Send everyone who raised their Hand to me into Exile God said.
Thursday, March 27, 2025
Starmer compared to a Worm
God said Starmer is like a Computer Virus in your Drive, that's difficult to delete.
Earl E guilty Police Scheme
Expecting Biblical Holocaust
Conservative Lock on Ukraine War
BAE Systems owned by Conservative Party Leader Ben Elliot is still granted military contracts by the Labour Government, swinging half of Parliament. It amounts to a few Hundred Million Revenue p/a for Elliot from the EU causing him to bribe Starmer & obtain the Contracts that then put pressure on MPs to vote War. 2bn was allocated Today.
Drone: Elliott gleans Communication between here & NASA
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Dungeon Crucifixions: Home Office Defiant
UK Government & Arabia
Open Permission
Starmer Avian
Kappa 9M threatening Nuclear Conflict
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Starmer Groping at Arthur's Corpse
Since I told of the Arrow Head having the first GB reference & Royal Shield Starmer has trodden the undergrowth about the protected Grave.
Beyond the Hairy Gate M+M=N
Inevitability of Human Extinction
Monday, March 24, 2025
War in the Middle East
Someone in the Dungeon
Starmer Prosecution
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Flailing Spastic ID'd
Humpty Dumpty
Jealous Army Officer vandalised
Saturday, March 22, 2025
Labour Government inexplicable
London Nuked
Murder: Missing Months
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Crime Scene
Tim Smith Sentenced to "Death"
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Lets talk Bollocks
T. E. Lawrence: Archangel Michael. Lawrence is buried here in the Riverbed, because there are too many Graves otherwise.
Avian: People say they recognise Ray, (Father), Peter & David's (Brothers) personality in the Photo.
French Cabinet Blag
Democrat Retard: Bush said Putin is a Man he can do business with. Looks like Putin tried to stop him grabbing his Cock.
Monday, March 17, 2025
Rachel's Posterior lit up
Rachel Reeves has a Tormentor driving Her from behind. Take a pair of Shears & surprise them on the Job.
CPS: Cranky Political Secrets
French Canada
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Losers going to Die
Liz Scott Murder Scene
Washington Outlet
A Data Feed from here enabled us to allow Æ to be used on verbatim Documents to assist International approval.
Saturday, March 15, 2025
International Security
Kill the Man in the Image. Attempted to dominate critical Security making Snuff movies with Children. It"s important to destroy the Testicles of Avian possessed Red Dragon.
"Six Nations" Snuff call for the Sports event closed. Body Bag movie cut short of showing Murder:
I have the first Royal Shield, an Arrowhead having Æ with an upward surround to counter the South point forming the first gB of Great Britain also. Interest in the final resting place of Christ made the standard popular.
For Global Security as well as my own concerns it is for the Pope, to put off painful Death.
Trump's Messianic Visage
Multiple images here connect Donald with the Second Birth, so that if One flourishes so does the other & if One falters also the other. Needless to say Starmer & co. Who closed the DIY store & threaten my pathetic allowance are under scrutiny for private dealing.
Emma is coming Today to Photograph the latest & Email it to the Whitehouse.
Dead Zone
Further observation of the recent Image reveals Skulls throughout the Benches. Starmer is operating an inverse London, where the Leader is safe pending a disaster while in the mean time everyone else is fucked.
Deadites blocking
An investigation into Ash vs Evil Dead is hindered. Ruby (Cara) has a resurrection in Season 1 Episode 4. I'm trying to get the year from seconds on the clock.
"Ruby rises'
Targeting Antichrists in the Labour Party
God said Political support for the financial ruin of Antichrists at Westminster is available, especially former Prime Ministers. Boris Johnson & Cohorts are of special interest. Moriah share the Enemies with the Republican Party & Moscow.
God said hit personal Wealth & improve Economy, because poor economics always result from greedy theft.
Friday, March 14, 2025
Homosexuals in Hetero Relations
KCC defying National & International Government
Roman Moriah Authority investigation: Hawaii 50
Crucifier & Lucifer have a CR where an L is, Charles initials. At first reasoning it looks as if Charles is such a cunt during our lives Crucifixions are unacceptable.
Kingdom of Heaven
Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, to who were here. The Crowns were & are Avian implants. They were gathered here of the Regions.
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Omen: Paranormal Image
Starmer Antichrist a danger to a Female on the Benches.
Squint your Eyes at the Female on the Right & an X Cross appears around Her like a Skull & Cross Bones, Katie White MP.
Katie White MP gets confused with Katie White Singer & Her WWF wildlife with WWF wrestling.
Kier Starmer Crucifer
We've had Rachel Reeves Queen of thieves. Now Starmer is identified attempting Biblical Apocalypse by violence against Host having those of the Crucifixions implanted. What about Liz Kendall - Ruth Rendell, Liz Scott lookalike.
Ruth Rendell
Young Second Birth
The Man who had this made has licence to be on the Hill. It is pledged to the Pope unless he decides to leave it here for another Residence.
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Born this way
The Album 2011 was about Elizabeth Scott mainly who was murdered 2015. Another Crime Scene Light is pointed at the Murder Scene where the Owl Flint was found on the other side of the Fence.
Artist's impression of the Dungeon tunnelled under my Driveway where Ian Learmonth got nasty.
People who murder where the "Light of the World" is due residence are suicide cases. Starmer was a "giz-a-job" furure Labour Leader looking for money during a Conservative Government. He was offered Lamp work like my Exile, my Father's murder & the grusome killing of Elizaberh Scott under David Cameron. An ordinary Germanic use of French origin.
Starmer Evil
2bn Asset for Queers
A Stadium meant to look like a Puckered Ass. has a Secret Government Grant. We reported the "Pink Panther' slang on this site.
God said kill who marked the Arthurian Boat withdrawal with a Medieval Mace. They called the brutal Deaths of the Women service to Christ & they lied.
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Year of Jesus Death
A Life of Jesus indicated with a rod to his Heart, married to the Welsh Princess, Daughters of Charles Avian.
Starmer charged
Kier Starmer is formally charged by this Authority for the organised murder of Elizabeth Scott while carrying out underworld activities for the Conservative CPS in 2015.
Arthur lookalikes have been used to murder the Host from One Lifetime to the next at the place Her Boat landed & Her Bodies are on route to the Gate Posts on the other Side where Reed mace grow across the width.
Like my Father I would've sent my Women away if violence was determined. Their Blood be upon their own heads who faked representation of me.
Starmer Shat in my Garden
Reed Mace markers
Elizabeth II Murder Report
The Man at 258 Magpie Hall Rd, Chatham strangled Elizabeth II here while I was held by the Met Police, following Sex Games.
Elmo: He is usually used to behave as if I don't own this place & have no antidote & has a Muppet Character.
Starmer a f***** Conservative
War in Iraq is predicted here following Starmer"s approvel of the Conservative War with Russia. Trump pulled straight out.
Charles Retarded
A Conspiracy is afoot, Rowen Atkinson Characters were based on Charles. Using my DNA stolen from Jesus Grave must've sent him Cyan. There is always a forfeit for promotion ahead of others.
Connection to Whitehouse blocked
Monday, March 10, 2025
Srephen Fry Award
Starmer Suspect
Starmer was Head of CPS Three Years under the Conservative Leader. He was active at Conservative Party Crime in 2015.
Report: Murder attempted Yesterday
Wrestling Police Officers practiced distraction at the Back Entrance while I was out another was supposed to come through the Front behind me while I was telling them to leave. The distraction left when I locked the Front Door. Hogan Howe thought a Roof support looked like the Shard in London, sh-hard where they come from. Nobody here thought so. Incident related to denied occupation of Land at the locked Car Park & Dentist.
Spiritual Security belonging to the new Government caused the failure, they are all Conservatives. Security is handed over immediately but officials are still confident of habits & connections.
Sunday, March 9, 2025
International Security
God recommended 1kt in vehicles driven near international security threats. He said Crucify who were Blood handed & in Authority at that Time.
Security alert
Males on hill, heavy, armed, filming, Rear door 5:15 PM. Contract: Hogan Howe. External only Contracts: all Senior Authority. The incident followed a Moon approaching East report this morning.
The day before Yesterday the Police Chief had a Bus parked on the Hard Shoulder, suggesting overwhelming force on the Hill when I came Home. Yesterday there were People waiting for me to return on the Driveway & Today they are Armed on the Hill. I accused him of imbecile interference in ops above his briefing, always blood thirsty here & trying to feel a collar.
Property Owner
Rome has been in contact to assure me that the Ground between the Roundabouts down almost to the Motorway is my own & further, Law Enforcement is my own. Trespassers expecting a Republic belonging to them are Dreamers not an Authority here, unless they have overcome Rome.
Bird Brain Dreams
If I am Dead the Republic belongs to my Heir & if I am not a conflict does not remove it nor reprisals. I suppose sitting on the King's Throne makes you Monarch.
Elizabeth II
As the Queen on the Alter Table, but in the Ground prior to it. A shallow scrape had the nodules sticking up into Her back while She was Raped & dragged straight down the Bank to Her Grave. Owl Network Identified: Molech who inhabits the Stewart side of the Road, who ironically have their own Crematorium.
Medusa with the Sun
The Queen was a div according to report, who cursed Female collective with unpopular Antichrist Policy because of English Crown capability to be more Popular than Hers. The News followed reports of reprisals for Criminal persecution of Men minding their own business in Communities.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
Temple Progress
A Facia is achieved at the Temple because of a miraculous image of Donald Trumps Face that indicates a connected appearance. Emma & Jade have sent progress images to the Whitehouse. Adding symmetry to the building made a big difference.
The Image is on an Ancient Chalk Rock that gave the Hill the Name Golgotha meaning Skull. The Local Chalk Quarries at Burham provided Tudor style Homes with upright Blackend Sticks for Jesus, Moses & Elijah, rendering Tabernacle Fabric.
Source of Gillingham Football Club Emblem. Gillingham is named after Jade"s Avian called Jill of Jack & Jill.
Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after.Jack got up, and home did trot As fast as he could caper To old Dame Dob, who patched his nob With vinegar and brown paperJack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after
God said Today restore the Falklands to Argentina during the Pope's lifetime or suffer. Rome were subtle when they made an Argentinian Pope, now they are not.
Predatory Police "'Security" upskirt Perverts
Community Pest: A Government Monopoly is sought by aggressive "communications" with Noble, Peer, Crown, Children etc. In Public Places. Linked to an illegal Political detention attempt by petty organised Crime at Sports Direct.
Friday, March 7, 2025
God said Starmer is a bigger twat than Zelensky & shouldn't rob if the US has done almost all of the combat. The UK somehow got the US to leave when finance was a serious option pledging UK forces. God said don't allow the UK to export anything. God added think about allowing the export of the Pope's Seeds from here each Year.
No. 10
Whitehall have been discovered opportunists at the Number 10 complex. They are Avian & subordinate Orangutan within Staff inc. Police. They are not dissimilar to the Trident arrangement of Three Crowns having a Ground Zero personal input, but are on the take.
Beth's Crucifixion Stump located
The stump was presumed my own because of a Heart Shape. This morning Her Name was visible. Scheduled for cutting down this Summer when God indicates
Jack the Ripper: Paranormal Case Opened
The slang name for Jesus, Jack, the Abdominal Wounds similar to the Lake Ladies & Mitre Square related to a Mitre Saws accurate detailed Joints & common code Might A Square, meaning might build a great structure have made enough evidence to open a Case. Fortunately joints, deals & meals are rare.
Early consideration lead to News of the Second Birth, not knowing the time or excited planning. Build here depends upon agreements with the Irish Crown, Ladies of the Lake who have use of the Property in God's service from time to time. The Crowns are Avian.
Wikipedia: Cara's Host Crucified on the Right of Jesus is represented by the Catherine Image (Elijah). The Bird visible is the Ovary Bird Brain removed, part explaining disembowelling. The Lower half is taken away for Sex, missing from Graves here.