chinese Bird coming together of veins in the Region hates the Man hunting with the feat (foot) of Avians. The Hatred is the same toward Avians hunting Humans at Wars, Trafficking, Taxation etc by Imperial Government. Buddah's retirement from massacres

Unknown Species protection exists within Humanoid Avionoid Hybrids

Q: How serious is the effect of Hunting or Keeping Birds for produce?

The Chinese representative is Buddah that overwhelmed India. The Fat Man Nailed Europeans to the Floor, Sodomised then left them more than any other of his group. Formerly Intruder within Ali of Timpsons Gravesend, now at "Dark Times" where they drew a Cross with Multiple Pins in it on the Fascia.

Buddah dominating an unknown Curry Expert, someone Local Today

Hitler: What cause is flippin Poultry. Man rear shooting at critic looks like Sharma. Milly Oid looks like Hitler's other Hemishere, 39 Steps.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Tea Leaves: Crossed Leavers

The origin is of "Traders" T Raiders who Nailed Villagers across Eurasia pretending to Trade Spices. It was not logistically possible to travel far selling them. A bigger thing is made here with Jesus because of God's administration centred in Kent, but People like Buddah, who is also the Pasha of the "Passion of Christ" killed for a Homosexual & sadistic alternative to work.

The local Indian Community is a US/Chinese Agency having Oids from 31 Maidstone Rd at Number 10 London. The Pasha is Senior Indian, Sikhs & Hindus.

Multiple Charges

Images about the predicated ICBM attack have been blocked by the Scottish siege across the Street, also Image processing for Paranormal Content. References to my & Cara's Death also linked to Global problems have been blocked.


A Paul Black Relative appears to have died age 45. Nigh O me hinted something about being a group Face. Her Days are reported numbered by the Clan.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Ruth Madoc

I Said we want to employ Ruth on the Radio, so some Taff Copper knocked their Door & murdered Her. Then they put some Fat Taff on the Radio with Ruth sawn in. Radio is a place where older Women keep their integrity, a bit like Movie Stars washing up at Eastenders but better presented. So how are you going to put that right Taff? You're dead too.

Latest , ICBM "Web"

Starmer leads nuisance & provides cover for a Dick Gun. Lunatic Title from the Queen that honoured Starmer & an Okd Man with a presentation. I have Titles coming out of my Ears Holy & Royal. Click Small Images.

Charles on the Owl Right Wing, Trump Mole Hat.

Owl having a problem 

Bathsheba & Esther are Identified next to Rebecca 

God drew my attention to these Two Signals. Arthur & Clara meant Cara was damned absconding. Maltby: Malt Bee confirms Guin tampered with the Beer. John Sinclair appears to mean John is in Claire, Baptist Oid.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Belgian / ICBM warning Zone

Images still blocked taken the day before yesterday. New Images from the zone are Queued.

This One says the Jesus Clone, a Jona Character designs my Neck Cut, "L" references Hell & "J" Jesus.

Owl attacks the Pussycat & J during a shattered Boat

Double Moon in a small image: David seeks destruction, larger image Son Shields Horace Head