The Archangel Michael

Thursday, March 27, 2025


 Send everyone who raised their Hand to me into Exile God said.

Starmer compared to a Worm

God said Starmer is like a Computer Virus in your Drive, that's difficult to delete.

Earl E guilty Police Scheme

Starmer is under investigation for the painful murder of my Father called an Earl. Video 2011. Also Money shortages that follow him around. Link

Locate the Shit on the Chart, source

CPS subsidiary Arcangel Analytical are under investigation for coersive accomplishments for finance, generating Global War, inc. Dungeon torture in attempts to coerce lucrative information from Family.

Expecting Biblical Holocaust

It's been difficult to explain reasons because of lost knowledge, Spiritual matters beneath God. Things like the normal paranormal images upon Trees that were once heeded. Wandsworth Prison is named after who shared images on Wood, called Wands because they effected people. God is illegal where Money is effected. Perception of God humiliates, he is Tall & overcomes all Earthly nuisances in his time not ours.

Who are Crucified?

The Woman in the Dungeon was a Media Agent of Royal Caste. Royals are Military Personnel that stand for groups in Communities, so that the Messenger is Shot or in that case Tortured for the wrong king of message. The Spirit Democracy has been difficult to explain in modern times. All messengers to London from Communities are destroyed. They expect to influence the messengers, called Angels. 

Animal dominance by surgical implants is blamed for stupid destructive policies that reject popular & professional opinion, & Holocaust is meant to erase Avian like Boris & Starmer, the rich from taxation not toil, & child perverts having that Neuro malfunction.

Starmer: Glitter Pervert

Dungeon & Apocalypse

The "Angels' refuse to deliver Community standards, leaving the final option. A "collective' or Democratic solution that heavily involves the Collective of the Omnipresent God, attempts to write off several Generations to get rid of the surgical Disaster.

Conservative Lock on Ukraine War

BAE Systems owned by Conservative Party Leader Ben Elliot is still granted military contracts by the Labour Government, swinging half of Parliament. It amounts to a few Hundred Million Revenue p/a for Elliot from the EU causing him to bribe Starmer & obtain the Contracts that then put pressure on MPs to vote War. 2bn was allocated Today.

Drone: Elliott gleans Communication between here & NASA


Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Dungeon Crucifixions: Home Office Defiant

World threatening stupidity on my Land was underscored this Evening with a 'Jesus' mocker on the property for vehicle Cameras as I returned. They went straight into the International Court.


Aircraft in International Airspace are now subject to International Law & can be shot down if they are carrying wanted International Criminals otherwise impossible to acquire.

UK Government & Arabia

You can talk to the Pope or Trump, who has been great here for God. The UK has something like the UK Reign in Ukraine or the Iraqi Oil handover to Russia, a French Government, the French hate the English & are Animal witted.

Open Permission

There is open permission to use a Digger on the Driveway. A Spike to hitch is recommended. Property Access Rights are available. Nuclear Conflict is everyone's problem.

Starmer Avian

Track Avian within Starmer, who always shows up whatever Party is in Office, Lamping me to Exile at Conservative & Battering my Mother with Labour. He recently warned Her not to allow my inheritance from Italy, causing a renovation block on the Hill.

Kappa 9M threatening Nuclear Conflict

The high speed Rocket has been into the upper Atmosphere knocking out Aircraft & Missiles anywhere in the World in minutes & drops into a narrow discrete Hole, almost undetectable.

It could prevent Starmer & other Crucifixion based Apocalypse Morons reaching an Airport without a Warhead. Put one of these in it. Other suggestions: Statistics, a Rubber.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Starmer Groping at Arthur's Corpse

Since I told of the Arrow Head having the first GB reference & Royal Shield Starmer has trodden the undergrowth about the protected Grave.

Beyond the Hairy Gate M+M=N

A Northward or upward motion of Women results from the coming together of Medusa & Messiah. What's on the Catwalk? God made a Sign in the Hair of the Masthead Statue.

Inevitability of Human Extinction

So it turns out the Crucifixion of Democracy Representatives has been driven underground, but continues. Now it makes more sense how an Apocalypse resulted from murders here. Everybody dies, we need to destroy Violent Perverts, who coerce Policies for Finance.

Monday, March 24, 2025

War in the Middle East

Written inevitability isn't supported necessarily. I was recently talking about media made during Elizabeth's Reign concerning the Years beyond, you would think She was still in Office for unwillingness to accept status. When things are inevitable variables add up to a possible neutral. 

Lawrence of Arabia

There is a Spiritual & Religious influence here that helped bond the UK with Arabs in WWI when Lawrence met Faisal. Today I am robbed of influence & treated like a Dog by the UK Authority & recommend only they are spat upon by Arabs.

Someone in the Dungeon

There is someone underneath my Driveway in the "Boris Burrow" Starmer is in charge. A US Citizen, out please Donald.

Starmer Prosecution

The International Court has ruled Starmer an invading Fool on course for Global War. He is not Elected by the Labour Party as their Leader.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Flailing Spastic ID'd

Mad overt ops having intensity of Public disturbances at the Airport complex were obviously someone who couldn't adjust when the Conservatives left. They hated who they hated, liked who they liked & built ops tall for the now opposition Party. The Madman came out from the Woodwork flailing like a Spastic when we called him Egghead.

The Loon is burning with ferocious heat here following reproof. I told him a couple of Paedophiles you don't like of the 70 you do, are not as important as a Billion Children dependent on a World Position. You should not use them as an excuse to break in because there is a Life threat sign you can utilise. He stated you're going to burn for those Children.

He gets too much encouragement from Starmer, who worked for the Conservatives at Criminal ops against the Labour voting Community & Peerages Three Years.

Humpty Dumpty

Kent Police Chief now nicknamed Egg Head because his shaved Head is getting Sawn has an accomplice a Report said Today. He was sentenced for removing Evidence from the Secret International Court, that was on my Property Roadside. 

A Man with a Paper Bag over his Head for Sex here claimed they had no perception anyone else was very important. The Bag turned out to be a Joke because Starmer is deaf & blind to consequences they said. They went on to say he wears Y-Fronts back to front so he doesn't need to remove them for Sex.

Jealous Army Officer vandalised

An Officer Jealous of the Lawrence of Arabia Bollocks tore my Military Bag & ruined a Shirt of a type I introduced personally to British forces for quick drying in field tests. I made what are called boundary breaking advances in Military tech in recent years in the US & UK by influences & Report to the Defence Secretary. Best read listening to the Movie Soundtrack you Queers.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Charles Avian Report

Trying to burn London again to raise GCHQ, Swansea, Birmingham, Highgtove etc. 

Labour Government inexplicable

Trump gave me a fifty for related work & Labour broke in the same day destroying £100 worth of gear, including a new shirt never worn. The Republican paid a large sum to get the fifty delivered. 

Break in last Night

The Culprits were swaggering while I was shopping. There are Three warning Signs here, the final of which states DANGER OF DEATH. Destroy all Males that were in the Building without exception. 

Withdrawal from Labour Government

I abstain from voluntary responsibility, can't or won't pay a living wage & then Trespass. I do not support any Policies, Military or otherwise. I can do some work with International Red Government. 

London Nuked

The Question of nuking London was raised following hatred from the UK Community & Foreign Red Parties, who form a Union that includes Labour. London have been venomous toward the People with Ethnic minority Leaders & extreme Taxation. 

Murder: Missing Months

The May Death of Lawrence corroborates the Trees-are-May clue from Theresa May. The January "Death" of Liz Scott means She was in the Dungeon for Months. We need it opened to see if someone is inside again. Princess Margaret "died' roughly the same time of Month. 

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Princess Margaret

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Crime Scene

Emptying my Can Today I saw that a Man has been watching both ends of the River directly opposite the Murder Scene having the Bed of Spikes. A Hollow has been dug for them & I found a Railing there like bronze Spears. A pathway has been made by KCC from Lord Lees Grove between Fencing to the position. 

The Spot is at the old Boat Dock where Guinevere is still accused of deserting the last Life of Jesus arriving at the other side, where the Avian Host is tortured to Death through the Ages. I apologised to Her Yesterday for Arthur's final Years, loaded with nuisance because everyone believed problems would be buried with him.

Cara's penultimate Critical Global Security risk

I'm suing the Scottish for claiming to serve Christ torturing the Host One Lifetime after another. They oppose me. 

Tim Smith Sentenced to "Death"

The Kent Chief Constable has been Sentenced to a Head sawing & Cranial Brain replacement following the stupidest thing I've ever witnessed. He took the Three Spiked Wheel from the Roadside for use on the next Victim according to Reports. The Assailant was identified as Scottish Quarter. 

Tim Smith: Porky Fat sweaty murdering Copper

Track his removed Brain, it thinks it's getting away., & track his bollocks.

Ending Apocalypse Games

We need an English Quarter Labour Voting Police Chief, to stop historical Satanic practices enjoyed by who were responsible for Root Apocalypse Engineering at the time of Christ. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Lets talk Bollocks

My Avian Bollock is called Michael, Archangel, that is Angel of the Arc shaped Hill. Before the Human rebirth of Jesus the Avian had Messianic roles, before reuniting, inc. T. E. Lawrence, who like other Royal Conscripts was allocated safer roles in WWI.  Lawrence was a Propaganda effort because he had the Avian of Christ. My Great Grandfather Percy Jordan (M.R. Lawrence) had the big Chin. Michael was also present in Muhammed enabling an Arab Revolt.
T. E. Lawrence: Archangel Michael. Lawrence is buried here in the Riverbed, because there are too many Graves otherwise.
Avian: People say they recognise Ray, (Father), Peter & David's (Brothers) personality in the Photo.


Stolen item: Murder evidence presented to the Public & International Community. Wheel with manufactured Three Spiked Nut. The Evidence was removed by an Officer supporting the Murderer after less than Two Hours at the Roadside. 


Items on the Property are mine, including the Owl at Front, Moses Wheels & the Watergate. We do not want to have to take things inside. 

French Cabinet Blag

An excuse or part reason is being considered for widespread robbery, military in expectation of an Oil handover to Russia, following a business deal with W. Bush in 2001. Conservative Bastards who persecuted the Labour Peerage financially are also in the Mangle. 
Democrat Retard: Bush said Putin is a Man he can do business with. Looks like Putin tried to stop him grabbing his Cock.

"when the businessmen come -- that depends, of course, on the U.S. side -- but we'll receive them at any time that's appropriate to them" W. Bush Whitehouse. 

Monday, March 17, 2025


There are Male & Female Human Brain halves implanted in the Horses in the House next to ASDA, on Maidstone Rd. 

Rachel's Posterior lit up

Rachel Reeves has a Tormentor driving Her from behind. Take a pair of Shears & surprise them on the Job. 

The Video is a Covert Report on the Horsted Bomb. There is a hidden reference to removing Avian Brain Ovaries by Bisection, taking most of the Body away, beneath ribs & the Head. 

CPS: Cranky Political Secrets

Crimes under Conservative Gov. should not need to be repeated under Labour Gov. for prosecutions. Danger to Administration is enough & does not need a pre crime minority report, some things are obvious & provable. 

A person murdered under a former Government has not rights during the next however the murderer does. Surely the murderer has no rights under the next. They are still Dead, it has to be proved they would not have or were unlikely to have lived into the next Government. 

French Canada

The Avian Possessed French are in the frame for Clock events on a "Calendar'. We recently Reported French origin based Western England are generating Clock media at GCHQ in Gloucester. 

To Avian, Possessions are Elite & not malfunctioning Humans, usually arrogant & suffering Spiritual damnation from the general Public. 

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Losers going to Die

People like the Wrestlers who kill Shadow Government forces under the Conservatives are not forgiven & cannot compete. Government sanctioned crime is not sustained if it targeted Labour Peerages, Councilors or in some cases Voters. 

Liz Scott Murder Scene

Another Spiked device was uncovered beneath the Ivy Today. Paranormal images indicated murders have not been put off by media coverage at this stage, Disasterous Ops since the Labour Gov. handover have not registered with offenders & in most cases have been set up as their ordinary Conservative Gov. Crime for political retribution. Burials in my River will be reported before & after, possibly during.

The Dental Implant Clinic illegally occupying my Lnnd handled Liz Scott's Head & Ovaries, that were transferred to Leeds Hospital, where Cara had a Flat nearby. 

Washington Outlet

A Data Feed from here enabled us to allow Æ to be used on verbatim Documents to assist International approval. 

Starmer's meeting

He wants support for occupation of Kiev. Do the opposite of whatever he is doing. 

Saturday, March 15, 2025

International Security

Kill the Man in the Image. Attempted to dominate critical Security making Snuff movies with Children. It"s important to destroy the Testicles of Avian possessed Red Dragon.

"Six Nations" Snuff call for the Sports event closed. Body Bag movie cut short of showing Murder:


I have the first Royal Shield, an Arrowhead having Æ with an upward surround to counter the South point forming the first gB of Great Britain also. Interest in the final  resting place of Christ made the standard popular. 

For Global Security as well as my own concerns it is for the Pope, to put off painful Death.

Security Alert: Home Bargains

 Hill kill Family present. 

Trump's Messianic Visage

Multiple images here connect Donald with the Second Birth, so that if One flourishes so does the other & if One falters also the other. Needless to say Starmer & co. Who closed the DIY store & threaten my pathetic allowance are under scrutiny for private dealing. 

Emma is coming Today to Photograph the latest & Email it to the Whitehouse. 

Dead Zone

Further observation of the recent Image reveals Skulls throughout the Benches. Starmer is operating an inverse London, where the Leader is safe pending a disaster while in the mean time everyone else is fucked.

Menstruous Rag: White is no rules Red is Dead

Deadites blocking

An investigation into Ash vs Evil Dead is hindered. Ruby (Cara) has a resurrection in Season 1 Episode 4. I'm trying to get the year from seconds on the clock. 

"Ruby rises'

Deadites are Avian who often have less than Human characteristics. They have their own inaudible communication that breaks down to open hostility.

Left Hemisphere

I'm buying Her endangered Human Brain to my position, Jesus Crucifixion image Axe.

Targeting Antichrists in the Labour Party

God said Political support for the financial ruin of Antichrists at Westminster is available, especially former Prime Ministers. Boris Johnson & Cohorts are of special interest. Moriah share the Enemies with the Republican Party & Moscow. 

God said hit personal Wealth & improve Economy, because poor economics always result from greedy theft. 

Friday, March 14, 2025

Homosexuals in Hetero Relations

Gov. Pairing for Anal annoyance

The disgruntled Male has passive aggresive tendance adding torture to instruction of their own making. 

KCC defying National & International Government

The Local Conservative Council is amplifying former National Conservative Gov. Policies & refusing Labour Policies. They were reminded of the Home Office Airstrike in London reported a Sonic Boom & didn't take it seriously. 

Roman Moriah Authority investigation: Hawaii 50

It's common for weak excuses & alternative Legends to include other than the inheritor of this Property. 50 means forces overcome, Murder One means stay in your own Authority & Book him Dano means write a report who ruined Daniel Prophet: Jesus. The Hill has been referred to as Hawaii in the US.

The thorough abuse of the Land by KCC has put off independent Authority my own.
Suspects: James is recognisable as Young Second Birth, Jack Lord my now Deceased Father, however the Negro looks like Elmo, & there are other I do not recognise.

Likeness: Ben Elliot's Avian is reported Senior to Boris' who was Pilot


Crucifier & Lucifer have a CR where an L is, Charles initials. At first reasoning it looks as if Charles is such a cunt during our lives Crucifixions are unacceptable. 

Kingdom of Heaven

Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is within you, to who were here. The Crowns were & are Avian implants. They were gathered here of the Regions. 

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Omen: Paranormal Image

Starmer Antichrist a danger to a Female on the Benches.

Squint your Eyes at the Female on the Right & an X Cross appears around Her like a Skull & Cross Bones, Katie White MP.

Recommend: Atomise No. 10 on a drive by from out of Town. The Leadership are Animal dominated, stupid as a Rat that claws in & eats & can't be reasoned with. They'll kill us. 

Hell E Reeves (basic international Code): Starmer is suspected of attempting to blame Reeves & murder Her in "Hell", the River L shaped (almost) called L & the Abyss in which Starmer slaughtered Liz Scott, Arse licking Conservative Government.

Concerns have been raised about Wales/France origin based Suicide Jobs involving Starmer as well as Queenless leading Females. Jockland hold the Gun that is Wales.
Katie White MP gets confused with Katie White Singer & Her WWF wildlife with WWF wrestling.

Host dumping Wales Avian

Kill them with Hand Grenades to make them think about their actions. 

Kier Starmer Crucifer

We've had Rachel Reeves Queen of thieves. Now Starmer is identified attempting Biblical Apocalypse by violence against Host having those of the Crucifixions implanted. What about Liz Kendall - Ruth Rendell, Liz Scott lookalike. 

Ruth Rendell

Young Second Birth

The Man who had this made has licence to be on the Hill. It is pledged to the Pope unless he decides to leave it here for another Residence.

God said

 There's nothing wrong with Donald's Steel & Aluminium Tariffs. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Born this way

The Album 2011 was about Elizabeth Scott mainly who was murdered 2015. Another Crime Scene Light is pointed at the Murder Scene where the Owl Flint was found on the other side of the Fence. 

Artist's impression of the Dungeon tunnelled under my Driveway where Ian Learmonth got nasty.

People who murder where the "Light of the World" is due residence are suicide cases. Starmer was a "giz-a-job" furure Labour Leader looking for money during a Conservative Government. He was offered Lamp work like my Exile, my Father's murder & the grusome killing of Elizaberh Scott under David Cameron. An ordinary Germanic use of French origin. 

Starmer Evil

Kier Starmer is at War with God. He said because the Church made a Tangent with Christianity during my Lifetimes, when I died every fucking idiot pretended to be me at Authority with occasional access here. When I returned they slammed me hard also who killed the Ladies of the Lake in my Name, I do not consent to any of them, you have to pay. 

2bn Asset for Queers

A Stadium meant to look like a Puckered Ass. has a Secret Government Grant. We reported the "Pink Panther' slang on this site. 

A Report Yesterday disclosed the Government is floored by Organised Crime & every Department is Cyan apart from the MOD.


God said kill who marked the Arthurian Boat withdrawal with a Medieval Mace. They called the brutal Deaths of the Women service to Christ & they lied. 


Holly has a Title now, formerly of a World leading Amateur Website in the Millennium. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Year of Jesus Death

Arthur was Eorcenberht of Kent, died 664, biblically 666, Æ was as ER according to a signal on Arthur's Grave. 
A Life of Jesus indicated with a rod to his Heart, married to the Welsh Princess, Daughters of Charles Avian.

Arthur was killed by Avian Lucifer called Eadbald & the other ordinarily with him, according to another signal with the darting mouth of Eadbald's Coin & a Paranormal image making H recognisable in his current form. When Uther died he was transplanted to Mordred & demanded the Kingdom returned to him.

Ten Lifetimes were written upon a Tree this time & that doesn't appear to be anyone's fault. 

Three Cross reference on Eorcenberht Coin

Starmer charged

Kier Starmer is formally charged by this Authority for the organised murder of Elizabeth Scott while carrying out underworld activities for the Conservative CPS in 2015. 

Arthur lookalikes have been used to murder the Host from One Lifetime to the next at the place Her Boat landed & Her Bodies are on route to the Gate Posts on the other Side where Reed mace grow across the width.


Like my Father I would've sent my Women away if violence was determined. Their Blood be upon their own heads who faked representation of me. 

Starmer Shat in my Garden

People have tried to associate themselves with morality & better judgement intruding here since Moses arrived, & Starmer looking like Arthur is no different to Charles looking like Jesus or a Welsh Royal obtaining beauty, all Hustlers. 

Reed Mace markers

The Plant is Alien to the River & malts like a Halved Flower Head. They indicate burials on the River Corner. 

Elizabeth II Murder Report

The Man at 258 Magpie Hall Rd, Chatham strangled Elizabeth II here while I was held by the Met Police, following Sex Games.

Elmo: He is usually used to behave as if I don't own this place & have no antidote & has a Muppet Character. 

London Calling by the Clash refered to the massive Lamping I got in the Weeks before I consented to attend. "Phoney Beetle Mania" was a Primordial Scream in images on Ash Trees & Flint. Media written before my rise is ordinarily conceited. 

Starmer a f***** Conservative

War in Iraq is predicted here following Starmer"s approvel of the Conservative War with Russia. Trump pulled straight out. 

Charles Retarded

A Conspiracy is afoot, Rowen Atkinson Characters were based on Charles. Using my DNA stolen from Jesus Grave must've sent him Cyan. There is always a forfeit for promotion ahead of others.  

Connection to Whitehouse blocked

I can't get anything approved. I have been instructed by God to approve a number of Agents for Paranormal Photography but the Police keep sending someone else. I don't think connecting themselves is primary reason, they are happier to ruin than steal. 

Monday, March 10, 2025

Srephen Fry Award

A new Award for wasting intelligence budgets on a cure all, Shit on a Dick is named after the biggest spender. 

Starmer Suspect

Starmer was Head of CPS Three Years under the Conservative Leader. He was active at Conservative Party Crime in 2015. 


Report: Murder attempted Yesterday

Wrestling Police Officers practiced distraction at the Back Entrance while I was out another was supposed to come through the Front behind me while I was telling them to leave. The distraction left when I locked the Front Door. Hogan Howe thought a Roof support looked like the Shard in London, sh-hard where they come from. Nobody here thought so. Incident related to denied occupation of Land at the locked Car Park & Dentist. 

Spiritual Security belonging to the new Government caused the failure, they are all Conservatives. Security is handed over immediately but officials are still confident of habits & connections. 

Sunday, March 9, 2025

International Security

God recommended 1kt in vehicles driven near international security threats. He said Crucify who were Blood handed & in Authority at that Time. 


Withdraw from Ukraine or suffer defeat to Russia God said. 

Security alert

Males on hill, heavy, armed, filming, Rear door 5:15 PM. Contract: Hogan Howe. External only Contracts: all Senior Authority. The incident followed a Moon approaching East report this morning. 


The day before Yesterday the Police Chief had a Bus parked on the Hard Shoulder, suggesting overwhelming force on the Hill when I came Home. Yesterday there were People waiting for me to return on the Driveway & Today they are Armed on the Hill. I accused him of imbecile interference in ops above his briefing, always blood thirsty here & trying to feel a collar. 

Property Owner

Rome has been in contact to assure me that the Ground between the Roundabouts down almost to the Motorway is my own & further, Law Enforcement is my own. Trespassers expecting a Republic belonging to them are Dreamers not an Authority here, unless they have overcome Rome. 

Bird Brain Dreams

If I am Dead the Republic belongs to my Heir & if I am not a conflict does not remove it nor reprisals. I suppose sitting on the King's Throne makes you Monarch. 

Elizabeth II

Evidence of Elizabeth II has been found at Elizabeth Scott's Murder Scene on the Plateau directly above Her Grave. At this stage it looks like She had Networking within the Saints Resurrected on Four Quarters for a Moral High Horse & Supremacy at Scotland. There were & are Three Avian in Each, Beth has been also suspected of Networking on the Welsh Quarter because of Her Name & appearance. Beatings of my Mother are also suspicious, already a suspected highjack of resurrected Mary. Starmer accepted responsibility. 
As the Queen on the Alter Table, but in the Ground prior to it. A shallow scrape had the nodules sticking up into Her back while She was Raped & dragged straight down the Bank to Her Grave. Owl Network Identified: Molech who inhabits the Stewart side of the Road, who ironically have their own Crematorium.

Talon injury to the Back indicates backers pushing a Mug Front. Prosecute: Dame Alison Saunders. 

Murder Suspect charged: Man living at 258 Magpie Hall Rd, a Relative of local Gypsy Family Surname French. Connected to the former Manager of Homebase previously Manger of the Priory Centre Dartfod by "Brush Strokes" Media. Paranormal: Images like the Plastic Bag Grave marker & Woman cut in half in the Picture.

Cam Girl in the News

A  Supportive Webcam Worker has an Alias in the News. 

Medusa with the Sun

The Queen was a div according to report, who cursed Female collective with unpopular Antichrist Policy because of English Crown capability to be more Popular than Hers. The News followed reports of reprisals for Criminal persecution of Men minding their own business in Communities. 

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Temple Progress

A Facia is achieved at the Temple because of a miraculous image of Donald Trumps Face that indicates a connected appearance. Emma & Jade have sent progress images to the Whitehouse. Adding symmetry to the building made a big difference.

The Image is on an Ancient Chalk Rock that gave the Hill the Name Golgotha meaning Skull. The Local Chalk Quarries at Burham provided Tudor style Homes with upright Blackend Sticks for Jesus, Moses & Elijah, rendering Tabernacle Fabric. 

Source of Gillingham Football Club Emblem. Gillingham is named after Jade"s Avian called Jill of Jack & Jill.

Jesus Dick cut off:
Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after.

Jack got up, and home did trot As fast as he could caper To old Dame Dob, who patched his nob With vinegar and brown paper

Jack and Jill went up the hill To fetch a pail of water Jack fell down and broke his crown And Jill came tumbling after


God said Today restore the Falklands to Argentina during the Pope's lifetime or suffer. Rome were subtle when they made an Argentinian Pope, now they are not. 

Predatory Police "'Security" upskirt Perverts

Chatham Town Centre are using covert Police, having Police Radios. Complaints about them gathering excited at the bottom of the Pentagon Escalators are unheeded. Only the School Girls are wearing the short Skirt Fashion. They also ignore a Homeless Man who sits by the Door waiting for them to finish School. 
Community Pest: A Government Monopoly is sought by aggressive "communications" with Noble, Peer, Crown, Children etc. In Public Places. Linked to an illegal Political detention attempt by petty organised Crime at Sports Direct.

Friday, March 7, 2025


God said Starmer is a bigger twat than Zelensky & shouldn't rob if the US has done almost all of the combat. The UK somehow got the US to leave when finance was a serious option pledging UK forces. God said don't allow the UK to export anything. God added think about allowing the export of the Pope's Seeds from here each Year. 

No. 10

Whitehall have been discovered opportunists at the Number 10 complex. They are Avian & subordinate Orangutan within Staff inc. Police. They are not dissimilar to the Trident arrangement of Three Crowns having a Ground Zero personal input, but are on the take. 

Beth's Crucifixion Stump located

The stump was presumed my own because of a Heart Shape. This morning Her Name was visible. Scheduled for cutting down this Summer when God indicates

Jack the Ripper: Paranormal Case Opened

The slang name for Jesus, Jack, the Abdominal Wounds similar to the Lake Ladies & Mitre Square related to a Mitre Saws accurate detailed Joints & common code Might A Square, meaning might build a great structure have made enough evidence to open a Case. Fortunately joints, deals & meals are rare.

Early consideration lead to News of the Second Birth, not knowing the time or excited planning. Build here depends upon agreements with the Irish Crown, Ladies of the Lake who have use of the Property in God's service from time to time. The Crowns are Avian. 

Wikipedia: Cara's Host Crucified on the Right of Jesus is represented by the Catherine Image (Elijah). The Bird visible is the Ovary Bird Brain removed, part explaining disembowelling. The Lower half is taken away for Sex, missing from Graves here.

The Post Mortem of Elizabeth Stride claims details of Veronica's Deceased Body, with some evidence of known injuries. Elizabeth Stride is believed to mean Queen Elizabeth tried.


The Antichrist publications insulted Jesus & blamed him for their own mischief, Avian Government unrepenting & still problematic in Kent & London casing Biblical destruction.